- App Demo
- Description
- Technologies List
- Purpose
- User Stories
- Document List
- Back end
Click here for the deployed version
CODO_IT is created by a passion to immediately teach newfound knowledge to others in a fun environment. Interested in _teaching your friends how to code? Or maybe practicing your already polished skills? How about challenging your best friend on a code battle? You will find your path on my dear app.
- ReactJS
- ReactRouterDom
- Redux
- Socket io 🦾
- Express
- Sequelize && Sequelize-cli
- React Bootstrap 🦾
- NodeJS
- PostgresQL
🦾 These technologies I learned to use within a week
Used this front-end template to speed up development
Every misstep or lack of knowledge was filled in by every Junior Developers dear friend Google, StackOverflow, Youtube, Udemy and of course the Official Documentation of each technology
The goal is to add more fun to the already exciting world of coding, for those that find it hard to get into it. This project was also a test of my knowledge that I accumulated during the Codaisseur Academy as a soon to be Full-Stack App developer.
- practice full-stack web development
- use what I learned at Codaisseur Academy
- learn new technology on our own
- showcase and document our development skills :
- wireframes
- data model
- user stories oriented approach
- agile
- clear git version control
Battle with friends
Teach others
Own a profile
Practice Coding
Create New Coding Exercises as teacher
Click here to see already implemented userstories
- WireFrame
- DataModel
- GitControl example