released this
06 Jun 16:15
117 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
fix(DEV-2294): Docusarus Rendering @milldr (#1060)
- Removed or fixed broken links on docs website
- Remove pipe character from descriptions
- We cant use relative links for links since the READMEs and CHANGELOGs are copied and formatted for Docusarus
- The pipe character
in a description breaks table rendering
[WARNING] Docs markdown link couldn't be resolved: (./README.md) in "...components/library/aws/eks/cluster/cluster.md" for version current
[WARNING] Docs markdown link couldn't be resolved: (./docs/v1alpha-to-v1beta-migration.md) in "...components/library/aws/eks/karpenter/karpenter.md" for version current
SyntaxError: ...components/library/aws/eks/karpenter-node-pool/karpenter-node-pool.md: Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for <pre>. (464:1394)
462 | <td parentName="tr" {...{"align":null}}><a name="input_node_pools"></a>{` `}<a parentName="td" {...{"href":"#input_node_pools"}}>{`node`}{`_`}{`pools`}</a></td>
463 | <td parentName="tr" {...{"align":null}}>{`Configuration for node pools. See code for details.`}</td>
> 464 | <td parentName="tr" {...{"align":null}}><pre>{`map(object({`}<br/>{` # The name of the Karpenter provisioner. The map key is used if this is not set.`}<br/>{` name = optional(string)`}<br/>{` # Whether to place EC2 instances launched by Karpenter into VPC private subnets. Set it to 'false' to use public subnets.`}<br/>{` private_subnets_enabled = bool`}<br/>{` # The Disruption spec controls how Karpenter scales down the node group.`}<br/>{` # See the example (sadly not the specific 'spec.disruption' documentation) at `}<a parentName="td" {...{"href":"https://karpenter.sh/docs/concepts/nodepools/"}}>{`https://karpenter.sh/docs/concepts/nodepools/`}</a>{` for details`}<br/>{` disruption = optional(object({`}<br/>{` # Describes which types of Nodes Karpenter should consider for consolidation.`}<br/>{` # If using 'WhenUnderutilized', Karpenter will consider all nodes for consolidation and attempt to remove or`}<br/>{` # replace Nodes when it discovers that the Node is underutilized and could be changed to reduce cost.`}<br/>{` # If using 'WhenEmpty', Karpenter will only consider nodes for consolidation that contain no workload pods.`}<br/>{` consolidation_policy = optional(string, "WhenUnderutilized")`}<br/><br/>{` # The amount of time Karpenter should wait after discovering a consolidation decision ('go' duration string, s`}</td>
| ^
465 | <td parentName="tr" {...{"align":null}}>{`m`}</td>
466 | <td parentName="tr" {...{"align":"center"}}>{`h).`}<br/>{` # This value can currently (v0.36.0) only be set when the consolidationPolicy is 'WhenEmpty'.`}<br/>{` # You can choose to disable consolidation entirely by setting the string value 'Never' here.`}<br/>{` # Earlier versions of Karpenter called this field 'ttl_seconds_after_empty'.`}<br/>{` consolidate_after = optional(string)`}<br/><br/>{` # The amount of time a Node can live on the cluster before being removed ('go' duration string, s`}</td>
467 | </tr>