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Mortimer v0.6.0

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@jobrachem jobrachem released this 13 Jul 11:59
· 142 commits to master since this release

Mortimer v0.6.0 (Released 2020-07-13)


  • Mortimer was updated to be compatible with alfred's new logging and configuration handling introduced in alfred3 v1.2.0.

  • The "Log" tab received an update. To increase performance, we now only show the newest 300 entries by default. You can still choose to display all entries. If you have a very large log, you should be prepared for a few seconds processing time in this case.

  • Changed the "Configuration" tab. You can now paste your secrets.conf and config.conf from your local experiment directory into text fields. Note that some settings will be overwritten by mortimer, most notably the metadata and local_saving_agent sections in config.conf and the mongo_saving_agent section in secrets.conf.

  • The experiment homepage and the "Resources" tab both received a small facelift. Most notably, we now show datasets by experimental version.

  • Changed default sorting in "Experiments" overview (new default: Last Update) and "Data" Tab (new default: save_time).


  • Included a hotfix for a performance issues with our use of the DataTables Javascript plugin. Until we include server-side processing for the table, the data tab will only show a preview of 50 observations.