什么是apollo? 它是一个组合的称呼, Yanshee用它以API的形式向软件开发者们提供它内部所支持的功能.这包含基于TCP/UDP的Json字符串交互方式(port:20001), 软件开发套件(open SDK) 和RESTful框架, 但不包括自然用户界面,如语音和视觉等. 准备的说, 它专门设计用于那些希望以编程的方式对Yanshee进行控制的场景, 比如使用python脚本, 苹果应用, 安卓应用和 浏览器以及其他支持HTTP传输协议的工具等.我们建议您优先选择RESTful方式来对Yanshee进行编程控制. 更详细的内容, 可在浏览器输入以下地址获取: http:///apollo. For this sample, you can use the api key special-key
to test the authorization filters.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+https://github.com//.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com//.git
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.CameraApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
# 关闭摄像头的视频流
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CameraApi->delete_camera_stream: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CameraApi | delete_camera_stream | DELETE /camera/stream | 关闭摄像头的视频流 |
CameraApi | get_camera_photo | GET /camera/photo | 拍照并获取照片 |
CameraApi | get_camera_stream | GET /camera/stream | 获取摄像头的视频流 |
InfoApi | get_info | GET /info | 获得机器人当前工作状态 |
MotionApi | get_motion_body_lang | POST /motion/bodylang | 执行一个指定身体语言 |
MotionApi | get_motion_motion | POST /motion/motion | 执行一个指定动作 |
MotionApi | upload_file | POST /motion/file | 传输文件 |
SensorApi | get_sensor_info | GET /sensor | 获得机器人传感器信息 |
SensorApi | set_sensor_search | PUT /sensor/search | 搜索机器人外接传感器 |
SensorApi | set_sensor_subscribe | PUT /sensor/subscribe | 订阅机器人外接传感器 |
ServoApi | get_servo_angle_hold | GET /servo/angle/hold | 获得机器人舵机角度 |
ServoApi | get_servo_angle_release | GET /servo/angle/release | 获得机器人舵机角度 |
ServoApi | get_servo_corrector | GET /servo/corrector | 获得机器人舵机角度偏移量 |
ServoApi | set_servo_angle | PUT /servo/angle | 设置机器人舵机角度 |
ServoApi | set_servo_corrector | PUT /servo/corrector | 设置机器人舵机角度偏移量 |
SysApi | get_sys_battery | GET /sys/battery | 获得机器人电量信息 |
SysApi | get_sys_fall | GET /sys/fall/auto | 获得机器人摔倒管理状态 |
SysApi | get_sys_language | GET /sys/language | 获得机器人语言信息 |
SysApi | get_sys_version | GET /sys/version | 获得机器人版本信息 |
SysApi | get_sys_volume | GET /sys/volume | 获得机器人音量 |
SysApi | set_sys_fall | PUT /sys/fall/auto | 设置机器人摔倒管理状态 |
SysApi | set_sys_language | PUT /sys/language | 设置机器人语言 |
SysApi | set_sys_led | PUT /sys/led | 设置机器人灯效 |
SysApi | set_sys_volume | PUT /sys/volume | 设置机器人音量 |
VisionApi | delete_vision_analyser | DELETE /vision/analyser | 停止图像分析 |
VisionApi | delete_vision_tracker | DELETE /vision/tracker | 停止图像跟踪 |
VisionApi | get_vision_analyser | GET /vision/analyser | 获得图像分析状态 |
VisionApi | get_vision_recognition | GET /vision/recognition | 获取图像识别结果??? 要做推送 |
VisionApi | get_vision_tracker | GET /vision/tracker | 获得图像跟踪状态 |
VisionApi | post_vision_analyser | POST /vision/analyser | 开启图像分析 |
VisionApi | post_vision_tracker | POST /vision/tracker | 开启图像跟踪 |
VoiceApi | delete_voice_asr | DELETE /voice/asr | 停止语音识别 |
VoiceApi | delete_voice_tts | DELETE /voice/tts | 停止语音合成 |
VoiceApi | get_voice_asr | GET /voice/asr | 获得机器人语音识别状态 |
VoiceApi | get_voice_iat | GET /voice/iat | 获得机器人语音听写状态 |
VoiceApi | get_voice_tts | GET /voice/tts | 获得机器人语音合成状态 |
VoiceApi | put_voice_asr | PUT /voice/asr | responses开始机器人语音识别 |
VoiceApi | put_voice_tts | PUT /voice/tts | 开始机器人语音合成 |
- MotionAction
- MotionBodyLang
- RobotBattery
- RobotDetectFall
- RobotInfo
- RobotLED
- RobotLanguage
- RobotVersion
- RobotVolume
- SensorCommonInfo
- SensorEnvironmentInfo
- SensorGyroInfo
- SensorList
- SensorType
- SensorTypeList
- Servos
- VisionAnalyserExpression
- VisionAnalyserRequest
- VisionAnalyserResponse
- VisionTrackerRequest
- VoiceStatus
- VoiceTTSStr
All endpoints do not require authorization.