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Platform Automation for PKS/PAS on AWS Using Control Tower Concourse

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What is this?

This is a fork of to target AWS deployments.

The following steps use Control Tower to build a Concourse instance on AWS, then uses a combination of S3 buckets, Credhub, a suite of Platform Automation tools and a single Concourse pipeline to deploy (and upgrade) the entire OpsMan and PCF product stack directly from the Pivotal Network.

The pipelines currently support Pivotal Container Service and Pivotal Application Service with related products.

Fork this repository

I recommend forking this repository so you can:

  • Make modifications to suit your own requirements
  • Protect your active pipelines from config changes made here

Increase your Elastic IPs limit on AWS

I have reached the 5 EIP limit while trying to setup both PKS and Concourse. You should fill out a request form to increase this limit to 10. The form is available [Here]

Create your jumpbox from your local machine

Everything is hard on AWS (especially when trying to run from the command line), so we will try to avoid directly interacting with AWS as much as humanley possible. It is also quite difficult to keep track of all services you use, so it's best to only create services via terraform that can be easily destroyed when needed.

To that end, we will use a Google Cloud Platform jumpbox in order to perform all activities on AWS.

gcloud auth login --project ${GCP_PROJECT_ID} --quiet

gcloud services enable \
  --project "${GCP_PROJECT_ID}"

gcloud compute instances create "jbox-aws-cc" \
  --image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" \
  --image-family "ubuntu-1804-lts" \
  --boot-disk-size "200" \
  --machine-type=g1-small \
  --project "${GCP_PROJECT_ID}" \
  --zone "europe-west2-c"

Move to the jumpbox and log in to GCP

gcloud compute ssh ubuntu@jbox-aws-cc \
  --project "${GCP_PROJECT_ID}" \
  --zone "europe-west2-c"

All following commands should be executed from the jumpbox unless otherwsie instructed.

Prepare your environment file

> ~/.env                                                                     # (re)create empty file
echo "# *** your environment-specific variables will go here ***" >> ~/.env

echo "PIVNET_UAA_REFRESH_TOKEN=CHANGE_ME_PIVNET_UAA_REFRESH_TOKEN" >> ~/.env # e.g. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-r
echo "PCF_DOMAIN_NAME=CHANGE_ME_DOMAIN_NAME" >> ~/.env                       # e.g. "", "", "", etc.
echo "PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME=CHANGE_ME_SUBDOMAIN_NAME" >> ~/.env                 # e.g. "mypks", "mypas", "cls66env99", "maroon", etc.
echo "GITHUB_PUBLIC_REPO=CHANGE_ME_GITHUB_PUBLIC_REPO" >> ~/.env             # e.g.

echo "export OM_TARGET=https://pcf.\${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.\${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}" >> ~/.env
echo "export OM_USERNAME=admin" >> ~/.env
echo "export OM_PASSWORD=$(uuidgen)" >> ~/.env
echo "export OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE=\${OM_PASSWORD}" >> ~/.env
echo "export OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION=true" >> ~/.env

Before continuing, open the .env file and update the CHANGE_ME values accordingly.

Ensure these variables get set into the shell every time the ubuntu user connects to the jumpbox:

echo "source ~/.env" >> ~/.bashrc

Load the variables into your shell with the source command so we can use them immediately:

source ~/.env

Prepare jumpbox and generate service account

sudo apt update --yes && \
sudo apt install --yes jq && \
sudo apt install --yes build-essential && \
sudo apt install --yes ruby-dev && \
sudo apt install --yes python3-pip && \
sudo apt install --yes awscli

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev software-properties-common libffi-dev nodejs yarn

Configure your access to AWS:

aws configure

Provide your AWS Access Key and Secret. You can get them from the AWS console by clicking your username on the top right and selecting My Security Credentials:

AWS Access Key ID [****************AAAA]: 
AWS Secret Access Key [****************AAAA]: 
Default region name [eu-west-2]: 
Default output format [json]: 
cd ~

wget -O fly.tgz${FLY_VERSION}/fly-${FLY_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tgz && \
  tar -xvf fly.tgz && \
  sudo mv fly /usr/local/bin && \
  rm fly.tgz
wget -O control-tower${CT_VERSION}/control-tower-linux-amd64 && \
  chmod +x control-tower && \
  sudo mv control-tower /usr/local/bin/

wget -O om${OM_VERSION}/om-linux && \
  chmod +x om && \
  sudo mv om /usr/local/bin/

wget -O pivnet${PN_VERSION}/pivnet-linux-amd64-${PN_VERSION} && \
  chmod +x pivnet && \
  sudo mv pivnet /usr/local/bin/

