Workshop content for automated delivery in AWS for .NET
You will need to have installed The AWS.NET SDK. You could optionally install The AWS VS Tooling instead which includes the SDK, and also gives you intellisense for CloudFormation templates.
The samples within assume you are using the AWS SDK Credential Store. You will need to store an appropriate set of credentials under the "AWSWorkshop" profile to execute the samples. ResetCredentials.bat will help accomplish this.
- Working securely in AWS
- AWS a-b-c's
- Exercise One - DIY
- CloudFormation Introduction (supplementary information)
- Exercise Two - CloudFormation
- Question Time
- DSC a-b-c's
- Exercise Three - DSC DIY
- Question Time
- Exercise Four - CloudFormation + DSC
- Exercise Five - CloudFormation + DSC + Octopus (Form like Voltron)
- Discussion time - Automating infrastructure
What is presented here is 101 level infrastructure automation, and is not intended as a production solution. Most production rollouts in AWS will involve a significantly more complex setup to enforce appropriate security and scalability - for a reference architecture, see Amazon's examples.