The ArmIT website is made in HTML/CSS + JS using SvelteKit and Tailwind. Maintained by the ArmIT committee in the software engineering student division of Chalmers University of Technology.
The application can be run through docker or npm. A dockerfile is available in the root of the source tree OR install Node.js and use the package manager 'npm' to install Svelte and Tailwind
npm install
npm install -D tailwindcss
To run the application in developer mode using npm, run the following lines in the terminal.
npm run dev #To run the application
To run the application using docker, run the following lines in the terminal.
docker build -t <your desired image name> . #This will build your docker image. Include the dot.
docker images #To see the info of your newly created image (image id, image name, etc)
docker run -p 3000:3000 <image id> #This will run a container of your image and the application. Enter localhost in browser.
Developed and designed by the following members in ArmIT'23:
Annelie Hansson, Liam Mayor, Mikael Motin
Maintained by the following member of ArmIT'24
Mårten Granath