- Vagrant (http://vagrantup.com/)
- VirtualBox
- git
- MySQL username is root, password is omega
- Silverstripe username is admin, password is omega
In the shell:
$ # 1. Configure a precies64 box like so:
$ vagrant box add precise64 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1537815/precise64.box
$ # 2. Check out this repo (Well, I recommend forking then cloning your fork..)
$ git clone https://github.com/corruptmem/vagrant-silverstripe.git
$ cd vagrant-silverstripe/
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ # Start her up!
$ vagrant up
$ # access your Silverstripe install
$ open http://localhost:51742/ # for site
$ open http://localhost:51742/admin # for admin
$ # The following will reset the database to the dump in config/
$ vagrant provision
$ # to destroy your VM, call
$ vagrant destroy
$ # but if you only want to suspend it, either
$ vagrant suspend # to suspend it
$ vagrant halt # to shut it down
$ # then, respectively, to start it back up...
$ vagrant resume
$ vagrant up