This application connects to a database, you can add burgers, and move them from one table to another
To run this app, you'll need to install the following Node packages.
Body Parser run npm install body-parser
Express run npm install express
Express Handlebars run npm install express-handlebars
mysql run npm install mysql
You will need to set up the database. Use the files named "/db/schema.sql" and "/db/seeds.sql" located in this repo.
- If you want the database without any demo data use the file named "/db/schema.sql" located in this repo.
- If you want to edit the default demo data or add your own demo data, use or edit the file named "seeds.sql" located in this repo.
Once you have your database set up, you can edit the database configs at the top of the file listed below for your specific environment.
Edit lines 10 to 14 in "/config/connection.js"
host: "localhost",
// Your port; if not 3306
port: 3306,
// Your username
user: "root",
// Your password
password: "",
database: "burgers_db"
Once your files are set up you can start using the app.
Explore the functionaliy of the front end by running the command " node server.js " and visiting "http://localhost:8080"
The app is also configured to run in heroku, just create an AWS database using the heroku app JAWS_DB and upload the tables.