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feat(engine): introduce a new generic printer
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W95Psp committed Jul 1, 2024
1 parent 53aa5d8 commit 0759a76
Showing 19 changed files with 1,115 additions and 33 deletions.
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions cli/driver/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,9 +46,24 @@ fn write_files(
std::fs::write(&path, file.contents).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
"Unable to write to file {:#?}. Error: {:#?}",
path, e
&path, e
if let Some(mut sourcemap) = file.sourcemap {
sourcemap.sourceRoot = manifest_dir.display().to_string();
let sourcemap = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&sourcemap).unwrap();
let path = path.with_extension(format!(
std::fs::write(&path, sourcemap).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
"Unable to write to file {:#?}. Error: {:#?}",
path, e

@@ -396,6 +411,7 @@ impl Callbacks for ExtractionCallbacks {
let engine_options = hax_cli_options_engine::EngineOptions {
backend: backend.clone(),
input: converted_items,
manifest_dir: std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap().into(),
let mut engine_subprocess = find_hax_engine()
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions cli/options/engine/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,16 +8,46 @@ type ThirBody = hax_frontend_exporter::ThirBody;
pub struct EngineOptions {
pub backend: BackendOptions,
pub input: Vec<hax_frontend_exporter::Item<ThirBody>>,
pub manifest_dir: String,
pub impl_infos: Vec<(

#[derive(JsonSchema, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SourceMap {
pub mappings: String,
pub sourceRoot: String,
pub sources: Vec<String>,
pub sourcesContent: Vec<Option<String>>,
pub names: Vec<String>,
pub version: u8,
pub file: String,

impl SourceMap {
pub fn inline_sources_content(&mut self) {
self.sourcesContent = vec![];
for source in &self.sources {
let path = if self.sourceRoot.is_empty() {
} else {
format!("{}/{}", &self.sourceRoot, source)
let contents = Some(std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap());

#[derive(JsonSchema, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct File {
pub path: String,
pub contents: String,
pub sourcemap: Option<SourceMap>,

#[derive(JsonSchema, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions engine/backends/coq/coq/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@ let translate _ (_bo : BackendOptions.t) (items : AST.item list) :
path = mod_name ^ ".v";
contents =
hardcoded_coq_headers ^ "\n" ^ string_of_items items ^ "\n";
sourcemap = None;

open Phase_utils
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion engine/backends/coq/ssprove/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2408,7 +2408,8 @@ let translate _ (_bo : BackendOptions.t) (items : AST.item list) :
^ "\n"

Types.{ path = mod_name ^ ".v"; contents = file_content })
{ path = mod_name ^ ".v"; contents = file_content; sourcemap = None })

let apply_phases (_bo : BackendOptions.t) (i : Ast.Rust.item list) :
AST.item list =
52 changes: 51 additions & 1 deletion engine/backends/fstar/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1523,7 +1523,49 @@ let fstar_headers (bo : BackendOptions.t) =
[ opts; "open Core"; "open FStar.Mul" ] |> String.concat ~sep:"\n"

let translate m (bo : BackendOptions.t) (items : AST.item list) :
module NewGenericPrinter = New_rust_printer.Make (InputLanguage)

(** Use the generic printer instead of the F* printer. For now, there
is no generic printer for F*, that's why we currently just use the
Rust generic printer. Thus currently this exists only for debugging
purposes. *)
let translate_as_experimental_rust m (bo : BackendOptions.t)
(items : AST.item list) : Types.file list =
let show_view Concrete_ident.{ crate; path; definition } =
crate :: (path @ [ definition ]) |> String.concat ~sep:"::"
U.group_items_by_namespace items
|> Map.to_alist
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (ns, items) ->
let mod_name =
String.concat ~sep:"."
~f:(map_first_letter String.uppercase)
(fst ns :: snd ns))
let string_of_items _ _ items =
let r = NewGenericPrinter.items () items in
let str = New_generic_printer_api.AnnotatedString.to_string r in
let sm = New_generic_printer_api.AnnotatedString.to_sourcemap r in
let r = (str, sm) in
(r, r)
let impl, intf = string_of_items bo m items in
let make ~ext (body, sourcemap) =
if String.is_empty body then None
path = mod_name ^ "." ^ ext;
contents = body;
sourcemap = Some sourcemap;
List.filter_map [ make ~ext:"rs" impl ])

