I'm Christopher (or Chris, or Chris Evans, or {CAPTAIN_AMERICA_REFERENCE}), a software developer specialising in Frontend development with JavaScript, as you can see from my stats below.
- I got into software development because I wanted to build, make, sculpt, create, and/or bring my ideas to life 🤖
- I find developing to be a creative, artistic process. I like to use technologies like Frontend Frameworks cut down config time and leave more time for creativity 🎨
- I'm a believer in Serverless. Cloud architecture gives me the freedom to get up and running quickly ✍️
- I'm also a big advocate for a11y and D&I in tech 🌍
- Working and learning from the best as a Frontend Developer for Spotlight.
- Volunteer mentor and curriculum designer for Hack Your Future.
- Co-founder, Frontend Dev, UI Designer, and Salesman for my side-business, Pro-Evo Technologies.
- Avid music-lover, gig-goer, and wannabe-songwriter.