This project demonstrates a user management system built with Next.js 14, Prisma, and MongoDB. The app provides a form to add new users and displays a list of existing users, leveraging Prisma's ORM capabilities for database interaction.
- Next.js 14: Server-side rendering (SSR) and API routes.
- Prisma ORM: Integrated with MongoDB to manage user data.
- MongoDB: For data storage.
- Tailwind CSS: For minimal and responsive design.
- Docker: For containerizing the app and its services.
: Fetch all users. - POST
: Create a new user withname
in the request body.
The User
model is defined in the Prisma schema:
model User {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
name String
email String @unique
1. Start the Containers
To start the MongoDB and Next.js containers, run the following command:
docker-compose up --build
This will:
- Build and start the MongoDB container on port 27017.
- Build and start the Next.js app on port 3000.
- Generate the Prisma Client inside the Next.js app Docker container.
2. Initialize MongoDB Replica Set
Once the containers are running, you must initialize the MongoDB replica set. In a new terminal, run these commands:
2.1 Access the MongoDB shell inside the running container:
docker exec -it mongodb mongosh
2.2 Initiate the replica set by running the following command inside the MongoDB shell:
2.3 Verify the replica set status (optional but recommended):
Once the replica set is initialized, Prisma can connect to the database.
3. Access the application
After initializing the MongoDB replica set, you can access the Next.js app in your browser at: http://localhost:3000
Then, add new users via the form and view the user list below it.
- List the running Docker containers
docker ps
- Stop and remove containers and volumes:
docker-compose down -v
- Prisma Migrate
If you make changes to your Prisma schema, you’ll need to reflect those changes in your database:
npx prisma db push