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feat: Add the javascript file export options (#305) #134

feat: Add the javascript file export options (#305)

feat: Add the javascript file export options (#305) #134

GitHub Actions / Test results succeeded Oct 5, 2023 in 0s

Test results ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ junit.xml

279 tests were completed in 20s with 279 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Bundles API 9✅ 397ms
core http error handling 3✅ 293ms
Dictionaries API 2✅ 316ms
Distributions API 7✅ 359ms
Glossaries API 21✅ 682ms
Issues API 2✅ 295ms
Labels API 9✅ 413ms
Languages API 5✅ 328ms
Machine Translation engines (MTs) API 6✅ 356ms
Notifications API 3✅ 288ms
Organization Webhooks API 5✅ 342ms
Projects and Groups API 17✅ 551ms
Reports API 14✅ 486ms
Retry Mechanism 3✅ 598ms
Screenshots API 13✅ 482ms
Source Files API 24✅ 6s
Source Files API Fetch 23✅ 829ms
Source Strings API 6✅ 390ms
String Comments API 5✅ 327ms
String Translations API 16✅ 533ms
Tasks API 13✅ 497ms
Tasks API 10✅ 406ms
Translation Memory API 19✅ 674ms
Translation Status API 6✅ 355ms
Translations API 11✅ 440ms
Upload Storage API 6✅ 342ms
Users API 11✅ 415ms
Vendors API 1✅ 274ms
Web-hooks API 5✅ 337ms
Workflows API 4✅ 335ms

✅ Bundles API

Bundles API List bundles
  ✅ Bundles API List bundles
Bundles API Add bundle
  ✅ Bundles API Add bundle
Bundles API Get bundle
  ✅ Bundles API Get bundle
Bundles API Delete bundle
  ✅ Bundles API Delete bundle
Bundles API Edit bundle
  ✅ Bundles API Edit bundle
Bundles API Download bundle
  ✅ Bundles API Download bundle
Bundles API Export bundle
  ✅ Bundles API Export bundle
Bundles API Check bundle export status
  ✅ Bundles API Check bundle export status
Bundles API Bundle list files
  ✅ Bundles API Bundle list files

✅ core http error handling

core http error handling should extract Crowdin API messages with axios client
  ✅ core http error handling should extract Crowdin API messages with axios client
core http error handling should extract Crowdin API messages with fetch client
  ✅ core http error handling should extract Crowdin API messages with fetch client
core http error handling should produce meaningful error messages on non-Crowdin http errors
  ✅ core http error handling should produce meaningful error messages on non-Crowdin http errors

✅ Dictionaries API

Dictionaries API List Dictionaries
  ✅ Dictionaries API List Dictionaries
Dictionaries API Edit Dictionary
  ✅ Dictionaries API Edit Dictionary

✅ Distributions API

Distributions API List distributions
  ✅ Distributions API List distributions
Distributions API Create distribution
  ✅ Distributions API Create distribution
Distributions API Get distribution
  ✅ Distributions API Get distribution
Distributions API Delete distribution
  ✅ Distributions API Delete distribution
Distributions API Edit distribution
  ✅ Distributions API Edit distribution
Distributions API Get distribution release
  ✅ Distributions API Get distribution release
Distributions API Create distribution release
  ✅ Distributions API Create distribution release

✅ Glossaries API

Glossaries API List glossaries
  ✅ Glossaries API List glossaries
Glossaries API Add glossary
  ✅ Glossaries API Add glossary
Glossaries API Get glossary
  ✅ Glossaries API Get glossary
Glossaries API Delete glossary
  ✅ Glossaries API Delete glossary
Glossaries API Edit glossary
  ✅ Glossaries API Edit glossary
Glossaries API Export glossary
  ✅ Glossaries API Export glossary
Glossaries API Download glossary
  ✅ Glossaries API Download glossary
Glossaries API Check glossary export status
  ✅ Glossaries API Check glossary export status
Glossaries API Import glossary file
  ✅ Glossaries API Import glossary file
Glossaries API Check glossary import status
  ✅ Glossaries API Check glossary import status
Glossaries API List terms
  ✅ Glossaries API List terms
Glossaries API Add term
  ✅ Glossaries API Add term
Glossaries API Clear glossary
  ✅ Glossaries API Clear glossary
Glossaries API Get term
  ✅ Glossaries API Get term
Glossaries API Delete term
  ✅ Glossaries API Delete term
Glossaries API Edit term
  ✅ Glossaries API Edit term
Glossaries API List concepts
  ✅ Glossaries API List concepts
Glossaries API Get concept
  ✅ Glossaries API Get concept
Glossaries API Update concept
  ✅ Glossaries API Update concept
Glossaries API Delete concept
  ✅ Glossaries API Delete concept
Glossaries API Concordance search
  ✅ Glossaries API Concordance search

