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R package that allows compiling information on air quality parameters and meteorological parameters of Chile from the sites of the National Air Quality System (SINCA) dependent on the Ministry of the Environment and the Meteorological Directorate of Chile (DMC) dependent on the Directorate General of Aeronautic.

Project developed by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Chile. FONDECYT Project 1200674.

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Installation from CRAN:





Function that compiles in a data frame air quality data from the National Air Quality System (SINCA).

The function has available the following air quality parameters:

Parameter Description Units
PM10 Particulate material minor to 10 micron ug/m^{3}N
PM25 Particulate material minor to 2,5 micron ug/m^{3}N
SO2 Sulfur dioxide ug/m^{3}N
NOX Nitrogen oxides ppb
NO Nitrogen monoxide ppb
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide ppb
O3 tropospheric ozone ppb
CO Carbon monoxide ppb
temp Temperature °C
ws Wind speed m/s
wd Wind direction °
HR Relative humidity %

The following stations are available:

Code Latitude Longitude Estation Ad. division
SA -33.450819 -70.6604476 Parque O'Higgins RM
CEII -33.479515 -70.719064 Cerrillos 1 RM
CEI -33.482411 -70.703947 Cerrillos RM
CN -33.419725 -70.73179 Cerro Navia RM
EB -33.533626 -70.665906 El Bosque RM
IN -33.40892 -70.650886 Independencia RM
LF -33.503288 -70.587916 La Florida RM
LC -33.363453 -70.523024 Las Condes RM
PU -33.424439 -70.749876 Pudahuel RM
PA -33.577948 -70.594184 Puente Alto RM
QU -33.33632 -70.723583 Quilicura RM
QUI -33.352539 -70.747952 Quilicura 1 RM
TAL -33.674 -70.953 Talagante RM
AH -20.290467 -70.100192 Alto Hospicio I
AR -18.476839 -70.287911 Arica XV
TE -38.748699 -72.620788 Las Encinas Temuco IX
TEII -38.727003 -72.580002 Nielol Temuco IX
TEIII -38.725302 -72.571193 Museo Ferroviario Temuco IX
PLCI -38.772463 -72.595024 Padre Las Casas I IX
PLCII -38.764767 -72.598796 Padre Las Casas II IX
LU -40.286857 -73.07671 La Union XIV
LR -40.321282 -72.471895 CESFAM Lago Ranco XIV
MAI -39.665626 -72.953729 Mafil XIV
MAII -39.542346 -72.925205 Fundo La Ribera XIV
MAIII -39.719218 -73.128677 Vivero Los Castanos XIV
VA -39.831316 -73.228513 Valdivia I XIV
VAII -39.805429 -73.25873 Valdivia II XIV
OS -40.584479 -73.11872 Osorno X
OSII -40.683736 -72.596399 Entre Lagos X
PMI -41.39917 -72.899523 Alerce X
PMII -41.479507 -72.968756 Mirasol X
PMIII -41.510342 -73.065294 Trapen Norte X
PMIV -41.518765 -73.08804 Trapen Sur X
PV -41.328935 -72.968209 Puerto Varas X
VI -45.404 -66.687 Vialidad XI
COI -45.57993636 -72.0610848 Coyhaique I XI
COII -45.57904645 -72.04996681 Coyhaique II XI
PAR -53.158295 -70.921497 Punta Arenas XII
TOCI -22.06 -70.187 Tres Marias II
TOCII -22.086 -70.188 Super Site II
TOCIII -22.09 -70.199 Gobernacion II
TOCIV -22.108 -70.209 Bomberos II
ANTI -23.614 -70.383 Antofagasta II
