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Idris2 layer

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This layer adds support for the Idris2 language to Spacemacs, and is completely based on the Idris layer.


  • wrapper around the official idris2-mode
  • follows the same command list as Idris Spacemacs layer
  • extends with new Idris2 features



  1. Add this layer to the private layers
git clone --recursive [email protected]:cyberglot/idris2-spacemacs.git .emacs.d/private/idris2
  1. Activate the layer in your ~/.spacemacs
dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(... idris2)

Or you can add it in dotspacemacs-additional-packages:

(idris2-mode :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "cyberglot/idris2-spacemacs")


Idris2 can be installed with binaries available for some platforms at

Key bindings


Several (but not all) of the evil-leader shorthands that idris2-mode provides are reproduced under the local leader.

Key bindingDescription
SPC m cCase split the pattern variable under point, or make it into a case expression.
SPC m dCreate an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration.
SPC m lExtract lemma from hole
SPC m pAttempt to solve a metavariable automatically.
SPC m rLoad current buffer into Idris.
SPC m tGet the type for the identifier under point.
SPC m wAdd a with block for the pattern-match clause under point.
SPC m nNext error.
SPC m pPrevious error.

Interactive editing

Key bindingDescription
SPC m i aAttempt to solve a metavariable automatically.
SPC m i cCase split the pattern variable under point, or make it into a case expression.
SPC m i eExtract a metavariable or provisional definition name to an explicit top level definition.
SPC m i sCreate an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration.
SPC m i wAdd a with block for the pattern-match clause under point.


Key bindingDescription
SPC m h dSearch the documentation for the name under point.
SPC m h sSearch the documentation regarding a particular type.
SPC m h tGet the type for the identifier under point.
SPC m h jJump to definition.
SPC m h wJump to definition (New window).


Key bindingDescription
SPC m s bLoad the current buffer into Idris.
SPC m s BLoad the current buffer into Idris and switch to REPL in insert state
SPC m s nExtend the region to be loaded one line at a time.
SPC m s NExtend the region to be loaded one line at a time and switch to REPL in insert state
SPC m s PContract the region to be loaded one line at a time and switch to REPL in insert state
SPC m s sSwitch to REPL buffer

Build system

Key bindingDescription
SPC m b cBuild the package.
SPC m b CClean the package, removing .ibc files.
SPC m b iInstall the package to the user’s repository, building first if necessary.
SPC m b pOpen package file.

When inside a package file, you can insert a field with SPC m f.


It may work, use at your own discretion.





