misc: persist upload timings to cy cloud #28418
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CircleCI Checks / linux-x64
Nov 29, 2023 in 12m 50s
Workflow: linux-x64
- node_modules_install - Success
- build - Success
- npm-react - Success
- lint-types - Success
- create-and-trigger-packaging-artifacts - Success
- wait-for-binary-publish - Success
- get-published-artifacts - Success
- test binary as a non-root user - Success
- test-npm-module-on-minimum-node-version - Success
- test-binary-against-kitchensink - Success
- test binary as a root user - Success
- test-types-cypress-and-jest - Success
- test-full-typescript-project - Success
- npm-angular - Success
- npm-webpack-batteries-included-preprocessor - Success
- check-ts - Success
- driver-integration-tests-chrome-beta - Success
- run-app-component-tests-chrome - Success
- linux-lint - Success
- run-frontend-shared-component-tests-chrome - Success
- server-unit-tests - Success
- driver-integration-tests-webkit - Success
- npm-mount-utils - Success
- npm-webpack-preprocessor - Success
- npm-vue - Success
- npm-puppeteer-cypress-tests - Success
- cli-visual-tests - Success
- driver-integration-memory-tests - Success
- run-launchpad-integration-tests-chrome - Success
- server-performance-tests - Success
- npm-vite-dev-server - Success
- run-reporter-component-tests-chrome - Success
- npm-vite-plugin-cypress-esm - Success
- npm-cypress-schematic - Success
- driver-integration-tests-firefox - Success
- server-integration-tests - Success
- npm-puppeteer-unit-tests - Success
- test-kitchensink - Success
- driver-integration-tests-electron - Success
- run-app-integration-tests-chrome - Success
- driver-integration-tests-chrome - Success
- unit-tests - Success
- verify-release-readiness - Success
- run-launchpad-component-tests-chrome - Success
- npm-create-cypress-tests - Success
- reporter-integration-tests - Success
- system-tests-node-modules-install - Success
- system-tests-chrome - Success
- system-tests-non-root - Success
- npm-webpack-dev-server - Success
- run-vite-dev-server-integration-tests - Success
- system-tests-webkit - Success
- run-webpack-dev-server-integration-tests - Success
- system-tests-electron - Success
- binary-system-tests - Success
- system-tests-firefox - Success
- v8-integration-tests - Success
- npm-eslint-plugin-dev - Success
- percy-finalize - Success
- trigger-binary-release-workflow - Success
- npm-release - Success