✅ Issues API

Issues API List reported issues
  ✅ Issues API List reported issues
Issues API Edit issue
  ✅ Issues API Edit issue

✅ Labels API

Labels API List labels
  ✅ Labels API List labels
Labels API Add label
  ✅ Labels API Add label
Labels API Get label
  ✅ Labels API Get label
Labels API Delete label
  ✅ Labels API Delete label
Labels API Edit label
  ✅ Labels API Edit label
Labels API Assign Label to Screenshots
  ✅ Labels API Assign Label to Screenshots
Labels API Unassign Label from Screenshots
  ✅ Labels API Unassign Label from Screenshots
Labels API Assign Label to Strings
  ✅ Labels API Assign Label to Strings
Labels API Unassign Label from Strings
  ✅ Labels API Unassign Label from Strings

✅ Languages API

Languages API List supported languages
  ✅ Languages API List supported languages
Languages API Get language
  ✅ Languages API Get language
Languages API Add custom language
  ✅ Languages API Add custom language
Languages API Delete custom language
  ✅ Languages API Delete custom language
Languages API Edit custom language
  ✅ Languages API Edit custom language

✅ Machine Translation engines (MTs) API

Machine Translation engines (MTs) API List MTs
  ✅ Machine Translation engines (MTs) API List MTs
Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Create MT
  ✅ Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Create MT
Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Get MT
  ✅ Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Get MT
Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Delete MT
  ✅ Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Delete MT
Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Update MT
  ✅ Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Update MT
Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Translate via MT
  ✅ Machine Translation engines (MTs) API Translate via MT

✅ Notifications API

Notifications API Send Notification to Authenticated User
  ✅ Notifications API Send Notification to Authenticated User
Notifications API Send Notification To Project Members
  ✅ Notifications API Send Notification To Project Members
Notifications API Send Notification To Organization Members
  ✅ Notifications API Send Notification To Organization Members

✅ Organization Webhooks API

Organization Webhooks API List webhooks
  ✅ Organization Webhooks API List webhooks
Organization Webhooks API Add webhook
  ✅ Organization Webhooks API Add webhook
Organization Webhooks API Get webhook
  ✅ Organization Webhooks API Get webhook
Organization Webhooks API Delete webhook
  ✅ Organization Webhooks API Delete webhook
Organization Webhooks API Edit webhook
  ✅ Organization Webhooks API Edit webhook

✅ Projects and Groups API

Projects and Groups API List groups
  ✅ Projects and Groups API List groups
Projects and Groups API Add group
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Add group
Projects and Groups API Get group
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Get group
Projects and Groups API Delete group
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Delete group
Projects and Groups API Edit group
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Edit group
Projects and Groups API List projects
  ✅ Projects and Groups API List projects
Projects and Groups API Add project
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Add project
Projects and Groups API Get project
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Get project
Projects and Groups API Delete project
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Delete project
Projects and Groups API Edit project
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Edit project
Projects and Groups API Download project file format settings custom segmentation
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Download project file format settings custom segmentation
Projects and Groups API Reset project file format settings custom segmentation
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Reset project file format settings custom segmentation
Projects and Groups API List project file format settings
  ✅ Projects and Groups API List project file format settings
Projects and Groups API Add project file format settings
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Add project file format settings
Projects and Groups API Get project file format settings
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Get project file format settings
Projects and Groups API Delete project file format settings
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Delete project file format settings
Projects and Groups API Edit project file format settings
  ✅ Projects and Groups API Edit project file format settings

✅ Reports API

Reports API Generate Group Report
  ✅ Reports API Generate Group Report
Reports API Check Group Report Generation Status
  ✅ Reports API Check Group Report Generation Status
Reports API Download Group Report
  ✅ Reports API Download Group Report
Reports API Generate Organization Report
  ✅ Reports API Generate Organization Report
Reports API Check Organization Report Generation Status
  ✅ Reports API Check Organization Report Generation Status
Reports API Download Organization Report
  ✅ Reports API Download Organization Report
Reports API Generate Report
  ✅ Reports API Generate Report
Reports API Check Report Generation Status
  ✅ Reports API Check Report Generation Status
Reports API Download Report
  ✅ Reports API Download Report
Reports API List Report Settings Templates
  ✅ Reports API List Report Settings Templates
Reports API Add Report Settings Template
  ✅ Reports API Add Report Settings Template
Reports API Get Report Settings Template
  ✅ Reports API Get Report Settings Template
Reports API Edit Report Settings Template
  ✅ Reports API Edit Report Settings Template
Reports API Delete Report Settings Template
  ✅ Reports API Delete Report Settings Template

