Show backlinks for orgmode entries.
When taking notes in org it is useful to add links to other notes with related content. However, if you add a link from A to B then obviously B is also related to A, so the user should see the connection without adding manually a link from B to A.
This is what this package does. First you need to run M-x org-backlink-mode-refresh-cache
which scans your org files (your agenda files by default) for links.
Then you can turn on org-backlink-mode minor mode in an org buffer which automatically shows backlinks to the current entry.
Here's a screenshot using the Org Manual as an example:
If you don't want to see a message if the entry has no backlinks then set org-backlink-mode-show-no-backlink-message to nil.
This code works for me, I don't plan to develop it further. I just posted it in case others find it useful. Please don't submit pull requests.