(** Translate as F* (the "legacy" printer) *)
let translate_as_fstar m (bo : BackendOptions.t) (items : AST.item list) :
Types.file list =
let show_view Concrete_ident.{ crate; path; definition } =
crate :: (path @ [ definition ]) |> String.concat ~sep:"::"
@@ -1555,11 +1597,19 @@ let translate m (bo : BackendOptions.t) (items : AST.item list) :
contents =
"module " ^ mod_name ^ "\n" ^ fstar_headers bo ^ "\n\n"
^ body ^ "\n";
sourcemap = None;
[ make ~ext:"fst" impl; make ~ext:"fsti" intf ])

let translate =
|> Option.is_some
then translate_as_experimental_rust
else translate_as_fstar

open Phase_utils
module DepGraph = Dependencies.Make (InputLanguage)
module DepGraphR = Dependencies.Make (Features.Rust)
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions engine/backends/proverif/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -873,9 +873,12 @@ let translate m (bo : BackendOptions.t) (items : AST.item list) :
^ M.Processes.print items
let analysis_contents = M.Toplevel.print items in
let lib_file = Types.{ path = "lib.pvl"; contents = lib_contents } in
let lib_file =
Types.{ path = "lib.pvl"; contents = lib_contents; sourcemap = None }
let analysis_file =
Types.{ path = "analysis.pv"; contents = analysis_contents }
{ path = "analysis.pv"; contents = analysis_contents; sourcemap = None }
[ lib_file; analysis_file ]

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions engine/default.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
}: let
non_empty_list = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage rec {
pname = "non_empty_list";
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
# F* dependencies
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions engine/lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
; `ppx_inline` is used on the `Subtype` module, thus we need it at PPX time
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/new_generic_printer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
open! Prelude
open New_generic_printer_base

module AnnotatedString = struct
type t = string * Annotation.t list [@@deriving show, yojson, eq]

let to_string = fst

let to_spanned_strings ((s, annots) : t) : (Ast.span * string) list =
Annotation.split_with_string s annots

let to_sourcemap : t -> Types.source_map =
snd >> List.filter_map ~f:Annotation.to_mapping >>
>> fun ({
} :
Sourcemaps.Source_maps.t) ->
{ mappings; sourceRoot; sources; sourcesContent; names; version; file }

module Make (F : Features.T) = struct
module AST = Ast.Make (F)
open Ast.Make (F)
open SecretTypes

type print_object =
< printer_name : string
; get_span_data : unit -> Annotation.t list
; ty : (par_state -> ty fn) no_override
; pat : (par_state -> pat fn) no_override
; arm : arm fn no_override
; expr : (par_state -> expr fn) no_override
; item : item fn no_override
; items : item list fn >
(** In the end, an printer *object* should be of the type {!print_object}. *)

module type API = sig
type aux_info

val items : aux_info -> item list -> AnnotatedString.t
val item : aux_info -> item -> AnnotatedString.t
val expr : aux_info -> expr -> AnnotatedString.t
val pat : aux_info -> pat -> AnnotatedString.t
val ty : aux_info -> ty -> AnnotatedString.t

module Api (NewPrint : sig
type aux_info

val new_print : aux_info -> print_object
end) =
open NewPrint

let mk' (f : print_object -> 'a -> PPrint.document) (aux : aux_info)
(x : 'a) : AnnotatedString.t =
let printer = new_print aux in
let doc = f printer x in
let buf = Buffer.create 0 in
PPrint.ToBuffer.pretty 1.0 80 buf doc;
(Buffer.contents buf, printer#get_span_data ())

let mk (f : print_object -> 'a fn no_override) =
mk' (fun (po : print_object) ->
let f : 'a fn no_override = f po in
let f = !:f in

type aux_info = NewPrint.aux_info

let items : aux_info -> item list -> AnnotatedString.t =
mk' (fun p -> p#items)

let item : aux_info -> item -> AnnotatedString.t = mk (fun p -> p#item)

let expr : aux_info -> expr -> AnnotatedString.t =
mk' (fun p -> !:(p#expr) AlreadyPar)

let pat : aux_info -> pat -> AnnotatedString.t =
mk' (fun p -> !:(p#pat) AlreadyPar)

let ty : aux_info -> ty -> AnnotatedString.t =
mk' (fun p -> !:(p#ty) AlreadyPar)
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/new_generic_printer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
open! Prelude
open! Ast
open PPrint

module SecretTypes = struct
type 't no_override = 't
type 'location no_direct_call = unit

let ( !: ) (type a) (f : a SecretTypes.no_override) : a = f

include New_generic_printer_base_sig.Types

module Make (F : Features.T) = struct
module AST = Ast.Make (F)
open Ast.Make (F)
open New_generic_printer_base_sig.Make (F) (SecretTypes)

class virtual base : print_base_type =
object (print)
val mutable current_span = Span.default
val mutable span_data : Annotation.t list = []
val mutable current_namespace : (string * string list) option = None
method get_span_data () = span_data

method with_span ~(span : span) (f : unit -> document) : document =
let prev_span = current_span in
current_span <- span;
let doc = f () |> print#spanned_doc |> custom in
current_span <- prev_span;

method spanned_doc (doc : document) : custom =
let span = current_span in
method requirement : requirement = requirement doc

method pretty : output -> state -> int -> bool -> unit =
fun o s i b ->
span_data <-
({ line = s.line; col = s.column }, span) :: span_data;
pretty o s i b doc

method compact : output -> unit = fun o -> compact o doc

method expr_at = print#par_state >> print#expr
method ty_at = print#par_state >> print#ty
method pat_at = print#par_state >> print#pat

