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Dashboards Report
Dashboards report shows information about Dashboard, their Widgets and Time Series referenced by then in Controller
Dashboards report is produced when:
- Dashboards are extracted via Input.Dashboards=
- Report is requested via Output.Dashboards=
Dashboards report has the following file name:
Report\Dashboards.<Job File Name>.<Start Date and Time in yyyyMMddHHmm>.<Number Of Hours Spanned By Report>.xlsx
For example:
The data for the report is in the following files:
- Report\DASH\dashboards
- Report\DASH\dashboard.widgets.csv
- Report\DASH\dashboard.dataseries.csv
Data | Pivot |
1.Parameters | |
2.Contents | |
3.Controllers | |
4.Applications.All | |
5.Dashboards | 5.Dashboards.Type |
6.Widgets | 6.Widgets.Type |
7.Data Series | 7.Data Series.Type, 7.Data Series.Location |
This sheet describes the parameters of the extraction and reporting job that produced this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
UserName | String | User that was used to retrieve data from the Controller |
Application | String | Name of Application that was queried |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller |
ApplicationType | String | Type of the Application |
This sheet provides quick access to the contents of this report and provides at-a-glance number of rows in each of the sheet's tables.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Sheet Name | String | Name of the sheet in the report |
Num Entities | Integer | Number of Entities in that sheet |
Link | Hyperlink | Link to the sheet in the report |
This sheet provides information about Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
Version | String | Version of the Controller |
VersionDetail | String | Full version string of the Controller |
NumApps | Integer | Number of All Applications registered in the Controller |
NumAPMApps | Integer | Number of APM Applications registered in the Controller |
NumWEBApps | Integer | Number of WEB Applications registered in the Controller |
NumMOBILEApps | Integer | Number of MOBILE Applications registered in the Controller |
NumIOTApps | Integer | Number of IoT Applications registered in the Controller |
NumSIMApps | Integer | Number of SIM Applications registered in the Controller |
NumBIQApps | Integer | Number of BIQ Applications registered in the Controller |
NumDBApps | Integer | Number of DB Applications registered in the Controller |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller |
This sheet provides information about all Dashboards in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
DashboardName | String | Name of Application |
Description | String | Description of Application |
NumWidgets | Integer | Number of Widgets on Dashboard |
NumAnalyticsWidgets | Integer | Number of Analytics Widgets on Dashboard |
NumEventListWidgets | Integer | Number of Event List Widgets on Dashboard |
NumGaugeWidgets | Integer | Number of Gauge Widgets on Dashboard |
NumGraphWidgets | Integer | Number of Graph Widgets on Dashboard |
NumHealthListWidgets | Integer | Number of Health Rule Widgets on Dashboard |
NumIFrameWidgets | Integer | Number of IFrame Widgets on Dashboard |
NumImageWidgets | Integer | Number of Image Widgets on Dashboard |
NumMetricLabelWidgets | Integer | Number of Metric Label Widgets on Dashboard |
NumPieWidgets | Integer | Number of Pie Widgets on Dashboard |
NumTextWidgets | Integer | Number of Text Label Widgets on Dashboard |
CanvasType | String | Type of Canvas (ABSOLUTE, GRID) |
TemplateEntityType | String | Not sure what this is |
SecurityToken | String | If Dashboard is shared, the Security Token |
IsShared | Boolean | Is Dashboard shared |
IsSharingRevoked | Boolean | Is Dashboard sharing revoked |
IsTemplate | Boolean | Not sure what this is |
Width | Integer | Dashboard width |
Height | Integer | Dashboard height |
BackgroundColor | String | Background color (RGB) |
MinutesBefore | Integer | Time range for the Dashboard if relative to now |
RefreshInterval | Integer | Frequency of Dashboard refresh, minutes |
StartTime | String | Start time of Dashboard display range, local time |
StartTimeUtc | String | Start time of Dashboard display range, UTC time |
EndTime | String | End time of Dashboard display range, local time |
EndTimeUtc | String | End time of Dashboard display range, UTC time |
CreatedBy | String | Who created this Dashboard |
CreatedOn | DateTime | When the Dashboard was created, local time |
