This repository contains a collection of deep learning projects covering various problems and techniques. Each project is grouped into one of the following categories:
Predict whether a person has a cardiovascular disease based on medical factors. (Binary Classification)
Group customers into distinct categories based on behavior and attributes. (Multi-class Classification)
Predict the yield of drybeans based on environmental factors and agronomic practices. (Multi-class Classification)
News Classification (Political News/World News) (Time-Series Data):
Classify news articles into political or world news categories. (Multi-class Time-Series Classification)
Sentiment Prediction (Positive/Negative Reviews) (Time-Series Data):
Classify customer reviews as positive or negative. (Binary Time-Series Classification)
Multiclass Text Classification (Articles)
Classify articles based on their topics. It aims to predict whether an article belongs to one of five categories: sport, business, politics, tech, or entertainment.
Predict the price of a auto parts based on various attributes. (Regression)
Google Stock Prediction (Time-Series Data):
Predict the stock price of Google based on historical data. (Time-Series Regression)
Predict the cost of medical insurance based on demographic and health factors. (Regression)
BTC Price Prediction (Time-Series Data):
Predict the price of Bitcoin. (Time-Series Regression)
Top Glove Stock Price Prediction (Time-Series Data):
Predict the stock price of Top Glove, a leading manufacturer of gloves. (Time-Series Regression)
Daily Covid Cases Prediction (Time-Series Data):
Predict the trend of daily Covid-19 cases in Malaysia.
Each project folder contains all the necessary files, including scripts for training and testing, data files, and any saved models or intermediate outputs.
The projects in this repository are made possible through the use of the following datasets:
- Cardio Vascular Disease Dataset
- Customer Segmentation Dataset
- Dry Bean Dataset
- News Classification
- Sentiment Analysis
- Auto Part Price Prediction
- Google Stock Prediction
- Medical Insurance Prediction
- BTC Price Prediction
- Top Glove Stock Price Prediction
- Covid-19 Datasets Malaysia
- Multiclass Text Classification