ANTII -23.674 -70.407 Playa Blanca II
ANTIII -23.612 -70.381 Rendic II
ANTIV -23.833 -70.309 Sur II
CALI -22.342 -68.651 Chiu Chiu II
CALII -22.46 -68.938 Club Deportivo 23 de Marzo II
CALIII -22.442 -68.933 Colegio Pedro Vergara Keller II
CALIV -22.462 -68.928 Estacion Centro II
CALV -22.454 -68.91 Hospital el Cobre II
CALVI -22.343 -68.649 Nueva ChiuChiu II
CALVII -22.464 -68.921 Oasis II
CALVIII -22.461 -68.948 Servicio Medico Legal II
CALIX -22.321 -68.937 Aukahuasi II
CALX -22.315 -68.93 San Jose II
CALXI -22.475 -68.928 Villa Caspana II
MELI -22.454 -68.91 Hospital II
MELII -22.345 -69.661 Iglesia II
MEJI -23.102 -70.445 Jardin Infantil Integra II
MEJII -23.105 -70.442 Juan Jose Latorre II
MEJIII -23.1 -70.45 Compania de Bomberos II
MEJIV -23.098 -70.463 Ferrocarriles II
SGO -22.89 -69.319 Sierra Gorda II
TALI -25.007 -70.463 Paposo II
TALII -24.983 -70.461 Punto de Maximo Impacto II
TOCI -22.086 -70.189 Escuela E-10 II
TOCII -22.094 -70.197 Centro II
TOCIII -22.089 -70.195 Escuela E-12 II
TOCIV -22.094 -70.197 Escuela Gabriela Mistral II
TOCV -22.107 -70.214 Sur II
COPI -27.37 -70.323 Copiapo Sivica III
COPII -27.36 -70.33 Copiapo III
COPIII -27.37 -70.304 Los Volcanes III
COPIV -27.411 -70.269 Paipote III
COPV -27.393 -70.299 San Fernando III
DALI -26.423 -69.507 CAP III
DALII -26.433 -69.481 Dona Ines III
FREI -28.504 -71.127 SM6 III
FREII -28.498 -71.096 SM7 III
FREIII -28.508 -71.081 SM8 III
HUAI -28.47 -71.22 Huasco Sivica III
HUAII -28.468 -71.227 21 de Mayo III
HUAIII -28.466 -71.222 EME F III
HUAIV -28.47 -71.219 EME M III
HUAV -28.465 -71.257 EME ME III
HUAVI -28.467 -71.231 Huasco II III
HUAVII -28.501 -71.254 SM1 III
HUAVIII -28.462 -71.181 SM2 III
HUAIX -28.472 -71.178 SM3 III
HUAX -28.481 -71.167 SM4 III
HUAXI -28.484 -71.146 SM5 III
TAMI -27.475509 -70.265893 Tierra Amarilla III
TAMII -27.658 -70.235 Pabellon III
ANDI -30.228 -71.086 Andacollo IV
ANDII -30.252 -71.082 Chepiquilla IV
ANDIII -30.233 -71.094 El Sauce IV
ANDIV -30.228 -71.086 Hospital IV
ANDV -30.236 -71.084 Urmeneta - Plaza Centenario IV
COQI -29.971 -71.336 Coquimbo IV
COQII -29.92 -71.256 La Serena IV
LVI -31.928 -71.137 Caimanes IV
LVII -31.819 -70.581 Chacay IV
LVIII -31.974 -71.01 El Mauro IV
LVIV -83.85 -89.132 Punta Chungo IV
SLMI -31.889 -70.629 Cuncumen IV
SLMII -31.881 -70.955 Camisas IV
SLMIII -31.805 -74.279 Coiron IV
SLMIV 1 -31.781 -70.533 Hotel Mina IV
SLMV -31.895 -70.836 Quelen Alto IV
CALEI -32.847 -71.225 "La Cruz Colbun" V
CALEII -32.782 -71.19 La Calera V
CALEIII -32.749 -72.246 Rural 1 V
CATEI -32.779 -70.959 Catemu V
CATEII -32.824 -71.006 Romeral V
CATEIII -32.777 -70.938 Santa Margarita V
CCNI -32.926243 -71.512461 Concon MMA V
CCNII -32.921 -71.44 Colmo V
CCNIII -32.925 -71.515 Concon V
CCNIV -32.935 -71.525 Junta de Vecinos V
CCNV -32.916 -71.481 Las Gaviotas V
CCNVI -32.933 -71.528 Concon Sur V
LCZ -32.813 -71.227 "La Cruz Melon" V
LAN -32.846 -70.586 Los Andes V
LCA -32.798 -70.898 Lo Campo V
PCHI -32.719 -71.407 Puchuncavi V