CreatedOnUtc | DateTime | When the Dashboard was created, UTC time |
UpdatedBy | String | Who updated this Dashboard last |
UpdatedOn | DateTime | When the Dashboard was updated, local time |
UpdatedOnUtc | DateTime | When the Dashboard was updated, UTC time |
DashboardID | Integer | ID of Dashboard in Controller |
DashboardLink | String | Link to Dashboard in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 5.Dashboards sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of Dashboard and their Widgets in all Controllers.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
Controller | |||
CanvasType | |||
DashboardName | |||
DashboardID (Count) | |||
NumWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumAnalyticsWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumEventListWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumGaugeWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumGraphWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumIFrameWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumImageWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumMetricLabelWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumPieWidgets (Sum) | |||
NumTextWidgets (Sum) | |||
CreatedBy | |||
UpdatedBy | |||
IsShared |
Example report showing Controller with many types of Dashboards:
This sheet provides information about all Widgets in all Dashboards in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
DashboardName | String | Name of Application |
CanvasType | String | Type of Canvas (ABSOLUTE, GRID) |
WidgetType | String | Type of Widget (ImageWidget, GraphWidget, EventListWidget, TextWidget, HealthListWidget, MetricLabelWidget, AnalyticsWidget, GaugeWidget, PieWidget, IFrameWidget) |
Index | Integer | Index of the Widget in the Dashboard |
ApplicationName | String | Application that is queried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget) |
EntityType | String | Type of entity that is queried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget) |
EntitySelectionType | String | Type of entity selection (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget) |
SelectedEntities | String | Entities that are quieried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget) |
NumSelectedEntities | Integer | Number of entities that are queried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget) |
Title | String | Title of the Widget |
Description | String | Description of the Widget |
Label | String | Label displayed by the Widget (when WidgetType=MetricLabelWidget) |
Text | String | Text displayed by the Widget (when WidgetType=TextWidget) |
TextAlign | String | Text alignment for text displayed by the Widget (when WidgetType=TextWidget) |
Width | Integer | Width of Widget |
Height | Integer | Height of Widget |
MinWidth | Integer | Minimum width of Widget |
MinHeight | Integer | Minimum height of Widget |
X | Integer | X location of Widget |
Y | Integer | Y loction of Widget |
ForegroundColor | String | Foreground color (RGB) |
BackgroundColor | String | Background color (RGB) |
BackgroundAlpha | String | Background alpha channel color (RGB) |
BorderColor | String | Border color (RGB) |
BorderSize | String | Width of border |
IsBorderEnabled | Boolean | Is border displayed |
Margin | Integer | Width of margin |
NumDataSeries | Integer | Number of data series displayed |
FontSize | Integer | Font size |
MinutesBeforeAnchor | Integer | Time range for the Widget if relative to now |
VerticalAxisLabel | String | Label for vertical axis |
HorizontalAxisLabel | String | Label for horizontal axis |
AxisType | String | Type of Axis (LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC) |
IsMultipleYAxis | String | Is graph using multiple Y axis |
StackMode | String | Is stacking enabled |
AggregationType | String | Type of health rule status aggregation (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget) |
DrillDownURL | String | URL to link to |
IsDrillDownMetricBrowser | String | Is drill down effect taking us to Metric Browser |
IsShowEvents | String | Should events be shown |
EventFilter | Object | Filter for the events to be shown |
ImageURL | String | Link to the image to show |
EmbeddedImageSize | Integer | Size of the embedded base64-encoded image |
SourceURL | String | URL of page to display in IFrame (when WidgetType=IFrameWidget) |
IsSandbox | String | Not sure what this is (when WidgetType=IFrameWidget) |
AnalyticsQueries | String | Analytics queries that are used (when WidgetType=AnalyticsWidget) |