method expr ctx (e : expr) =
let span = e.span in
print#with_span ~span (fun _ ->
try print#__expr ctx e
with Diagnostics.SpanFreeError.Exn (Data (_context, _kind)) ->
failwith "todo")

method ty ctx full =
match full with
| TApp { ident = `Concrete ident; args } ->
print#ty_TApp_application ~full ident args |> group
| TApp
ident = `Primitive _ | `TupleCons _ | `TupleField _ | `Projector _;
} ->
print#assertion_failure "TApp not concrete"
| TApp { ident = `TupleType size; args } ->
let args =
List.filter_map ~f:(function GType t -> Some t | _ -> None) args
if [%equal: int] (List.length args) size |> not then
print#assertion_failure "malformed [ty.TApp] tuple";
print#ty_TApp_tuple ~full args
| TApp _ -> .
| _ -> print#ty_ () ctx full

method pat ctx (full : pat) =
print#with_span ~span:full.span (fun _ -> print#pat_ () ctx full)

method item i =
(print#namespace_of_concrete_ident i.ident |> Option.some);
print#with_span ~span:i.span (fun _ ->
try print#item_ () i
with Diagnostics.SpanFreeError.Exn (Data (context, kind)) ->
let error = Diagnostics.pretty_print_context_kind context kind in
(* let cast_item : item -> Ast.Full.item = Stdlib.Obj.magic in *)
(* let ast = cast_item i |> Print_rust.pitem_str in *)
let msg =
error ^ "\nLast available AST for this item:\n\n" ^ "ast"
(* TODO: if the printer is extremely broken, this results in a stack overflow *)
make_hax_error_item i.span i.ident msg |> print#item)

method private __expr ctx full =
match full.e with
| App { f = { e = GlobalVar i; _ } as f; args; generic_args; _ } -> (
let expect_one_arg where =
match args with
| [ arg ] -> arg
| _ -> print#assertion_failure @@ "Expected one arg at " ^ where
match i with
| `Concrete _ | `Primitive _ -> (
match (args, i) with
| [], `Concrete i ->
print#expr_App_constant ~full i generic_args
| [], _ -> print#assertion_failure "Primitive app of arity 0"
| _ -> print#expr_App_application ~full f args generic_args)
| `TupleType _ | `TupleCons _ | `TupleField _ ->
print#assertion_failure "App: unexpected tuple"
| `Projector (`TupleField (nth, size)) ->
let arg = expect_one_arg "projector tuple field" in
print#expr_App_tuple_projection ~full ~size ~nth arg
| `Projector (`Concrete i) ->
let arg = expect_one_arg "projector concrete" in
print#expr_App_field_projection ~full i arg)
| App { f; args; generic_args; _ } ->
print#expr_App_application ~full f args generic_args
| Construct { constructor; fields; base; is_record; is_struct } -> (
match constructor with
| `Concrete constructor ->
print#expr_Construct_inductive ~full ~is_record ~is_struct
~constructor ~base fields
| `TupleCons _ -> ~f:snd fields |> print#expr_Construct_tuple ~full
| `Primitive _ | `TupleType _ | `TupleField _ | `Projector _ ->
print#assertion_failure "Construct unexpected constructors")
| App _ | Construct _ -> .
| _ -> print#expr_ () ctx full

method arm (full : arm) =
print#with_span ~span:full.span (fun _ -> print#arm_ () full)

method generic_param (full : generic_param) =
print#with_span ~span:full.span (fun _ -> print#generic_param_ () full)

method param_ty (full : param) =
match full.typ_span with
| Some span -> print#with_span ~span (fun _ -> print#param_ty_ () full)
| None -> print#param_ty_ () full

method impl_item (full : impl_item) =
print#with_span ~span:full.ii_span (fun _ -> print#impl_item_ () full)

method trait_item (full : trait_item) =
print#with_span ~span:full.ti_span (fun _ -> print#trait_item_ () full)

method attr (full : attr) =
print#with_span ~span:full.span (fun _ -> print#attr_ () full)

method concrete_ident id =
let current_ns = print#get_current_namespace () in
let id_ns = print#namespace_of_concrete_ident id in
print#concrete_ident_ ()
([%equal: (string * string list) option] current_ns (Some id_ns))

method items = separate_map (twice hardline) print#item
method attrs = separate_map hardline print#attr

method assertion_failure : 'any. string -> 'any =
fun details ->
let span = Span.to_thir current_span in
let kind = Types.AssertionFailure { details } in
let ctx = Diagnostics.Context.GenericPrinter print#printer_name in
Diagnostics.SpanFreeError.raise ~span ctx kind

method set_current_namespace ns = current_namespace <- ns
method get_current_namespace () = current_namespace
method unreachable : 'any. unit -> 'any = failwith "Unreachable!"
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/new_generic_printer/new_generic_printer_base.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
open! Prelude
open! Ast

include module type of struct
(** Protects some methods from being called or overrided. *)
module SecretTypes = struct
type 't no_override = private 't
(** Hello *)

type 'location no_direct_call = private unit
(** Hello *)

include New_generic_printer_base_sig.Types

val ( !: ) : 'a. 'a SecretTypes.no_override -> 'a

module Make (F : Features.T) : sig
open New_generic_printer_base_sig.Make(F)(SecretTypes)

class virtual base : print_base_type
373 changes: 373 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/new_generic_printer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
[@@@warning "-37-34-27"]

open! Prelude
open! Ast
open PPrint

module Types = struct
(** Generic printer for the {!module:Ast} ASTs. It uses the [PPrint]
library, and additionaly computes {!Annotation.t}. *)