PCHII -32.736 -71.451 Campiche V
PCHIII -32.748 -71.474 La Greda V
PCHIV -32.764 -71.455 Los Maitenes V
PCHV -31.841 -71.456 Ventanas V
PCHVI -32.751 -71.48 Terminal Concentrados V
QLLI -32.886 -71.247 Cuerpo de Bomberos V
QLLII -32.891794 -71.208638 La Palma V
QLLIII -32.937 -71.274 San Pedro V
QLLIV -32.913 -71.372 Manzanar V
QLPI -33.047 -71.435 Quilpue V
QLPII -33.039 -71.429 ARMAT V
QNTI -32.788 -71.532 Centro Quintero V
QNTII -32.795 -71.496 Loncura V
QNTIII -32.772516 -71.535303 Quintero V
QNTIV -32.801 -71.483 Sur V
QNTV -32.808 -71.436 Valle Alegre V
VPO -33.05 -71.614 Valparaiso V
VNA -33.02 -71.55 Vina del Mar V
CDE -34.032 -76.66 Codegua VI
MCHI -34.245 -76.556 Cauquenes VI
MCHII -34.262 -76.463 Cipreses VI
MCHIII -34.204 -76.53 Coya PoblaciOn VI
MCHIV -34.084 -76.382 Sewell VI
MSTI -33.954 -76.639 Casas de Peuco VI
MSTII -33.981 -76.704 San Francisco de Mostazal VI
RGAI -34.162 -76.714 Rancagua I VI
RGAII -34.144 -76.737 Rancagua II VI
RNG -34.395 -76.853 Rengo VI
RQNI -34.214 -76.751 MVC VI
RQNII -34.328 -76.793 Totihue VI
SFDO -34.58 -76.99 San Fernando VI
CQN -35.965 -72.317 Cauquenes Sivica VII
CRCI -34.975 -77.234 Curicó VII
CRCII -34.972 -77.23 El Boldo VII
LIN -35.837 -77.593 Linares VII
TALI -35.435 -77.678 La Florida VII
TALII -35.436 -77.619 U.C. Maule VII
TALIII -35.407 -77.633 Universidad de Talca VII
TNOI -34.868 -77.164 "Teno CEMENTOS BIO BIO" VII
TNOII -34.862 -77.131 "Teno ENLASA" VII
CBR -37.024 -72.266 Colicheu VIII
CHYI -36.923 -73.036 Punteras VIII
CHYII -36.913 -73.036 "Meteorológica Chiguayante" VIII
CHLI -36.595 -72.089 "INIA Chillán" VIII
CHLII -36.616 -72.093 Puren VIII
CONC -36.785 -73.052 Kingston College VIII
CNELI -37.021 -73.15 Cerro Merquín VIII
CNELII -36.999 -73.104 Calabozo VIII
CNELIII -37.009 -73.15 Coronel Norte VIII
CNELIV -37.032 -73.139 Coronel Sur VIII
CNELV -36.954 -73.151 "Escuadron ENEL" VIII
CNELVI -36.934 -73.153 "Escuadron ENESA" VIII
CNELVII -36.984 -73.153 "Lagunillas ENEL" VIII
CNELVIII -37.1 -73.152 Lota rural VIII
CNELIX -37.074 -73.145 Lota urbana VIII
CNH -37.485 -73.332 Balneario Curanilahue VIII
HPNI -36.803 -73.12 Bocatoma VIII
HPNII -36.791 -73.119 ENAP Price VIII
HPNIII -36.781 -73.116 JUNJI VIII
HQI -36.977 -72.932 Hualqui VIII
LAJ -37.268 -72.711 Laja VIII
LAI -37.471 -72.361 21 de mayo VIII
LAII -37.463 -72.325 Los Ángeles Oriente VIII
LAIII -37.464 -72.362 CESFAM Los Ángeles VIII
NACI -37.502 -72.676 Club de Empleados VIII
NACII -37.504 -72.66 Entre Ríos VIII
NACIII -37.509 -72.656 Lautaro VIII
QLLI -36.684 -72.465 Cayumanqui VIII
QLLII -36.742 -72.475 Quillón VIII
RQL -36.652 -72.455 Nueva Aldea VIII
SCA -36.527 -72.07 San Carlos VIII
SPP -36.867 -73.141 MASISA Mapal VIII
THNI -36.724 -73.124 Consultorio - San Vicente VIII
THNII -36.717 -79.111 Libertad VIII
THNIII -36.722 -73.123 San Vicente Bomberos VIII
THNIV -36.77 -73.114 Indura VIII
THNV -36.737 -73.104 Inpesca VIII
THNVI -36.736 -73.119 Nueva Libertad VIII
TME -36.602 -72.959 Liceo Polivalente VIII