✅ Retry Mechanism

Retry Mechanism Should retry with async function
  ✅ Retry Mechanism Should retry with async function
Retry Mechanism Should retry with sync function
  ✅ Retry Mechanism Should retry with sync function
Retry Mechanism Should retry with conditions
  ✅ Retry Mechanism Should retry with conditions

✅ Screenshots API

Screenshots API List screenshots
  ✅ Screenshots API List screenshots
Screenshots API Add screenshot
  ✅ Screenshots API Add screenshot
Screenshots API Get screenshot
  ✅ Screenshots API Get screenshot
Screenshots API Update screenshot
  ✅ Screenshots API Update screenshot
Screenshots API Delete screenshot
  ✅ Screenshots API Delete screenshot
Screenshots API Edit screenshot
  ✅ Screenshots API Edit screenshot
Screenshots API List screenshot tags
  ✅ Screenshots API List screenshot tags
Screenshots API Replace tags
  ✅ Screenshots API Replace tags
Screenshots API Add tag
  ✅ Screenshots API Add tag
Screenshots API Clear tags
  ✅ Screenshots API Clear tags
Screenshots API Get tag
  ✅ Screenshots API Get tag
Screenshots API Delete tag
  ✅ Screenshots API Delete tag
Screenshots API Update tag
  ✅ Screenshots API Update tag

✅ Source Files API

Source Files API List project branches
  ✅ Source Files API List project branches
Source Files API Create branch should throw error
  ✅ Source Files API Create branch should throw error
Source Files API Get branch
  ✅ Source Files API Get branch
Source Files API Delete branch should throw validation error
  ✅ Source Files API Delete branch should throw validation error
Source Files API Edit branch
  ✅ Source Files API Edit branch
Source Files API List project directories
  ✅ Source Files API List project directories
Source Files API Create directory
  ✅ Source Files API Create directory
Source Files API Get directory
  ✅ Source Files API Get directory
Source Files API Delete directory
  ✅ Source Files API Delete directory
Source Files API Edit directory
  ✅ Source Files API Edit directory
Source Files API List project files
  ✅ Source Files API List project files
Source Files API Create file
  ✅ Source Files API Create file
Source Files API Get file
  ✅ Source Files API Get file
Source Files API Update or Restore File
  ✅ Source Files API Update or Restore File
Source Files API Delete file
  ✅ Source Files API Delete file
Source Files API Edit file
  ✅ Source Files API Edit file
Source Files API Download file preview
  ✅ Source Files API Download file preview
Source Files API Download file
  ✅ Source Files API Download file
Source Files API List file revisions
  ✅ Source Files API List file revisions
Source Files API Get file revision
  ✅ Source Files API Get file revision
Source Files API List reviewed source files builds
  ✅ Source Files API List reviewed source files builds
Source Files API Build reviewed source files
  ✅ Source Files API Build reviewed source files
Source Files API Check reviewed source files build status
  ✅ Source Files API Check reviewed source files build status
Source Files API Download reviewed source files
  ✅ Source Files API Download reviewed source files

✅ Source Files API Fetch

Source Files API Fetch List project branches wuth fetchAll flag
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch List project branches wuth fetchAll flag
Source Files API Fetch Create branch
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Create branch
Source Files API Fetch Get branch
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Get branch
Source Files API Fetch Delete branch
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Delete branch
Source Files API Fetch Edit branch
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Edit branch
Source Files API Fetch List project directories
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch List project directories
Source Files API Fetch Create directory
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Create directory
Source Files API Fetch Get directory
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Get directory
Source Files API Fetch Delete directory
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Delete directory
Source Files API Fetch Edit directory
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Edit directory
Source Files API Fetch List project files
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch List project files
Source Files API Fetch Create file
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Create file
Source Files API Fetch Get file
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Get file
Source Files API Fetch Update or Restore File
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Update or Restore File
Source Files API Fetch Delete file
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Delete file
Source Files API Fetch Edit file
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Edit file
Source Files API Fetch Download file
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Download file
Source Files API Fetch List file revisions
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch List file revisions
Source Files API Fetch Get file revision
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Get file revision
Source Files API Fetch List reviewed source files builds
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch List reviewed source files builds
Source Files API Fetch Build reviewed source files
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Build reviewed source files
Source Files API Fetch Check reviewed source files build status
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Check reviewed source files build status
Source Files API Fetch Download reviewed source files
  ✅ Source Files API Fetch Download reviewed source files