(** Identifies a position in the AST. This is useful for figuring out
wether we should wrap a chunk of AST in parenthesis. or not *)
type ast_position =
| GenericValue_GType
| GenericValue_GConst
| Lhs_LhsArbitraryExpr
| Lhs_LhsArrayAccessor
| Ty_TArrow
| Ty_TRef
| Ty_Tuple
| Ty_TSlice
| Ty_TArray_typ
| Ty_TArray_length
| Expr_If_cond
| Expr_If_then
| Expr_If_else
| Expr_Array
| Expr_Assign
| Expr_Closure_param
| Expr_Closure_body
| Expr_Ascription_e
| Expr_Ascription_typ
| Expr_Let_lhs
| Expr_Let_rhs
| Expr_Let_body
| Expr_Match_scrutinee
| Expr_QuestionMark
| Expr_Borrow
| Expr_TupleProjection
| Expr_ConstructTuple
| Expr_FieldProjection
| Expr_App_f
| Expr_App_arg
| Expr_ConcreteInductive_base
| Expr_ConcreteInductive_field
| Pat_PBinding_subpat
| Pat_PDeref
| Pat_PArray
| Pat_ConstructTuple
| Pat_ConcreteInductive
| Pat_Ascription_pat
| Pat_Ascription_typ
| Pat_Or
| Param_pat
| Param_typ
| GenericParam_GPType
| GenericParam_GPConst
| Arm_pat
| Arm_body
| Item_Fn_body
[@@warning "-37"]

module Annotation = struct
type loc = { line : int; col : int } [@@deriving show, yojson, eq]
type t = loc * span [@@deriving show, yojson, eq]

let compare ((a, _) : t) ((b, _) : t) : int =
let line = a.line b.line in
if Int.equal line 0 then a.col b.col else line

(** Converts a list of annotation and a string to a list of annotated string *)
let split_with_string (s : string) (annots : t list) =
let lines_position =
String.to_list s
|> List.filter_mapi ~f:(fun i ch ->
match ch with '\n' -> Some i | _ -> None)
|> List.to_array |> Array.get
let annots = List.sort ~compare annots in
let init = ({ line = 0; col = 0 }, None) in
let slices =
~f:(fun (start, start_span) (end_, end_span) ->
let span = Option.value ~default:end_span start_span in
((end_, Some end_span), (span, start, end_)))
~init annots
in slices ~f:(fun (span, start, end_) ->
let pos = lines_position start.line + start.col in
let len = lines_position end_.line + end_.col - pos in
(span, String.sub s ~pos ~len))

let to_mapping ((loc, span) : t) : Sourcemaps.Source_maps.mapping option =
let real_path (x : Types.file_name) =
match x with
| Real (LocalPath p) | Real (Remapped { local_path = Some p; _ }) ->
Some p
| _ -> None
let loc_to_loc ({ line; col } : loc) : Sourcemaps.Location.t =
{ line; col }
let to_loc ({ col; line } : Types.loc) : loc =
{ col = Int.of_string col; line = Int.of_string line - 1 }
let* span =
Span.to_thir span
|> List.find ~f:(fun (s : Types.span) ->
real_path s.filename |> Option.is_some)
let* src_filename = real_path span.filename in
let src_start = to_loc span.lo |> loc_to_loc in
let src_end = to_loc span.hi |> loc_to_loc in
let dst_start = loc_to_loc loc in
src = { start = src_start; end_ = Some src_end };
gen = { start = dst_start; end_ = None };
source = src_filename;
name = None;

type annot_str = string * Annotation.t list [@@deriving show, yojson, eq]

(** When printing a chunk of AST, should we wrap parenthesis
({!NeedsPar}) or not ({!AlreadyPar})? *)
type par_state = NeedsPar | AlreadyPar

type 't fn = 't -> document

open Types

module Make
(F : Features.T) (SecretTypes : sig
type 't no_override
type 'location no_direct_call
end) =
module AST = Ast.Make (F)
open Ast.Make (F)
open SecretTypes

(** Raw generic printers base class. Those are useful for building a
printer, not for consuming printers. Consumers should use
the {!module:Api} functor. *)
class type virtual print_base_type =

(** {1 Span handling} *)