wget -O bosh${BOSH_VERSION}-linux-amd64 && \
  chmod +x bosh && \
  sudo mv bosh /usr/local/bin/
wget -O credhub.tgz${CHUB_VERSION}/credhub-linux-${CHUB_VERSION}.tgz && \
  tar -xvf credhub.tgz && \
  sudo mv credhub /usr/local/bin && \
  rm credhub.tgz

wget -O${TF_VERSION}/terraform_${TF_VERSION} && \
  unzip && \
  sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin && \
wget -O terraforming-aws.tar.gz${TAWS_VERSION}/terraforming-aws-v${TAWS_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
  tar -zxvf terraforming-aws.tar.gz && \
  rm terraforming-aws.tar.gz
cd ~

aws iam create-user --user-name pcf-installer
PCF_INSTALLER_RESPONSE_JSON=`aws iam create-access-key --user-name pcf-installer`
source ~/.env

aws iam create-group --group-name pcf-installer-group
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2FullAccess
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRDSFullAccess
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRoute53FullAccess
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonVPCFullAccess
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMFullAccess
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSKeyManagementServicePowerUser

Create a custom policy as follows:

cat > ~/custom_pcf_policy.json <<-EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "KMSKeyDeletionAndUpdate",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestedRegion": "eu-west-2"

OR if you want to limit the deployment to a single region only, use the following:

cat > ~/custom_pcf_policy.json <<-EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "KMSKeyDeletionAndUpdate",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestedRegion": "eu-west-2"

Continue creating permissions and service accounts:

PCF_INSTALLER_POLICY_ARN=`aws iam create-policy --policy-name custom_pcf_policy --policy-document file:///home/ubuntu/custom_pcf_policy.json | jq -r .Policy.Arn`
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name pcf-installer-group --policy-arn $PCF_INSTALLER_POLICY_ARN
aws iam add-user-to-group --user-name pcf-installer --group-name pcf-installer-group

Clone this repo

The scripts, pipelines and config you need to complete the following steps are inside this repo, so clone it to your jumpbox:

git clone ${GITHUB_PUBLIC_REPO} ~/ops-manager-automation-cc

Create a self-signed certificate

Run the following script to create a certificate and key for the installation:

DOMAIN=${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME} ~/ops-manager-automation-cc/bin/

Configure Terraform

cat > ~/terraform.tfvars <<-EOF
env_name               = "${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}"
access_key         = "${PCF_INSTALLER_ACCESS_KEY}"
secret_key         = "${PCF_INSTALLER_ACCESS_SECRET}"
region             = "eu-west-2"
availability_zones = ["eu-west-2a", "eu-west-2b", "eu-west-2c"]
ops_manager_ami    = ""
rds_instance_count = 0
dns_suffix         = "${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}"
vpc_cidr           = ""
use_route53        = true
use_tcp_routes     = true
ssl_cert           = <<SSL_CERT
$(cat ~/certs/${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}.crt)
ssl_private_key     = <<SSL_KEY
$(cat ~/certs/${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}.key)

Note the opsman_image_url == "" setting which prohibits Terraform from downloading and deploying the Ops Manager VM. The Concourse pipelines will take responsibility for this.

Terraform the infrastructure

The PKS and PAS platforms have different baseline infrastructure requirements which are configured from separate dedicated directories. Terraform is directory-sensitive and needs local access to your customized terraform.tfvars files so symlink it in from the home directory.

If you're targetting PAS ...

echo "PRODUCT_SLUG=cf" >> ~/.env
cd ~/terraforming/terraforming-pas
ln -s ~/terraform.tfvars .

... or, if you're targetting PKS

echo "PRODUCT_SLUG=pivotal-container-service" >> ~/.env
cd ~/terraforming/terraforming-pks
ln -s ~/terraform.tfvars .

Launch Terraform

Confirm you're in the correct directory for your chosen platform and terraform.tfvars is present, then execute the following:

terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve

This will take about 2 mins to complete.

Install Concourse

We use Control Tower to install Concourse, as follows:

control-tower deploy \
    --region eu-west-2 \
    --iaas aws \
    --workers 3 \

This will take about 20 mins to complete.

