Bug fixes for parsing stdout of sclang and scsynth
- Normalised-fix/stdout_buffer_windows:
Buffer stdout text from scsynth because in Windows it may be delivered in unexpected chunks.
plusQuarks: call Quarks.clearCache rather then referring to cache variable
This is stopping supercollider.js from running 3.6; The Quarks extensions
wouldn't work on 3.6 but at least the language can boot up for other purposes.
Only 3.7 is supported anyway
fix #11: during interpret, forward any output to STDOUT
fix #19: startup had errors, but it did compile
Though its debatable if you should declare it ready if something went wrong
during initClass or startup.scd
change(osc.msg): accept Array or Object for OSC messages that accept 'pairs'
This means you can use either ['freq', 440] or {freq: 440}
sclang: fix syntax error parse