: this is an interactive python notebook that runs the kMedoids algorithm for locations having latitude and longitud from two different approachs: firstly, using the travel distance by car, in minutes; secondly, using the geodesical distance. After that, both series of results are plotted in a map and some mathematical constants are calculated.
: this is an interactive python notebook that runs the kMedoids algorithm for several values of the unique hyperparameter, k, the number of clusters. Then, it plots the elbow representation in order to asses an appropiate number of clusters.
´kMedoids_Allande1773.ipynb´: an interactive python notebook that runs the kMedoids algorithm for all the villages of Allande's Council in Asturias at 1773 from a historical census. Several distances have been used.
There's a link inside each interactive python notebook to an online-executable copy in Google Colaboratory.