✅ Source Strings API

Source Strings API List project strings
  ✅ Source Strings API List project strings
Source Strings API Add string
  ✅ Source Strings API Add string
Source Strings API String batch operations
  ✅ Source Strings API String batch operations
Source Strings API Get string
  ✅ Source Strings API Get string
Source Strings API Delete string
  ✅ Source Strings API Delete string
Source Strings API Edit string
  ✅ Source Strings API Edit string

✅ String Comments API

String Comments API List string comment
  ✅ String Comments API List string comment
String Comments API Add string comment
  ✅ String Comments API Add string comment
String Comments API Get string comment
  ✅ String Comments API Get string comment
String Comments API Delete string comment
  ✅ String Comments API Delete string comment
String Comments API Edit string comment
  ✅ String Comments API Edit string comment

✅ String Translations API

String Translations API List Translation Approvals
  ✅ String Translations API List Translation Approvals
String Translations API Add Approval
  ✅ String Translations API Add Approval
String Translations API Approval Info
  ✅ String Translations API Approval Info
String Translations API Remove Approval
  ✅ String Translations API Remove Approval
String Translations API List Language Translations
  ✅ String Translations API List Language Translations
String Translations API Translation Alignment
  ✅ String Translations API Translation Alignment
String Translations API List String Translations
  ✅ String Translations API List String Translations
String Translations API Add Translation
  ✅ String Translations API Add Translation
String Translations API Delete All Translations
  ✅ String Translations API Delete All Translations
String Translations API Translation Info
  ✅ String Translations API Translation Info
String Translations API Delete Translation
  ✅ String Translations API Delete Translation
String Translations API Restore Translation
  ✅ String Translations API Restore Translation
String Translations API List Translation Votes
  ✅ String Translations API List Translation Votes
String Translations API Add Vote
  ✅ String Translations API Add Vote
String Translations API Vote Info
  ✅ String Translations API Vote Info
String Translations API Cancel Vote
  ✅ String Translations API Cancel Vote

✅ Tasks API

Tasks API List tasks
  ✅ Tasks API List tasks
Tasks API Add task
  ✅ Tasks API Add task
Tasks API Export task strings
  ✅ Tasks API Export task strings
Tasks API Get task
  ✅ Tasks API Get task
Tasks API Delete task
  ✅ Tasks API Delete task
Tasks API Edit task
  ✅ Tasks API Edit task
Tasks API List User Tasks
  ✅ Tasks API List User Tasks
Tasks API Edit Task Archived Status
  ✅ Tasks API Edit Task Archived Status
Tasks API List task settings templates
  ✅ Tasks API List task settings templates
Tasks API Add task settings template
  ✅ Tasks API Add task settings template
Tasks API Get task settings template
  ✅ Tasks API Get task settings template
Tasks API Delete task settings template
  ✅ Tasks API Delete task settings template
Tasks API Edit task settings template
  ✅ Tasks API Edit task settings template

✅ Tasks API

Tasks API Add team to project
  ✅ Tasks API Add team to project
Tasks API List teams
  ✅ Tasks API List teams
Tasks API Add team
  ✅ Tasks API Add team
Tasks API Get team
  ✅ Tasks API Get team
Tasks API Delete team
  ✅ Tasks API Delete team
Tasks API Edit team
  ✅ Tasks API Edit team
Tasks API Team members list
  ✅ Tasks API Team members list
Tasks API Add team members
  ✅ Tasks API Add team members
Tasks API Delete all team members
  ✅ Tasks API Delete all team members
Tasks API Delete team member
  ✅ Tasks API Delete team member

