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21 Commits

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The following commit demonstrates how to conditionally show and hide a nested input within Phoenix.Component.inputs_for/1 based on the value of a sibling nested input.

To see it in action:

There should now be a destination text input field underneath the dropdown.

For reference, this was created in response to this thread on ElixirForum.

The following two commits demonstrate how to handle multiple radio button inputs grouped together under a fieldset that represent the possible values of an Ecto.Enum field in a Phoenix LiveView form.

  1. Add fieldset radio button example for Ecto.Enum field
  2. Add radio_fieldset function component that autogenerates radio buttons

To see it in action:

For reference, this was created in response to this thread on ElixirForum.

The following commit demonstrates how to show/hide streamed elements by tagging them via HTML attributes and using LiveView's client side JS commands to toggle their visibility.

To see it in action:

  • Navigate to http://localhost:4000/calendars
  • Click the public and private toggle buttons once to hide the public and private calendars respectively
  • Click either again to show the public and private calendars respectively
  • So on and so forth

For reference, this was created in response to this thread on ElixirForum.

The following commit demonstrates how to add and remove a HTML class and attribute while using LiveView's client side JS commands to toggle their visibility.

To see it in action:

  • Navigate to http://localhost:4000/calendars
  • Click the Aria prefixed public and private toggle buttons once to add the aria-hidden attributes and invisible classes to the <tr> elements representing public and private calendars respectively
  • Click either again to remove the aria-hidden attributes and invisible classes respectively
  • So on and so forth

For reference, this was created in response to this thread on ElixirForum.

The following two commits demonstrate how to allow users to choose between setting up a parent association by selecting an existing resource from a dropdown or creating a new resource via a nested form.

To see it in action:

  • Navigate to http://localhost:4000/events
  • Select an existing calendar from the dropdown or click button to replace dropdown with form to add a new calendar
  • Click Save Event
  • Note the newly added event and its calendar id on the events index LiveView
  • Click New Event and add another event

For reference, this was created in response to this thread on ElixirForum.

The following commit demonstrates how to show an empty message when there are no streamed items using the :last-child pseudoselector.

To see it in action:

  • Navigate to http://localhost:4000/events
  • If there are no events, note the "No Streamed Items" message that disappears when creating an event.
  • Alternatively, delete all events and note the "No Streamed Items" message that appears.

For reference, this was created in response to this thread on ElixirForum.

The following commits demonstrates how to dynamically set options for one dropdown based on the value a user selects in another dropdown.

To see it in action:

For reference, this was created in response to this thread on ElixirForum.

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.