SMPLIP-Score was develped for prediction of absolute ligand-protein binding affinities.
The following necessary packages should be installed in to process, generate fingerprint, train and test your model.
- KNIME analytics platform (> 3.5)
- Community nodes and schrodinger nodes should be installed (For schrodinger node please follow this link:
- IChem program ( [License can be obtained upon request to Dr. Didier Rognan]
- SMF program (
- python >3.0
- Keras (2.3.1)
- Tensorflow (2.1.0)
- Scikit Learn (0.22)
- Jupyter Notebook
Process the protein PDB files using KNIME workflow (PDBbind_v2015_Preprocessing).
=> This will generate correct protein PDB files in *.mol2 file format.
The interface of KNIME workflow to process the protein (PDB) file.
=> To know, how to import the PDBbind_v2015_Preprocessin.knwf workflow into KNIME Analytics Platform visit this tutorial (official channel of KNIMETV).
Generate the protein-ligand binding fingerprints using IChem program.
# run the following command to generate *.ifp file IChem 1a30_protein.mol2 1a30_ligand.mol2 > 1a30.ifp
Generate substructutal molecular ligand fragments using SMF program.
- SMF program provides GUI.
- The user must provide all the ligands in *.sdf file format.
Generate a matrix of fingerprint from the output file IChem program using KNIME workflow (IChem_IFP_PDBBind_2015)
=> This worflow, took input of all *.ifp files from the directory, extract all relevant information and save into *.csv format.
Train, validate and test your RF and DNN model using python script.
=> To train, validate and test the RF model use the Train-Valid-Test-RF.ipynb [SMPLIP-Score]
Load the *.ipynb* file using the jupyter notebook.
=> To train, validate and test the DNN model use the [SMPLIP-DNN]
# usage argument (bash shell): python > log.txt # see the comment section of for detailed information on file uses.
For any queries mail to Mi-hyun Kim ([email protected]) or Surendra Kumar ([email protected])