In this project, I compared the results of various ads on the sales of a company for a 4 months time frame. I analysed the ads based on their average and median values on some of the metrics listed below:
- Landing page views, cost per landing page views
- Amount spent
- Purchases conversion value
- CAQ (Customer Acquisition Cost)
Finally, I made a ranking of the ads stored in Assessment.xlsx
With age of startups blooming in one of the most youth filled countries like India there is evident need of reaching the right customers to fulfill their needs. Ads are the most efficient way of doing so, but with competition and increasing no. of possibilities for each facility the right choice for the firm itself becomes a tough question. That is where the analyst steps in, be it analysing the data of various clients, new features or decision taken by the firm, the data speaks it all. You just need to torture it enough! That is what I'm trying to do here.