✅ Translation Memory API

Translation Memory API List TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API List TM
Translation Memory API Add TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Add TM
Translation Memory API Get TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Get TM
Translation Memory API Delete TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Delete TM
Translation Memory API Update TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Update TM
Translation Memory API List TM Segments
  ✅ Translation Memory API List TM Segments
Translation Memory API Create TM Segment
  ✅ Translation Memory API Create TM Segment
Translation Memory API Clear TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Clear TM
Translation Memory API Download TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Download TM
Translation Memory API Concordance search in TMs
  ✅ Translation Memory API Concordance search in TMs
Translation Memory API Export TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Export TM
Translation Memory API Check export status
  ✅ Translation Memory API Check export status
Translation Memory API Import TM
  ✅ Translation Memory API Import TM
Translation Memory API Check import status
  ✅ Translation Memory API Check import status
Translation Memory API Get TM Segment
  ✅ Translation Memory API Get TM Segment
Translation Memory API Delete TM Segment
  ✅ Translation Memory API Delete TM Segment
Translation Memory API Delete TM Segment Record
  ✅ Translation Memory API Delete TM Segment Record
Translation Memory API Edit TM Segment Record
  ✅ Translation Memory API Edit TM Segment Record
Translation Memory API Create TM Segment Records
  ✅ Translation Memory API Create TM Segment Records

✅ Translation Status API

Translation Status API Get branch progress
  ✅ Translation Status API Get branch progress
Translation Status API Get directory progress
  ✅ Translation Status API Get directory progress
Translation Status API Get language progress
  ✅ Translation Status API Get language progress
Translation Status API Get project progress
  ✅ Translation Status API Get project progress
Translation Status API Get file progress
  ✅ Translation Status API Get file progress
Translation Status API List QA Check Issues
  ✅ Translation Status API List QA Check Issues

✅ Translations API

Translations API Apply Pre-Translation
  ✅ Translations API Apply Pre-Translation
Translations API Pre-translation status
  ✅ Translations API Pre-translation status
Translations API Build Project Direcotry Translation
  ✅ Translations API Build Project Direcotry Translation
Translations API Build Project File Translation
  ✅ Translations API Build Project File Translation
Translations API List project builds
  ✅ Translations API List project builds
Translations API Build project
  ✅ Translations API Build project
Translations API Download Translations
  ✅ Translations API Download Translations
Translations API Check build status
  ✅ Translations API Check build status
Translations API Cancel build
  ✅ Translations API Cancel build
Translations API Upload Translation
  ✅ Translations API Upload Translation
Translations API Export Project Translation
  ✅ Translations API Export Project Translation

✅ Upload Storage API

Upload Storage API List storages
  ✅ Upload Storage API List storages
Upload Storage API Add storage
  ✅ Upload Storage API Add storage
Upload Storage API Get storage
  ✅ Upload Storage API Get storage
Upload Storage API Delete storage
  ✅ Upload Storage API Delete storage
Upload Storage API URL encodes a Cyrillic filename
  ✅ Upload Storage API URL encodes a Cyrillic filename
Upload Storage API URL encodes a non-Cyrillic filename
  ✅ Upload Storage API URL encodes a non-Cyrillic filename

✅ Users API

Users API List Project Members
  ✅ Users API List Project Members
Users API Add Project Member
  ✅ Users API Add Project Member
Users API Get Project Member Permissions
  ✅ Users API Get Project Member Permissions
Users API Replace Project Member Permissions
  ✅ Users API Replace Project Member Permissions
Users API Delete Member From Project
  ✅ Users API Delete Member From Project
Users API List Users
  ✅ Users API List Users
Users API Invite User
  ✅ Users API Invite User
Users API Get User Info
  ✅ Users API Get User Info
Users API Delete User
  ✅ Users API Delete User
Users API Edit User
  ✅ Users API Edit User
Users API Get Authenticated User
  ✅ Users API Get Authenticated User

✅ Vendors API

Vendors API List Vendors
  ✅ Vendors API List Vendors

✅ Web-hooks API

Web-hooks API List webhooks
  ✅ Web-hooks API List webhooks
Web-hooks API Add webhook
  ✅ Web-hooks API Add webhook
Web-hooks API Get webhook
  ✅ Web-hooks API Get webhook
Web-hooks API Delete webhook
  ✅ Web-hooks API Delete webhook
Web-hooks API Edit webhook
  ✅ Web-hooks API Edit webhook

✅ Workflows API

Workflows API List Workflow steps
  ✅ Workflows API List Workflow steps
Workflows API Get Workflow step info
  ✅ Workflows API Get Workflow step info
Workflows API List Workflow Templates
  ✅ Workflows API List Workflow Templates
Workflows API Get Workflow Template Info
  ✅ Workflows API Get Workflow Template Info