This is a edit of the default SourceMod mapchooser and nomination plugin, it provides functionality for Fluffys SurfTimer or it's forks to display tiers of maps in the nominate and vote menus.
- Sourcemod 1.8+
- MySQL 5.7 / 8+ / MariaDB supported
- SurfTimer from Olokos
I mean it works with any fork as long as the layout of ck_maptier and ck_zones are the same as in Fluffys archived repo 😉
Compilation Requirements (Includes):
- Get latest plugin files from Release Page
- Copy files over to
- Make sure that
points to the surftimer database (You have to use the same database as the SurfTimer)
"driver" "mysql"
"host" "localhost" // The ip address to the database server
"database" "surftimerdb" // The database name that surftimer uses
"user" "dbuser" // The user name that has access to that database
"pass" "dbuserpassword" // The password for user specified above
"port" "3306" // The port to the database server
- Set
to the tier of maps you want appearing the nominate list. Example, for a tier 1-3 server, set it tosm_server_tier 1.3
, a tier 1 only server would besm_server_tier 1.0
and if you want all tierssm_server_tier 0
This plugin is broken, trust me, it only works on my server 😄