Persist a few credentials

  control-tower info \
    --region eu-west-2 \
    --iaas aws \
    --json \

echo "CC_ADMIN_PASSWD=$(echo ${INFO} | jq --raw-output .config.concourse_password)" >> ~/.env
echo "CREDHUB_CA_CERT='$(echo ${INFO} | jq --raw-output .config.credhub_ca_cert)'" >> ~/.env
echo "CREDHUB_CLIENT=credhub_admin" >> ~/.env
echo "CREDHUB_SECRET=$(echo ${INFO} | jq --raw-output .config.credhub_admin_client_secret)" >> ~/.env
echo "CREDHUB_SERVER=$(echo ${INFO} | jq --raw-output .config.credhub_url)" >> ~/.env
  control-tower info \
    --region eu-west-2 \
    --iaas aws \
    --env ${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME})"' >> ~/.env

source ~/.env

Verify BOSH and Credhub connectivity

bosh env
credhub --version

Check Concourse targets and check the pre-configured pipeline:

fly targets
fly -t control-tower-${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME} pipelines

Navigate to the url shown for fly targets.

Use admin user and the value of CC_ADMIN_PASSWD to login and see the pre-configured pipeline.

Note control-tower will log you in but valid access tokens will expire every 24 hours. The command to log back in is:

fly -t control-tower-${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME} login --insecure --username admin --password ${CC_ADMIN_PASSWD}

Set up dedicated GCS bucket for downloads

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket ${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-concourse-resources --region eu-west-2 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-2
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket ${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-concourse-resources --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled

Add a dummy state file

The state.yml file is produced by the create-vm platform automation task and serves as a flag to indicate that an Ops Manager exists. We currently store the state.yml file in S3. The install-opsman job also consumes this file so it can short-circuit the create-vm task if an Ops Manager does exist. This is a mandatory input and does not exist by default so we create a dummy state.yml file to kick off proceedings. Storing the state.yml file in git may work around this edge case but, arguably, GCS/S3 is a more appropriate home.

echo "---" > ~/state.yml

aws s3api put-object --bucket ${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-concourse-resources --key state.yml --body state.yml

If you manage your domain name outside of AWS's route53, you need to set the NS records accordingly to what is shows in the route53 hosted zone.

List the hosted zones using this command:

aws route53 list-hosted-zones

Find the hosted zone for the current deployment. Get the details about this hosted zone:

aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id <hoste-zone-id from previous command>

Copy the values from the name servers, for example:

    "DelegationSet": {
        "NameServers": [

Set these records in your external domain registrar (such as Google Domains) as NS records.

Wait until the update is propagated but getting a response to this command:


Make sure you are in the right directory.

If you're targetting PAS ...

cd ~/terraforming/terraforming-pas
echo "PCF_INSTALLATION_KIND=pas" >> ~/.env
echo "PCF_REGION=`terraform output region`" >> ~/.env
source ~/.env

... or, if you're targetting PKS

Store secrets in Credhub

cd ~/terraforming/terraforming-pks
echo "PCF_INSTALLATION_KIND=pks" >> ~/.env
echo "PCF_REGION=`terraform output region`" >> ~/.env
source ~/.env
credhub set -n pivnet-api-token -t value -v "${PIVNET_UAA_REFRESH_TOKEN}"
credhub set -n domain-name -t value -v "${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}"
credhub set -n subdomain-name -t value -v "${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}"
credhub set -n opsman-public-ip -t value -v "$(dig +short pcf.${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME})"
credhub set -n om-target -t value -v "${OM_TARGET}"
credhub set -n om-skip-ssl-validation -t value -v "${OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION}"
credhub set -n om-username -t value -v "${OM_USERNAME}"
credhub set -n om-password -t value -v "${OM_PASSWORD}"
credhub set -n om-decryption-passphrase -t value -v "${OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE}"
credhub set -n domain-crt-ca -t value -v "$(cat ~/certs/${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}.ca.crt)"
credhub set -n domain-crt -t value -v "$(cat ~/certs/${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}.crt)"
credhub set -n domain-key -t value -v "$(cat ~/certs/${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}.${PCF_DOMAIN_NAME}.key)"
credhub set -n vms_security_group_id -t value -v "$(terraform output vms_security_group_id)"
credhub set -n ops_manager_ssh_public_key_name -t value -v "$(terraform output ops_manager_ssh_public_key_name)"
credhub set -n infrastructure_subnet_ids_1 -t value -v "$(terraform output infrastructure_subnet_ids | sed -n 1p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n infrastructure_subnet_ids_2 -t value -v "$(terraform output infrastructure_subnet_ids | sed -n 2p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n infrastructure_subnet_ids_3 -t value -v "$(terraform output infrastructure_subnet_ids | sed -n 3p)"
credhub set -n pcf_subnet_ids_1 -t value -v "$(terraform output ${PCF_INSTALLATION_KIND}_subnet_ids | sed -n 1p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n pcf_subnet_ids_2 -t value -v "$(terraform output ${PCF_INSTALLATION_KIND}_subnet_ids | sed -n 2p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n pcf_subnet_ids_3 -t value -v "$(terraform output ${PCF_INSTALLATION_KIND}_subnet_ids | sed -n 3p)"
credhub set -n services_subnet_ids_1 -t value -v "$(terraform output services_subnet_ids | sed -n 1p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n services_subnet_ids_2 -t value -v "$(terraform output services_subnet_ids | sed -n 2p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n services_subnet_ids_3 -t value -v "$(terraform output services_subnet_ids | sed -n 3p)"
credhub set -n pcf_installation_kind -t value -v "${PCF_INSTALLATION_KIND}"