(** Every piece of string rendered is contextualized with span information automatically. *)

method get_span_data : unit -> Annotation.t list
(** Retreive the mapping between locations in the rendered
string and Rust locations. *)

method with_span : span:span -> (unit -> document) -> document
(** [with_span ~span f] runs `f` in the context of [span]. *)

method spanned_doc : document -> custom
(** [spanned_doc doc] constructs a custom wrapping document for
[doc]. Rendering this document in [pretty] mode has a
side-effect: we push a [Annotation.t] to internal state. An
annotation maps a location within the rendered string to a Rust
span (that is, a location in the original Rust source code). *)

(** {1 [*_at] methods} *)

(** Always use [<name>_at] methods rather than [<name>]
ones. The former takes an [ast_position], that contextualizes
from where we are printing something. Printing the body of a
[let .. = ..;] expression (position [Expr_Let_body]) and
printing a function argument (position [Expr_App_arg]) will
probably require different parenthesizing: [ast_position] gives
contextual information upon which such parenthesizing decisions
can be taken. *)

method expr_at : ast_position -> expr fn
(** Renders an [expr] at some [ast_position]. *)

method ty_at : ast_position -> ty fn
(** Renders a [ty] at some [ast_position]. *)

method pat_at : ast_position -> pat fn
(** Renders a [pat] at some [ast_position]. *)

(** {1 Driver methods} *)

(** The methods in this section are defined in two flavors:
`<name>` and `<name>_`. `<name>` methods are not
overridable. Indeed, they take care of various things for
{ul {- catch exceptions and translate them as
pretty-printed errors with the original Rust AST;}
{- set contextual span information in a systematic way;}
{- disambiguate certain variant of the AST (see {!section-"specialized-printers"}).}}
Your can override `<name>_` methods.

(** {2 Expressions} *)
method expr : (par_state -> expr fn) no_override
(** Prints an expression. Pre-handles the variants [App] and
[Construct]: see {!section-"specialize-expr"}. *)

method virtual expr_ : [ `Expr ] no_direct_call -> par_state -> expr fn
(** Overridable printer for expressions. Please mark the cases
[App] and [Construct] as unreachable. *)

(** {2 Types} *)
method ty : (par_state -> ty fn) no_override
(** Prints a type. Pre-handles [TApp]. *)

method virtual ty_ : [ `Ty ] no_direct_call -> par_state -> ty fn
(** Overridable printer for types. Please mark the case [TApp]
as unreachable. *)

(** {2 Patterns} *)
method pat : (par_state -> pat fn) no_override
(** Prints a pattern. *)

method virtual pat_ : [ `Pat ] no_direct_call -> par_state -> pat fn
(** Overridable printer for patterns. *)

(** {2 Items} *)
method item : item fn no_override
(** Prints a item. *)

method virtual item_ : [ `Item ] no_direct_call -> item fn
(** Overridable printer for items. *)

(** {2 Arms} *)
method arm : arm fn no_override
(** Prints an arm (in a match). *)

method virtual arm_ : [ `Arm ] no_direct_call -> arm fn
(** Overridable printer for arms (in matches).*)

(** {2 Generic parameters} *)
method generic_param : generic_param fn no_override
(** Prints a generic parameter. *)

method virtual generic_param_ : [ `GP ] no_direct_call -> generic_param fn
(** Overridable printer for generic parameters. *)

(** {2 Parameters} *)
method param_ty : param fn no_override
(** Prints the type of a parameter. This is special because of `typ_span`. *)

method virtual param_ty_ : [ `Param ] no_direct_call -> param fn
(** Overridable printer for parameter types. *)

(** {2 Impl items} *)
method impl_item : impl_item fn no_override
(** Prints an impl item. *)

method virtual impl_item_ : [ `II ] no_direct_call -> impl_item fn
(** Overridable printer for impl items. *)

(** {2 Trait items} *)
method trait_item : trait_item fn no_override
(** Prints an trait item. *)

method virtual trait_item_ : [ `TI ] no_direct_call -> trait_item fn
(** Overridable printer for trait items. *)

(** {2 Attributes} *)

method attr : attr fn no_override
(** Prints an attribute. *)

method virtual attr_ : [ `Attr ] no_direct_call -> attr fn
(** Overridable printer for attributes. *)

(** {2 Concrete idents} *)

method concrete_ident : concrete_ident fn no_override
(** Prints a concrete ident. *)

method virtual concrete_ident_ :
[ `CIdent ] no_direct_call -> under_current_ns:bool -> concrete_ident fn
(** Overridable printer for concrete idents. *)

(** {1:specialized-printers Specialized printers} *)

(** Some nodes in the AST are ambiguous as they encode multiple
language constructs: the `App` constructor of `expr` for
instance encodes (1) function applications, (2) fields
projectors, (3) constants... This is the same for `Construct`,
`TApp`, and some other.
This section defines specialized methods for those language
constructs. When the variant `<Variant>` of a type `<type>` in
the AST is encoding various language constructs, we defined
various methods named `<type>_<Variant>_<name>`. *)