Comunas: data vector containing the names or codes of the monitoring stations. Available stations: "P. O'Higgins", "Cerrillos 1", "Cerrillos", "Cerro Navia", "El Bosque", "Independecia", "La Florida", "Las Condes", "Pudahuel", "Puente Alto "," Quilicura", "Quilicura 1", "Coyhaique I", "Coyhaique II".To see the table with the monitoring stations use:


Parametros: data vector containing the names of the air quality parameters. Available parameters: "PM10", "PM25", "CO", "NOX", "NO2", "NO", "O3", "SO2", "temp" (temperature), "RH" (relative humidity), "ws" ( wind speed), "wd" (wind direction).

fechadeInicio: text string containing the start date of the data request.

fechadeTermino: text string containing the end date of the data request.

Curar: logical value that activates data curation for particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, relative humidity and wind direction. Default value: TRUE.

Site: logical value that allows entering the code of the monitoring station in the variable "Comunas". Default value: FALSE.

st: logical value that includes validation reports from S.I.N.C.A. "NV": No validated, "PV": Pre-validated and "V": Validated. Default value: FALSE.


Example 1:

    ChileAirQuality(Comunas = "Cerrillos", Parametros = c("PM10", "PM25"), fechadeInicio = "01/01/2020", fechadeTermino = "01/01/2021", Curar = TRUE, Site = FALSE)

Example 2:

    ChileAirQuality(Comunas = c("SA", "CE"), Parametros = c("NO2", "O3"), fechadeInicio = "01/01/2020", fechadeTermino = "01/01/2021", Curar = FALSE, Site = TRUE)

Example 3:

    ChileAirQuality(Comunas = c("SA", "CE"), Parametros = c("NO2", "O3"), fechadeInicio = "01/01/2020", fechadeTermino = "01/01/2021", Curar = FALSE, Site = TRUE, st = TRUE)

Example 4:

    ChileAirQuality(Comunas = "all", Parametros = "all", fechadeInicio = "01/01/2020", fechadeTermino = "01/01/2021", Curar = FALSE, Site = TRUE, st = TRUE)


Function that compiles climate data from Climate direction of Chile (DMC).

The function has available the following climate parameters: Temperature("Temperatura"), dew point("PuntoRocio"), wind direction("Viento"), humidity("Humedad"), Pressure at sea level("PresionQFF") and Pressure at monitoring station level("PresionQFE").

The following stations are available:

