HistoriCal is a fun and interactive way to tour the historical landmard of the Berkeley Area!
HistoriCAL Utilizes Bootstrap4.
HistoriCAL is a web app that provides information and context surrounding historical landmarks in the greater Berkeley area. Using Google Maps the app generates a walking route to the various landmarks in Berkeley. For each landmark, we provide the official name, the date the landmark was established, and both old and modern pictures. In addition to creating a tour based on a landmark you choose, we also provide a currated, preset trails based around Northside and West Berkeley.
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Javascript (Vanilla)
- JQuery
- Popper.js
- Bootstrap 4
- Google Maps API
- Google Geolocation API
- Google Routes API
HistoriCAL's mission is to give users a greater understanding of the rich history of Berkeley in a way that educates users, while also giving a "workout". The history of old Berkeley is often ignored, but with this app we plan on bringing this old knowledge to the modern world through our app.