Specification and checker for the Algorithm Selection Library data format, see aslib.net. The data can be found in this repository.
Bernd Bischl - University of Dortmund, Germany [email protected]
Lars Kotthoff - University of Wyoming [email protected]
Marius Lindauer - University of Freiburg, Germany [email protected]
- Bernd Bischl - University of Dortmund
- Pascal Kerschke - University of Münster
- Lars Kotthoff - University of Wyoming
- Marius Lindauer - University of Freiburg
- Yuri Malitsky - IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
- Alexandre Frechette - University of British Columbia
- Holger Hoos - University of British Columbia
- Frank Hutter - University of Freiburg
- Kevin Leyton-Brown - University of British Columbia
- Kevin Tierney - University of Paderborn
- Joaquin Vanschoren - Eindhoven University of Technology