(** {2:specialize-expr Specialized printers for [expr]} *)

method virtual expr_App_constant :
full:expr -> concrete_ident -> generic_value list fn
(** [expr_App_constant ~full e generics] prints the constant
[e] with generics [generics]. [full] is the unspecialized [expr]. *)

method virtual expr_App_application :
full:expr -> expr -> expr list -> generic_value list fn
(** [expr_App_application ~full e args generics] prints the
function application [e<...generics>(...args)]. [full] is the unspecialized [expr]. *)

method virtual expr_App_tuple_projection :
full:expr -> size:int -> nth:int -> expr fn
(** [expr_App_tuple_projection ~full ~size ~nth expr] prints
the projection of the [nth] component of the tuple [expr] of
size [size]. [full] is the unspecialized [expr]. *)

method virtual expr_App_field_projection :
full:expr -> concrete_ident -> expr fn
(** [expr_App_field_projection ~full field expr] prints the
projection of the field [field] in the expression [expr]. [full]
is the unspecialized [expr]. *)

method virtual expr_Construct_inductive :
full:expr ->
is_record:bool ->
is_struct:bool ->
constructor:concrete_ident ->
base:(expr * F.construct_base) option ->
(global_ident * expr) list fn
(** [expr_Construct_inductive ~full ~is_record ~is_struct
~constructor ~base fields] prints the construction of an
inductive with base [base] and fields [fields]. [full] is the
unspecialized [expr]. TODO doc is_record is_struct *)

method virtual expr_Construct_tuple : full:expr -> expr list fn

(** {2:specialize-expr Specialized printers for [ty]} *)

method virtual ty_TApp_tuple : full:ty -> ty list fn
(** [ty_TApp_tuple ~full types] prints a tuple type with
compounds types [types]. [full] is the unspecialized [ty]. *)

method virtual ty_TApp_application :
full:ty -> concrete_ident -> generic_value list fn
(** [ty_TApp_application ~full typ generic_args] prints the type
[typ<...generic_args>]. [full] is the unspecialized [ty]. *)

method items : item list fn

(** {1 Misc methods} *)

(** {1 Convenience methods} *)

method attrs : attrs fn

method assertion_failure : 'any. string -> 'any
(** Helper that throws and reports an [Types.AssertionFailure] error. *)

method set_current_namespace : (string * string list) option -> unit
method get_current_namespace : unit -> (string * string list) option

method virtual namespace_of_concrete_ident :
concrete_ident -> string * string list

method virtual printer_name : string
method virtual par_state : ast_position -> par_state

method unreachable : 'any. unit -> 'any
(** Mark an unreachable place in the printer. *)
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/new_generic_printer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module Make (F : Features.T) = struct
module AST = Ast.Make (F)
open Ast.Make (F)
module P = New_generic_printer_base.Make (F)
open PPrint

let unimplemented s = string ("unimplemented: " ^ s)

class print =
inherit P.base as _super
method ty_TApp_tuple ~full:_ _args = unimplemented "ty_TApp_tuple"

method ty_TApp_application ~full:_ _f _args =
unimplemented "ty_TApp_application"

method expr_App_constant ~full:_ _ident _generic_values =
unimplemented "expr_App_constant"

method expr_App_application ~full:_ _f _args _generics =
unimplemented "expr_App_application"

method expr_App_tuple_projection ~full:_ ~size:_ ~nth:_ _tuple =
unimplemented "expr_App_tuple_projection"

method expr_App_field_projection ~full:_ _ident _data =
unimplemented "expr_App_field_projection"

method expr_Construct_inductive ~full:_ ~is_record:_ ~is_struct:_
~constructor:_ ~base:_ _fields =
unimplemented "expr_Construct_inductive"

method expr_Construct_tuple ~full:_ _components =
unimplemented "expr_Construct_tuple"

method expr_ _ _ctx _expr = unimplemented "expr_"
method ty_ _ _ctx _typ = unimplemented "ty_"
method pat_ _ _ctx _pat = unimplemented "pat_"
method item_ _ _item = unimplemented "item_"
method arm_ _ _arm = unimplemented "arm_"
method generic_param_ _ _gp = unimplemented "generic_param_"
method param_ty_ _ _param_ty = unimplemented "param_ty_"
method impl_item_ _ _ii = unimplemented "impl_item_"
method trait_item_ _ _ti = unimplemented "trait_item_"
method attr_ _ _attr = unimplemented "attr_"

method namespace_of_concrete_ident =

method printer_name = "blank-template"
method par_state _ = AlreadyPar

method concrete_ident_ _ ~under_current_ns:_ _ident =
unimplemented "concrete_ident_"

open New_generic_printer_api.Make (F)

include Api (struct
type aux_info = unit

let new_print _ = (new print :> print_object)
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/new_generic_printer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
open Prelude

module Make (F : Features.T) = struct
module AST = Ast.Make (F)
open Ast.Make (F)
open New_generic_printer_base
module P = New_generic_printer_base.Make (F)
open PPrint

let unimplemented s = string ("unimplemented: " ^ s)

module View = Concrete_ident.DefaultViewAPI

let iblock f = group >> jump 2 0 >> terminate (break 0) >> f >> group
let call = ( !: )