N. National Code Name Latitude Longitude Ad. division
1 180005 Chacalluta, Arica Ap. -18.35555 -70.33889 XV
2 200006 Diego Aracena Iquique Ap. -20.54917 -70.16944 I
3 220002 El Loa, Calama Ad. -22.49806 -68.89805 II
4 230001 Cerro Moreno Antofagasta Ap. -23.45361 -70.44056 II
5 270001 Mataveri Isla de Pascua Ap. -27.15889 -109.42361 V
6 270008 Desierto de Atacama, Caldera Ad. -27.25444 -70.77944 III
7 290004 La Florida, La Serena Ad. -29.91444 -71.20333 IV
8 320041 Viña del Mar Ad. (Torquemada) -32.94944 -71.47444 V
9 320051 Los Libertadores -32.84555 -70.11861 V
10 330007 Rodelillo, Ad. -33.06528 -71.55917 V
11 330019 Eulogio Sánchez, Tobalaba Ad. -33.45528 -70.54222 RM
12 330020 Quinta Normal, Santiago -33.44500 -70.67778 RM
13 330021 Pudahuel Santiago -33.37833 -70.79639 RM
14 330030 Santo Domingo, Ad. -33.65611 -71.61000 V
15 330031 Juan Fernández, Estación Meteorológica. -33.63583 -78.83028 V
16 330066 La Punta, Juan Fernández Ad. -33.66639 -78.93194 V
17 330077 El Colorado -33.35000 -70.28805 RM
18 330111 Lo Prado Cerro San Francisco -33.45806 -70.94889 RM
19 330112 San José Guayacán -33.61528 -70.35583 RM
20 330113 El Paico -33.70639 -71.00000 RM
21 340031 General Freire, Curicó Ad. -34.96944 -71.22028 VII
22 360011 General Bernardo O'Higgins, Chillán Ad. -36.58583 -72.03389 XVI
23 360019 Carriel Sur, Concepción Ap. -36.78055 -73.05083 VIII
24 360042 Termas de Chillán -36.90361 -71.40667 XVI
25 370033 María Dolores, Los Angeles Ad. -37.39694 -72.42361 VIII
26 380013 Maquehue, Temuco Ad. -38.76778 -72.62694 IX
27 380029 La Araucanía Ad. -38.93444 -72.66083 IX
28 390006 Pichoy, Valdivia Ad. -39.65667 -73.08472 XIV
29 400009 Cañal Bajo, Osorno Ad. -40.61444 -73.05083 X
30 410005 El Tepual Puerto Montt Ap. -41.44750 -73.08472 X
31 420004 Chaitén, Ad. -42.93028 -72.71167 X
32 420014 Mocopulli Ad. -42.34667 -73.71167 X
33 430002 Futaleufú Ad. -43.18889 -71.86417 X
34 430004 Alto Palena Ad. -43.61167 -71.81333 X
35 430009 Melinka Ad. -43.89778 -73.74555 X
36 450001 Puerto Aysén Ad. -45.39944 -72.67778 XI
37 450004 Teniente Vidal, Coyhaique Ad. -45.59083 -72.10167 XI
38 450005 Balmaceda Ad. -45.91833 -71.67778 XI
39 460001 Chile Chico Ad. -46.58500 -71.69472 XI
40 470001 Lord Cochrane Ad. -47.24389 -72.57611 XI
41 510005 Teniente Gallardo, Puerto Natales Ad. -51.66722 -72.52528 XII
42 520006 Carlos Ibañez, Punta Arenas Ap. -53.00167 -70.84722 XII
43 530005 Fuentes Martínez, Porvenir Ad. -53.25361 -70.32194 XII
44 550001 Guardiamarina Zañartu, Pto Williams Ad. -54.93167 -67.61000 XII
45 950001 C.M.A. Eduardo Frei Montalva, Antártica -62.19194 -58.98278 XII
46 950002 Arturo Prat, Base Antártica -62.47861 -59.66083 XII
47 950003 Bernardo O`Higgins, Base Antártica -63.32083 -57.89805 XII


Estaciones: data vector containing the codes of the monitoring stations. To see the table with the monitoring stations use:


Parametros: data vector containing the names of the climate parameters. Available parameters: "Temperatura", "PuntoRocio", "Humedad","Viento", "PresionQFE", "PresionQFF".

inicio: text string containing the start year of the data request.

fin: text string containing the end year of the data request.

Region: logical parameter. If region is true it allows to enter the administrative region in which the station is located instead of the station code.


Example 1:

    ChileClimateData(Estaciones = c("180005", "200006"), Parametros = c("Temperatura", "Humedad", "Viento"), inicio = "2020", fin = "2021")

Example 2:

    ChileClimateData(Estaciones = "II", Parametros = "Temperatura", inicio = "2020", fin = "2021", Region = TRUE)


ChileAirQualityApp is a dashboard that allows you to use the data download functions of this package enhanced with analysis, visualization and descriptive statistics tools.


This dashboard is also hosted online on



❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. AtmChile — Download Air Quality and Meteorological Information of Chile. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:






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