This game was made with the LimeJS game framework, thus is it needed. Go to and follow his instructions to install.
- bin/ init (if you haven't already)
- Add "../tsn" or the absolute pathname to the "tsn" folder to the bin/projects file on a blank line.
- Checkout code into the same directory of your LimeJS framework. There should be two folders "limejs" and "tsn".
- Go to the tsn folder.
- ./
- Set the path in limejs/bin/projects to the absolute path of "tsn".
- Go to limejs/
- bin/ build tsn -o ../tsn/compiled/tsn.js -a (See for more options.)
- Go to tsn/
- cp -r assets bin/
- cp tsn.html bin/
- Go to the tsn/bin folder.
- Open tsn.html.