class print =
object (print)
inherit P.base as _super
method ty_TApp_tuple ~full:_ _args = unimplemented "ty_TApp_tuple"

method ty_TApp_application ~full:_ _f _args =
unimplemented "ty_TApp_application"

method expr_App_constant ~full:_ _ident _generic_values =
unimplemented "expr_App_constant"

method expr_App_application ~full:_ f _args _generics =
print#expr_at Expr_App_f f
(* print#expr_at Expr_App_f f ^/^ separate_map space (print#expr_at Expr_App_arg) args *)
(* unimplemented "expr_App_application" *)

method expr_App_tuple_projection ~full:_ ~size:_ ~nth:_ _tuple =
unimplemented "expr_App_tuple_projection"

method expr_App_field_projection ~full:_ _ident _data =
unimplemented "expr_App_field_projection"

method expr_Construct_inductive ~full:_ ~is_record:_ ~is_struct:_
~constructor:_ ~base:_ _fields =
unimplemented "expr_Construct_inductive"

method expr_Construct_tuple ~full:_ _components =
unimplemented "expr_Construct_tuple"

method expr_ _ ctx expr =
let wrap_parens =
>> match ctx with AlreadyPar -> | NeedsPar -> iblock braces
match expr.e with
| If { cond; then_; else_ } ->
let if_then =
(string "if" ^//^ nest 2 (print#expr_at Expr_If_cond cond))
^/^ string "then"
^//^ (print#expr_at Expr_If_then then_ |> braces |> nest 1)
(match else_ with
| None -> if_then
| Some else_ ->
if_then ^^ break 1 ^^ string "else" ^^ space
^^ (print#expr_at Expr_If_else else_ |> iblock braces))
|> wrap_parens
| Match { scrutinee; arms } ->
let header =
string "match" ^^ space
^^ (print#expr_at Expr_Match_scrutinee scrutinee
|> terminate space |> iblock
|> group
let arms =
separate_map hardline
(call print#arm >> group >> nest 2
>> precede (bar ^^ space)
>> group)
header ^^ iblock braces arms
| Let { monadic; lhs; rhs; body } ->
( ~f:(fun monad -> print#expr_monadic_let ~monad) monadic
|> Option.value ~default:print#expr_let)
~lhs ~rhs body
|> wrap_parens
| Literal l -> print#literal l
| Block (e, _) -> call print#expr ctx e
| _ -> unimplemented "expr_todo"

method expr_monadic_let
: monad:supported_monads * F.monadic_binding ->
lhs:pat ->
rhs:expr ->
expr fn =
fun ~monad:_ ~lhs ~rhs body -> print#expr_let ~lhs ~rhs body

method expr_let : lhs:pat -> rhs:expr -> expr fn =
fun ~lhs ~rhs body ->
string "let"
^/^ iblock (print#pat_at Expr_Let_lhs lhs)
^/^ equals
^/^ iblock (print#expr_at Expr_Let_rhs rhs)
^^ semi
^/^ (print#expr_at Expr_Let_body body |> group)

method literal =
| String s -> utf8string s |> dquotes
| Char c -> char c |> bquotes
| Int { value; negative; _ } ->
string value |> precede (if negative then minus else empty)
| Float { value; kind; negative } ->
string value
|> precede (if negative then minus else empty)
|> terminate
(string (match kind with F32 -> "f32" | F64 -> "f64"))
| Bool b -> OCaml.bool b

method ty_ _ _ctx _typ = unimplemented "ty_"
method pat_ _ _ctx _pat = unimplemented "pat_"

method item_ _ item =
match item.v with
| Fn { name; generics; body; params } ->
let params =
iblock parens (separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) print#param params)
let generics =
separate_map comma (call print#generic_param) generics.params
string "fn" ^^ space
^^ call print#concrete_ident name
^^ generics ^^ params
^^ iblock braces (print#expr_at Item_Fn_body body)
| _ -> string "item not implemented"

method param_ty_ _ _param_ty = unimplemented "param_ty_"

method param (param : param) =
let { pat; typ = _; typ_span = _; attrs } = param in
print#attrs attrs ^^ print#pat_at Param_pat pat ^^ space ^^ colon
^^ space ^^ !:(print#param_ty) param

method arm_ _ _arm = unimplemented "arm_"
method generic_param_ _ _gp = unimplemented "generic_param_"
method impl_item_ _ _ii = unimplemented "impl_item_"
method trait_item_ _ _ti = unimplemented "trait_item_"
method attr_ _ _attr = unimplemented "attr_"

method namespace_of_concrete_ident =

method printer_name = "blank-template"
method par_state _ = AlreadyPar

method concrete_ident_ _ ~under_current_ns id =
let id = View.to_view id in
let chunks =
if under_current_ns then [ id.definition ]
else id.crate :: (id.path @ [ id.definition ])
separate_map (colon ^^ colon) utf8string chunks

open New_generic_printer_api.Make (F)

