I am a person passionate about technologies, in constant search of new knowledge and growth, a professional capable of solving problems by providing new ideas and solutions to problems. An empathetic person, able to solve conflicts and understand working teams generating the ideal climate for the fulfillment of the objectives.
- Frontend developer at Academia-Geek
- Frontend developer at Platzi
- Basic Javascript course at platzi
- Practical Javascript course at platzi
- Fundamentals of coding I and II at Google(Grasshoper)
- Angular and RxJS
- Observables
- HTTP methods (CRUD)
- OOP ⌨
- Typescript (TS)
- Bard / GPT IA's
- React
- Custom Hooks
- Sass
- Atomic design
- Mobile First
At Academia Geek:
- Vanilla HTML, Javascript & CSS
- React, React hooks, class & functional components ; Restful API’s; web deployment , Styled components,bootstrap, materialUI, use of Firebase and Redux
🏁👕👕👕 Teamwork 🎨 Creativity 🤗 Emapthy 🚩 Leading 🤔 problems analyse