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Releases: cmang/durdraw

Durdraw 0.28.0

19 Oct 16:52
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0.28.0 new features:
* Faster start and load times
* Horizontal scrolling, for editing and viewing wide ANSIs
* New configuration file options: color-mode, max-canvas, disable-mouse, cursor-mode, scroll-colors
* esc-L Search and Replace Color
* Narrow window/40 column editor UI support
* esc-space to insert drawing character
* Added Modified Time column to File Open screen
* Durfetch - Neofetch integration. Make fetcher animations without writing any code (Beta)
* Can paste any Unicode character into drawing character picker
* Shift-delete to do the same thing as delete, but from the opposite direction (reverse delete) * New --wrap option determines how many columns to automatically wrap lines in loaded ANSI and ASCII files. (Default 80)
* Toggle Mouse Off/On added to Settings menu
* Scroll color option to use the mouse wheel to change colors instead of moving the cursor
* Open->Show All Files accessible from the keyboard, using Tab key
* Animation and Brush tutorials added to Help file
* Can suspend with ^Z now
* UI improvements, more Unixy, easter eggs, and more!

Many bug fixes, including:
* Fixed bug that could cause a crash when saving ANSI files after resizing the canvas
* Fixed bug that could cause the cursor to disappear over deleted characters on some terminals
* Fixed bug that could prevent playback from resuming correctly when selecting character set
* Fixed bug that could cause incorrect color picker placement
* Removed non-functional options related to startup screen (--startup and --wait, -w)

Durdraw 0.27.1

08 Jun 20:33
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Minor bug fix update.

0.27.1 changes:
* Fixed mouse preview for draw/paint when returning from playback mode
* Prevent menu from crashing if window is too short
* Removed unnecessary escape code and redraw in playback refresh
* Single or double-click character to set for fill/draw

Durdraw 0.27.0

05 Jun 07:33
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0.27.0 brings many changes:

  • No more required Python dependencies! (PIL now optional)
  • Paint/Brush mouse tool. Select to make a custom brush.
  • Double-click characters in F1-F10 area to set (for fill/draw/etc)
  • esc-P to pick up character under cursor (for fill/draw/etc)
  • esc-{ and esc-} to shift frame order left and right
  • Tab to select new 16-color picker
  • In new 16-color picker, double click sets BG color. Single click still sets FG color.
  • VGA, ZX Spectrum and C64 palettes
  • Indicator * for when the mouse button is registered as clicking down (esc or single click always releases)
  • Alt-arrows to change colors in more terminals (just like esc-arrows)
  • alt-up/down to change color vertically in 256 color mode
  • -d or --delayexit to wait X seconds before exiting in -p or --play mode
  • Enter on last line adds a new line, like Aciddraw/Pablodraw
  • 80 columns no longer required for viewer mode
  • Improved ANSI file loading support
  • Improved mouse support
  • Saving ASCII files asks which character encoding to use (CP437 or Utf-8)
  • Moved Transform submenu into Animation menu
  • Moved draw/fill character button, stopped hiding unless screen is too small
  • Draw character button is shown in selected color
  • UI flicker fixes
  • Help screen shows Python version
  • Bug fixes

Durdraw 0.26.0

15 Mar 10:32
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0.26.0 changes:

  • Animation transform effects: Bounce (Ping-Pong), Repeat and Reverse
  • Mouse drawing previews chracter under cursor
  • Select to Cut (across a single or all frames)
  • Select to Flip Horizontal
  • Select to Flip Vertical
  • Paste to all frames option
  • Classic ANSImation export
  • License change from ISC to BSD 3-Clause
  • Bug fixes, minor UI changes

Durdraw 0.25.3

13 Jan 08:56
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0.25.3 changes:

  • Fixed issue with keyboard-selecting 256 colors

Durdraw 0.25.2

11 Jan 15:58
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0.25.2 changes:

  • 256 color palette can display under canvas now, in addition to the right of canvas
  • UI improvements
  • Stability improvements

Durdraw 0.25.1

09 Jan 11:38
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0.25.1 changes

  • Fixes an issue where, if the file information (sauce) is displayed in the sidebar while the editor is in playback mode, the cursor can disappear due to landing on the wrong spot.

Durdraw 0.25.0

09 Jan 09:41
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0.25.0 changes:

  • Added esc-1, esc-2, etc. as alternatives to F1-F10
  • Sauce/info added to sidebar, can be toggled off and on
  • Select to Fill
  • Select to Color
  • Bug/crash fixes

Durdraw 0.24.3

06 Jan 09:54
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0.24.3 changes:

  • Fix a crash on non-256 color terminals (including TERM=linux)
  • Moved the main screenshot gif out of the repo, to make the download smaller

Durdraw 0.24.2

04 Jan 09:15
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0.24.2 changes:

  • Added a man page
  • Documentation changes
  • Updated Ansilove in-program URL
  • Removed old obsolete font files (and subsequent license notices)