include Api (struct
type aux_info = unit

let new_print _ = (new print :> print_object)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/new_generic_printer/new_rust_printer.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module Make (F : Features.T) : sig
open New_generic_printer_api.Make(F)
include API with type aux_info = unit
85 changes: 64 additions & 21 deletions engine/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -600,24 +600,67 @@ let rustfmt_annotated (x : AnnotatedString.t) : AnnotatedString.t =
if String.equal rf "no" then x
else try rustfmt_annotated' x with RetokenizationFailure -> x

let pitem : item -> AnnotatedString.Output.t =
Raw.pitem >> rustfmt_annotated >> AnnotatedString.Output.convert

let pitems : item list -> AnnotatedString.Output.t =
List.concat_map ~f:Raw.pitem
>> rustfmt_annotated >> AnnotatedString.Output.convert

let pitem_str : item -> string = pitem >> AnnotatedString.Output.raw_string

let pexpr_str (e : expr) : string =
let e = Raw.pexpr e in
let ( ! ) = AnnotatedString.pure @@ Span.dummy () in
let ( & ) = AnnotatedString.( & ) in
let prefix = "fn expr_wrapper() {" in
let suffix = "}" in
let item = !prefix & e & !suffix in
rustfmt_annotated item |> AnnotatedString.Output.convert
|> AnnotatedString.Output.raw_string |> Stdlib.String.trim
|> String.chop_suffix_if_exists ~suffix
|> String.chop_prefix_if_exists ~prefix
|> Stdlib.String.trim
module type T = sig
val pitem : item -> AnnotatedString.Output.t
val pitems : item list -> AnnotatedString.Output.t
val pitem_str : item -> string
val pexpr_str : expr -> string

module Traditional : T = struct
let pitem : item -> AnnotatedString.Output.t =
Raw.pitem >> rustfmt_annotated >> AnnotatedString.Output.convert

let pitems : item list -> AnnotatedString.Output.t =
List.concat_map ~f:Raw.pitem
>> rustfmt_annotated >> AnnotatedString.Output.convert

let pitem_str : item -> string = pitem >> AnnotatedString.Output.raw_string

let pexpr_str (e : expr) : string =
let e = Raw.pexpr e in
let ( ! ) = AnnotatedString.pure @@ Span.dummy () in
let ( & ) = AnnotatedString.( & ) in
let prefix = "fn expr_wrapper() {" in
let suffix = "}" in
let item = !prefix & e & !suffix in
rustfmt_annotated item |> AnnotatedString.Output.convert
|> AnnotatedString.Output.raw_string |> Stdlib.String.trim
|> String.chop_suffix_if_exists ~suffix
|> String.chop_prefix_if_exists ~prefix
|> Stdlib.String.trim

module Experimental : T = struct
module NewRustGenericPrinter = New_rust_printer.Make (Features.Full)

let pitem : item -> AnnotatedString.Output.t =
NewRustGenericPrinter.item ()
>> New_generic_printer_api.AnnotatedString.to_spanned_strings
>> AnnotatedString.Output.convert

let pitems : item list -> AnnotatedString.Output.t =
NewRustGenericPrinter.items ()
>> New_generic_printer_api.AnnotatedString.to_spanned_strings
>> AnnotatedString.Output.convert

let pexpr : expr -> AnnotatedString.Output.t =
NewRustGenericPrinter.expr ()
>> New_generic_printer_api.AnnotatedString.to_spanned_strings
>> AnnotatedString.Output.convert

let pitem_str : item -> string =
NewRustGenericPrinter.item ()
>> New_generic_printer_api.AnnotatedString.to_string

let pexpr_str : expr -> string =
NewRustGenericPrinter.expr ()
>> New_generic_printer_api.AnnotatedString.to_string

let experimental =

(val if experimental then (module Experimental : T)
else (module Traditional : T))
Empty file added engine/profile.dump
Empty file.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions flake.lock
22 changes: 16 additions & 6 deletions flake.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,6 +23,14 @@
url = "github:hacl-star/hacl-star";
flake = false;
ocaml-sourcemaps = {
url = "github:W95Psp/ocaml-sourcemaps";
flake = true;
inputs = {
nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
flake-utils.follows = "flake-utils";

outputs = {
@@ -56,6 +64,8 @@
cat "${hax-env-file}" | xargs -I{} echo "export {}"
ocaml-sourcemaps = inputs.ocaml-sourcemaps.packages.${system}.default;
ocamlPackages = pkgs.ocamlPackages;
in rec {
packages = {
inherit rustc ocamlformat rustfmt fstar hax-env;
@@ -72,7 +82,7 @@
${packages.hax-rust-frontend.hax-engine-names-extract}/bin/hax-engine-names-extract | sed 's|/nix/store/\(.\{6\}\)|/nix_store/\1-|g'
inherit rustc;
inherit rustc ocaml-sourcemaps ocamlPackages;
hax-rust-frontend = pkgs.callPackage ./cli {
inherit rustc craneLib;
@@ -146,11 +156,11 @@
in let
packages = [


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