AnalyticsWidgetType | String | Type of Analytics widget (when WidgetType=AnalyticsWidget) |
AnalyticsSearchMode | String | Analytics search mode (when WidgetType=AnalyticsWidget) |
DashboardID | Integer | ID of Dashboard in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 6.Widgets sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of Dashboard and their Widgets in all Controllers.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
WidgetType | |||
Controller | |||
CanvasType | |||
DashboardName | |||
DashboardName (Count) | |||
EntityType | |||
EntitySelectionType | |||
NumSelectedEntities | |||
NumDataSeries |
Example report showing Controller with many types of Dashboards and their Widgets:
This sheet provides information about all Data Series in all Widgets in Dashboards in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
DashboardName | String | Name of Application |
CanvasType | String | Type of Canvas (ABSOLUTE, GRID) |
WidgetType | String | Type of Widget (ImageWidget, GraphWidget, EventListWidget, TextWidget, HealthListWidget, MetricLabelWidget, AnalyticsWidget, GaugeWidget, PieWidget, IFrameWidget) |
Index | Integer | Index of the Widget in the Dashboard |
SeriesName | String | Name of Data Series to display |
SeriesType | String | Type of Data Series used |
MetricType | String | Type of metric displayed |
Colors | String | List of explicit colors (RGB) used by Data Series |
NumColors | String | Number of explicit colors used by Data Series |
Axis | String | Axis Type (LEFT, RIGHT) |
MetricExpressionType | String | Type of Metric Expression (Logical, Absolute, Boolean) |
MetricPath | String | Path to metric, relative or absolute |
MetricDisplayName | String | Metric display name |
FunctionType | String | Type of function to apply to metric values (VALUE, COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM, CURRENT) |
ExpressionOperator | String | Operator for metric expression (MINUS, PLUS, DIVIDE, MULTIPLY |
Expression1 | Object | Left side of expression |
Expression2 | Object | Right side of expression |
MaxResults | String | Maximum number of Data Series to display |
ApplicationName | String | Application that is queried |
Expression | String | Custom expression |
EvalScopeType | String | Not sure what this is |
Baseline | String | Which baseline to display |
DisplayStyle | String | Display type (CUSTOM, AUTO) |
DisplayFormat | String | Display format string |
IsRollup | Boolean | Not sure what this is |
UseActiveBaseline | Boolean | Should the Data Series use active default baseline |
SortDirection | String | Direction of sort (Ascending, Descending) |
EntityType | String | Type of entity that is queried |
EntitySelectionType | String | Type of entity selection |
AgentType | Array | Types of Agents selected |
SelectedEntities | String | Entities that are quieried |
NumSelectedEntities | Integer | Number of entities that are queried |
IsSummary | Boolean | Not sure what this is |
DashboardID | Integer | ID of Dashboard in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 7.Data Series sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of all Dashboard Widgets and their metrics by their Type in all Controllers.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
SeriesType | |||
Controller | |||
CanvasType | |||
DashboardName | |||
MetricType | |||
MetricPath | |||
DashboardName (Count) | |||
WidgetType | |||
ApplicationName |
Example report showing Controller with many types of Dashboards, their Widgets and Data Series:
This sheet uses data in 7.Data Series sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of all Dashboard Widgets and their metrics by their Location in all Controllers.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
SeriesType | |||
WidgetType | |||
MetricType | |||
MetricPath | |||
Controller | |||
CanvasType | |||
DashboardName | |||
DashboardName (Count) | |||
ApplicationName | |||
EntityType |
Example report shows Business Transaction ART metrics and all the Widgets and Dashboards it is used by:
- Home
- Getting Started Walkthrough
- Run
Excel Reports
- Detected APM Entities
- Detected SIM Entities
- Detected DB Entities
- Detected WEB Entities
- Detected MOBILE Entities
- Detected BIQ Entities
- Entity Metrics
- Entity Metric Graphs
- Registered APM Metrics
- Entity Flowmaps
- Configuration
- Events and Health Rule Violations
- Entity Details
- Snapshots
- Snapshot Method Calls
- Individual Snapshot
- Users and Permissions
- Dashboards
- Health Check
- PowerBI Reports
- Tableau Reports
- Browser Reports