Wrapper around Telegram messenger API.
Download Telegram app and set it up.
Text to @BotFather and follow instructions to create a new bot & get
.See Official docs for Bot API.
Install npm package.
$ npm i health-assistant-bot --save
import { DQ } from 'didactic-quack';
import config from './config/conf.js';
import imageRecognition from './lib/modules/imageRecognition.js';
const dq = new DQ({ token: config.token });
dq.on('message', async (message) => {
const { to, text, photoUrl } = message;
let moduleResponse;
if (text) {
moduleResponse = dq.initModule(text);
dq.send({ to, text: moduleResponse });
} else if (photoUrl) {
const { gender, age } = await imageRecognition(photoUrl);
/** Display gender and age */
dq.send({ to, text: `You look like ${age.ageRange} and you seem like ${gender.gender}.\n` });
dq.listen((err) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
$ npm i webpack -g
$ npm i
$ npm start