A curated list of awesome resources for Testing tools.
- Software Testing
- Web App Testing
- Web3 and Blockchain Testing
- Desktop App Testing
- Mobile App Testing
- Misc
- Contributing
- License
- Kesha github - A web service with a user interface for testing http requests and web hooks. Allows you to create an http mock for http requests.
- Dapp.tools - Command line tools and smart contract libraries for Ethereum smart contract development.
- Ganache - Personal Ethereum blockchain which you can use to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates.
- Foundry - Blazing fast, portable, and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
- Hardhat - Multichain Ethereum development environment.
- Robot Framework Solidity Testing Toolkit - This combines popular smart contract testing and deployment libraries with Robot Framework.
- Truffle Suite - Comprehensive suite of tools for smart contract development.
Desktop, Gui, cursor application test.
IOS and Android application test.