credhub set -n region -t value -v "$(terraform output region)"
credhub set -n az1 -t value -v "$(terraform output infrastructure_subnet_availability_zones | sed -n 1p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n az2 -t value -v "$(terraform output infrastructure_subnet_availability_zones | sed -n 2p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n az3 -t value -v "$(terraform output infrastructure_subnet_availability_zones | sed -n 3p)"

credhub set -n pks_master_iam_instance_profile_name -t value -v "$(terraform output pks_master_iam_instance_profile_name)"
credhub set -n pks_worker_iam_instance_profile_name -t value -v "$(terraform output pks_worker_iam_instance_profile_name)"

credhub set -n aws-access-key-id -t value -v "${PCF_INSTALLER_ACCESS_KEY}"
credhub set -n aws-secret-access-key -t value -v "${PCF_INSTALLER_ACCESS_SECRET}"

credhub set -n vpc_subnet_id -t value -v "$(terraform output public_subnets | sed -n 1p | sed s'/.$//')"
credhub set -n ops_manager_iam_instance_profile_name -t value -v "$(terraform output ops_manager_iam_instance_profile_name)"
credhub set -n ops_manager_ssh_public_key_name -t value -v "$(terraform output ops_manager_ssh_public_key_name)"
credhub set -n vms_security_group_id -t value -v "$(terraform output vms_security_group_id)"
credhub set -n ssh_private_key -t value -v "$(terraform output ops_manager_ssh_private_key)"

Take a moment to review these settings with credhub get -n <NAME>.

Build the pipeline

Create a private.yml to contain the secrets required by pipeline.yml:

cat > ~/private.yml << EOF
product-slug: ${PRODUCT_SLUG}
config-uri: ${GITHUB_PUBLIC_REPO}
s3-bucket: ${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME}-concourse-resources
aws-access-key-id: ${PCF_INSTALLER_ACCESS_KEY}
aws-secret-access-key: ${PCF_INSTALLER_ACCESS_SECRET}
region: ${PCF_REGION}
credhub-ca-cert: |
$(echo $CREDHUB_CA_CERT | sed 's/- /-\n/g; s/ -/\n-/g' | sed '/CERTIFICATE/! s/ /\n/g' | sed 's/^/  /')
credhub-client: ${CREDHUB_CLIENT}
credhub-secret: ${CREDHUB_SECRET}
credhub-server: ${CREDHUB_SERVER}

Set and unpause the pipeline:

fly -t control-tower-${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME} set-pipeline -p ${PRODUCT_SLUG} -n \
  -c ~/ops-manager-automation-cc/ci/${PRODUCT_SLUG}/pipeline.yml \
  -l ~/private.yml

fly -t control-tower-${PCF_SUBDOMAIN_NAME} unpause-pipeline -p ${PRODUCT_SLUG}

This should begin to execute in ~60 seconds.

Be aware that you may be required to manually accept the PivNet EULAs before a product can be downloaded so watch for pipeline failures which contain the necessary URLs to follow.

You may also observe that on the first run, the export-installation job will fail because the Ops Manager is missing. Run this job manually once the install-opsman job has run successfully.


The following steps will help you when you're ready to dispose of everything.

Use the om tool to delete the installation (be careful, you will not be asked to confirm this operation):

om delete-installation

Delete the Ops Manager VM:

gcloud compute instances delete "ops-manager-vm" --zone "us-central1-a" --quiet

Unwind the remaining PCF infrastructure:

cd ~/terraforming/terraforming-pks
terraform destroy --auto-approve

Unintstall Concourse with control-tower:

  control-tower destroy \
    --region us-central1 \
    --iaas gcp \


Platform Automation for PKS/PAS on AWS Using Control Tower Concourse






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