Library to inspect the output of the Lucene text analysis pipeline.
Supports 3 ways of analyzing text:
- string to list of strings;
- String to list of tokens (similar to the Elasticsearch/Opensearch
API); - string to GraphViz program to draw a Lucene
as a graph.
{:deps {lt.jocas/lucene-text-analysis {:mvn/version "1.0.21"}}}
(require '[lucene.custom.text-analysis :as analysis])
(analysis/text->token-strings "Test TEXT")
;; => ["test" "text"]
(analysis/text->tokens "Test TEXT")
;; =>
[#lucene.custom.text_analysis.TokenRecord{:token "test",
:type "<ALPHANUM>",
:start_offset 0,
:end_offset 4,
:position 0,
:positionLength 1}
#lucene.custom.text_analysis.TokenRecord{:token "text",
:type "<ALPHANUM>",
:start_offset 5,
:end_offset 9,
:position 1,
:positionLength 1}]
(analysis/text->graph "Test TEXT")
;; =>
"digraph tokens {
graph [ fontsize=30 labelloc=\"t\" label=\"\" splines=true overlap=false rankdir = \"LR\" ];
// A2 paper size
size = \"34.4,16.5\";
edge [ fontname=\"Helvetica\" fontcolor=\"red\" color=\"#606060\" ]
node [ style=\"filled\" fillcolor=\"#e8e8f0\" shape=\"Mrecord\" fontname=\"Helvetica\" ]
0 [label=\"0\"]
-1 [shape=point color=white]
-1 -> 0 []
0 -> 1 [ label=\"test / Test\"]
1 [label=\"1\"]
1 -> 2 [ label=\"text / TEXT\"]
-2 [shape=point color=white]
2 -> -2 []
Every function accepts a Lucene Analyzer
as the second argument.
- Do ASCII folding person names:
With helper library:
lt.jocas/lucene-custom-analyzer {:mvn/version "1.0.14"}
(require '[lucene.custom.analyzer :as custom-analyzer])
"Thomas Müller"
(custom-analyzer/create {:token-filters [{:asciiFolding {}}]}))
;; => ["Thomas" "Muller"]
The example assumes that the GraphViz dot
program is installed:
clojure -M --eval '(require `lucene.custom.text-analysis)(println (lucene.custom.text-analysis/text->graph "one two three"))' | dot -Tpng -o docs/assets/images/token-graph.png
Results in an image
Compile Java classes:
clojure -T:build compile-java
Start your REPL.
Copyright © 2023 Dainius Jocas.
Distributed under The Apache License, Version 2.0.