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@cloudposse-releaser cloudposse-releaser released this 03 Dec 15:24
Google backends: gcs and firestore (#35) @goruha (#36) ## what

Use google services to store state (gcs) and metadata (firestore)


For those who use google cloud it is hard to adopt atmos as all the GH tooling is built around AWS. This PR and several other fixes that.


See also related PRs in:


To use the GCP implementation, specify planRepositoryType as gcs and metadataRepositoryType as firestore, then provide the following GCP-specific settings: googleProjectId to specify the project for both GCS bucket and Firestore, bucketName for GCS storage, and googleFirestoreDatabaseName/googleFirestoreCollectionName for Firestore metadata.

The component, stack, planPath, and action parameters work the same way as in AWS and Azure examples.

 - name: Store Plan
    uses: cloudposse/github-action-terraform-plan-storage@v2
    id: store-plan
      action: storePlan
      planPath: my-plan.tfplan
      component: mycomponent
      stack: core-mycomponent-use1
      planRepositoryType: gcs
      metadataRepositoryType: firestore
      bucketName: my-terraform-plans
      gcpProjectId: my-gcp-project
      gcpFirestoreDatabaseName: terraform-plan-metadata
      gcpFirestoreCollectionName: terraform-plan-storage

 - name: Get Plan
    uses: cloudposse/github-action-terraform-plan-storage@v2
    id: get-plan
      action: getPlan
      planPath: my-plan.tfplan
      component: mycomponent
      stack: core-mycomponent-use1
      planRepositoryType: gcs
      metadataRepositoryType: firestore
      bucketName: my-terraform-plans
      gcpProjectId: my-gcp-project
      gcpFirestoreDatabaseName: terraform-plan-metadata
      gcpFirestoreCollectionName: terraform-plan-storage

🤖 Automatic Updates

Update .github/settings.yml @osterman (#33) ## what - Update `.github/settings.yml` - Drop `.github/auto-release.yml` files


  • Re-apply .github/settings.yml from org level
  • Use organization level auto-release settings


  • DEV-1242 Add protected tags with Repository Rulesets on GitHub