EchoSVG is a fork of Apache Batik, a Java based toolkit for applications which handle images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as viewing, generation or manipulation.
EchoSVG supports most of modern CSS, and is partly compatible with SVG2.
This document mostly contains information of interest to developers, like how to build from source or run tests. If you want general information (like how to use the binaries) you are invited to read the Wiki, especially the part about why this fork was created.
If you are using Apache Batik you may want to read how Batik's testing infrastructure was improved, and if you decide to switch to EchoSVG, the MIGRATING_FROM_BATIK document may be of help.
To build EchoSVG you need the following software installed:
The Git version control system is required to obtain the sources. Any recent version should suffice.
Java version 11 to 21 (later versions may work but aren't tested by CI). You can install it from your favourite package manager or by downloading from Adoptium.
Execute the build script with gradlew build
to build. For example:
git clone
cd echosvg
./gradlew build
Most of the (JUnit-based) test suite is executed during build (except some tests that are currently incompatible with Gradle), but beware that some tests are platform-dependent and could fail. If you encounter test failures, please open an issue with the details so the necessary tweaks can be made. If the failing test involves an image comparison, you may want to read IMAGE_COMPARISONS.
To build without running the tests:
./gradlew build -x check
In the past, the full test suite could be executed from the Eclipse IDE, but that is not the case anymore. Tests run satisfactorily from IntelliJ IDEA, except for the security tests (that do not run on Gradle either, see #19); please open an issue if you find problems executing the tests from other IDEs.
Note: when running tests from the Eclipse IDE, it is recommended to run them as a "JUnit Test" in the "Run As" menu option. If you run them as "Gradle Test" you may encounter well-known security-related issues (issue #19).
Several interactive tests can be executed via:
./gradlew iTest
Note that several of those tests are failing (a few being unfinished).
Generate a JaCoCo code coverage report with:
./gradlew testCodeCoverageReport
The XML and HTML reports can be found under the echosvg-all/build/reports/jacoco/testCodeCoverageReport
directory, with the index file for the HTML report being at
Pull Requests aimed to increase the code coverage would be welcome.
This project uses JMH for benchmarking. To run all the benchmarks:
./gradlew runJmh
To run specific benchmark(s) matched by a regular expression:
./gradlew runJmh --args <regexp>
If you perform a full build or run
./gradlew jmhJar
a jmh-ready fat Jar with all the dependencies is available at
, and is the recommended way to run
the benchmarks:
java -jar echosvg-test/build/libs/echosvg-<version>-jmh.jar <regexp>
Java 17 or later is recommended.
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
to install in your local Maven repository. -
./gradlew publish
to deploy to a (generally remote) Maven repository.
If you plan to deploy to a repository, please configure the mavenReleaseRepoUrl
and/or mavenSnapshotRepoUrl
properties (for example in
or in the command line).
Otherwise, Gradle shall create a build/repository
subdirectory and deploy there.
Properties mavenRepoUsername
and mavenRepoPassword
can also be set (generally
from the command line).
If you would rather look directly at the Gradle publish configurations, please
read the publishing.repositories.maven
block of
Sometimes, in non-modular projects it is useful to have a single Jar file
bundled with all the dependencies, often called a uber Jar or fat Jar.
Execute the uberjar
task to create one with all the EchoSVG modules:
./gradlew uberjar
The file is to be found at
However, that archive is big and you may only want the classes that are needed to run a specific module. In that case, run:
./gradlew <subproject-name>-jar-with-deps
and the archive shall be available at <subproject-name>/build/libs/<subproject-name>-<version>-with-deps.jar
For example, to create an all-deps jar for echosvg-svggen
./gradlew echosvg-svggen-jar-with-deps
and the it will be located at echosvg-svggen/build/libs/echosvg-svggen-<version>-with-deps.jar
Note that if you execute
./gradlew echosvg-all-jar-with-deps
the resulting jar will be identical to echosvg-all-<version>-alldeps.jar
A Javadoc of all the modules is produced by the modularJavadoc
./gradlew modularJavadoc
The Javadocs are created at echosvg-all/build/docs/modular
If you do not like modular javadocs, a merged non-modular Javadoc can be built
with the mergedJavadoc
./gradlew mergedJavadoc
The Javadocs are created at echosvg-all/build/docs/javadoc
This task may be removed in the future; if the non-modular javadocs are useful to you, please open an issue so it is preserved.
Check for known vulnerable dependencies that are used in the build.
./gradlew dependencyCheckAnalyze
Generate a report about the licenses of the dependencies:
./gradlew generateLicenseReport
Check that the licenses of all the dependencies are allowed, fail otherwise:
./gradlew checkLicense
(the above task is executed on each build)
Modern IDEs are able to import Gradle projects and let it manage the dependencies. In IntelliJ IDEA you can just open the root directory and the Gradle project is opened, while in the Eclipse IDE you need to import it explicitly:
File > Import... > Gradle > Existing Gradle Project
Eclipse shall ask you if you want to use a wrapper or its own instance of Gradle, select the "wrapper" choice.
In Eclipse, it is advisable to run a build with ./gradlew build
importing the project. Apparently Eclipse requires some files produced by a
build but is unable to do that by itself.
Note: it is normal to experience build issues with the echosvg-test-scripts
subproject in Eclipse, you may prefer to keep that project closed.
If your Gradle project depends on echosvg, you can use this project's own Maven
repository in a repositories
section of your build file:
repositories {
maven {
url = ""
mavenContent {
content {
includeGroupByRegex 'io\\.sf\\..*'
// Alternative to the regex:
//includeGroup 'io.sf.carte'
//includeGroup 'io.sf.jclf'
//includeGroup ''
//includeGroup 'io.sf.w3'
please use that repository only for the artifact groups that it supplies
(basically those listed in the above includeGroup
Then, in your build.gradle
file you can list the dependencies, for example:
dependencies {
implementation "io.sf.carte:echosvg-transcoder:${echosvgVersion}"
or, if you want all of the main modules:
dependencies {
implementation "io.sf.carte:echosvg-all:${echosvgVersion}"
where echosvgVersion
would be defined in a
file (current
version is 2.0
For licensing issues, please read the LICENSE and NOTICE files. The tests use
files which may have their own additional licenses, under the samples
directory. Please look for the appropriate license files there.