A Python implementation of CBOR Web Token (CWT) and CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) compliant with:
See Document for details.
Install with pip:
pip install cwt
Python CWT is an easy-to-use CWT/COSE library a little bit inspired by PyJWT. If you already know about JSON Web Token (JWT), little knowledge of CBOR, COSE and CWT is required to use this library.
Followings are basic examples which create CWT, verify and decode it:
Create a MACed CWT, verify and decode it as follows:
import cwt
from cwt import cose_key, claims
key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword") # Default algorithm is "HMAC 256/256"
encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac(
{"iss": "https://as.example", "sub": "dajiaji", "cti": "123"}
decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key)
CBOR-like structure (Dict[int, Any]) can also be used as follows:
import cwt
key = cwt.cose_key.from_symmetric_key("mysecretpassword")
encoded = cwt.encode_and_mac(
{1: "https://as.example", 2: "dajiaji", 7: b"123"},
decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, key)
Create an ES256
(ECDSA with SHA-256) key pair:
$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private_key.pem
$ openssl ec -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem
Create a Signed CWT, verify and decode it with the key pair as follows:
import cwt
from cwt import cose_key, claims
# Load PEM-formatted keys as COSE keys.
with open("./private_key.pem") as key_file:
private_key = cose_key.from_pem(key_file.read())
with open("./public_key.pem") as key_file:
public_key = cose_key.from_pem(key_file.read())
# Encode with ES256 signing.
encoded = cwt.encode_and_sign(
{"iss": "https://as.example", "sub":"dajiaji", "cti":"123"}
# Verify and decode.
decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, public_key)
Algorithms other than ES256
are also supported. The following is an example of Ed25519
$ openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out private_key.pem
$ openssl pkey -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem
import cwt
from cwt import cose_key, claims
# Load PEM-formatted keys as COSE keys.
with open("./private_key.pem") as key_file:
private_key = cose_key.from_pem(key_file.read())
with open("./public_key.pem") as key_file:
public_key = cose_key.from_pem(key_file.read())
# Encode with Ed25519 signing.
encoded = cwt.encode_and_encrypt(
{"iss": "https://as.example", "sub": "dajiaji", "cti": "123"}
# Verify and decode.
decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, public_key)
Create an encrypted CWT with AES-CCM-16-64-256
(AES-CCM mode using 128-bit symmetric key),
and decrypt it as follows:
from secrets import token_bytes
import cwt
from cwt import cose_key, claims
nonce = token_bytes(13)
mysecret = token_bytes(32)
enc_key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key(mysecret, alg="AES-CCM-16-64-256")
encoded = cwt.encode_and_encrypt(
{"iss": "https://as.example", "sub": "dajiaji", "cti": "123"}
decoded = cwt.decode(encoded, enc_key)
Create a signed CWT and encrypt it, and then decrypt and verify the nested CWT as follows.
from secrets import token_bytes
import cwt
from cwt import cose_key, claims
# Load PEM-formatted keys as COSE keys.
with open("./private_key.pem") as key_file:
private_key = cose_key.from_pem(key_file.read())
with open("./public_key.pem") as key_file:
public_key = cose_key.from_pem(key_file.read())
# Encode with ES256 signing.
encoded = cwt.encode_and_sign(
{"iss": "https://as.example", "sub":"dajiaji", "cti":"123"}
# Encrypt the signed CWT.
nonce = token_bytes(13)
mysecret = token_bytes(32)
enc_key = cose_key.from_symmetric_key(mysecret, alg="AES-CCM-16-64-256")
nested = cwt.encode_and_encrypt(encoded, enc_key, nonce=nonce)
# Decrypt and verify the nested CWT.
decoded = cwt.decode(nested, [enc_key, public_key])
You can run tests from the project root after cloning with:
$ tox