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MODEL2CODE is a tool that generates a ROS package with C++ code from a ROS-flavoured SCXML model.


MODEL2CODE has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with Python 3.10.12.

Installing Dependencies

MODEL2CODE requires the following dependencies:

  • TinyXML2 (Tested with v10.0.0) for XML file handling.

To install see TinyXML2 Installation


To compile the code run the following commands:

git clone
cd model2code
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install


To run the model2code tool, you will need the following:

  • An SCXML file with the state machine of the model;
  • An XML file defining the model of your project;
  • An XML file defining the interfaces of your project;
  • A directory containing templates for the files to be generated.

To run the model2code tool use the following command

model2code --input_filename "input_model.scxml" --model_filename "project_model_definition.xml" --interface_filename "interface_definition.xml" --output_path "path/to/output/directory" --template_path "path/to/template_skill/directory"

replace input_model.scxml, project_model_definition.scxml, interface_definition.scxml, path/to/output/directory and path/to/template_skill/directory with your needs.

Add --verbose_mode for enabling the logging. By default the path/to/output/directory is set to the location of input_model.scxml, and path/to/template_skill/directory is set to the 'template_skill' directory of this repository.

Example XML files with the required structure for defining the project's model and interfaces are available in the tutorials/specifications folder.

Run examples

To run an example of MODEL2CODE go to the main directory and run the following commands: Example 1:

model2code --input_filename "tutorials/skills/first_tutorial_skill/src/FirstTutorialSkill.scxml" --model_filename "tutorials/specifications/full-model.xml" --interface_filename "tutorials/specifications/interfaces.xml" --output_path "tutorials/skills/first_tutorial_skill"

Example 2:

model2code --input_filename "tutorials/skills/second_tutorial_skill/src/SecondTutorialSkill.scxml" --model_filename "tutorials/specifications/full-model.xml" --interface_filename "tutorials/specifications/interfaces.xml" --verbose_mode