From the TaskPaper website (
"TaskPaper is a simple to-do list application that helps you stay organized. Unlike competing applications, TaskPaper is based on plain text files which offer you paper-like simplicity and ease of use."
TaskPaper is a to-do list application for Mac OS X based on the "Getting Things Done" approach of David Allen ( It supports the GTD notions of projects, tasks and contexts.
This package contains a syntax file and a file-type plugin for the simple format used by the TaskPaper application. It is intended for Mac users who want to edit their TaskPaper lists in Vim from time to time (for example, in a SSH session, or on a non-Mac system) and for anyone who is looking for a simple to-do list format.
Assuming you're using vim-plug:
Plug 'cweagans/vim-taskpaper'
If you're using the Vigor neovim distribution, you can also install the language-taskpaper layer.
Vim can complete context names after the '@' using the keyword completion commands (e.g. Ctrl-X Ctrl-N).
The plugin defines some new mappings:
Key | Description |
<Leader>td |
Mark task as done |
<Leader>tx |
Mark task as cancelled |
<Leader>tt |
Mark task as today |
<Leader>tD |
Archive @done items |
<Leader>tX |
Show tasks marked as cancelled |
<Leader>tT |
Show tasks marked as today |
<Leader>t/ |
Search for items including keyword |
<Leader>ts |
Search for items including tag |
<Leader>tp |
Fold all projects |
<Leader>t. |
Fold all notes |
<Leader>tP |
Focus on the current project |
<Leader>tj |
Go to next project |
<Leader>tk |
Go to previous project |
<Leader>tg |
Go to specified project |
<Leader>tm |
Move task to specified project |
Marking a task as done will add the "@done" context tag to the end of the task, and it will be greyed out by the syntax file.
To show all tasks with a particular context tag, type \ts
and a tag name to
search. If you use the \ts
command over the desired context tag, the tag
name is set as default value. This will fold all the irrelevant tasks leaving
only the tasks in the current context visible.
To fold all top-level projects leaving only the headings visible use the \tp
command. Standard fold commands can be used to open (zo
) and close (zc
individual projects.
To show all projects and tasks use the zR
command. This disables folding so
that the entire file is expanded.
To go to next or previous project use the \tj
command or \tk
command. To
go to a project you specify use the \tg
command. You can complete project
names with on prompt.
The plugin supports a number of configuration variables, which can be set in your .vimrc file.
To change the default date format string used when marking a task complete,
define the task_paper_date_format
variable. The format matches your system's
For example, to include the date and time in ISO8601 format:
let g:task_paper_date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
To change the default archive project name, define the
variable. The default value is "Archive".
let g:task_paper_archive_project = "Archive"
By default, when you move a task, the cursor will follow that task to its new
location. To make the cursor stay in it's current location, change the
let g:task_paper_follow_move = 0
If you want to hide done tasks when searching you can change the
let g:task_paper_search_hide_done = 1
To set a custom style (colour, bold, etc.) for tags task_paper_styles variable, which is a dictionary.
let g:task_paper_styles={'wait': 'ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue', 'FAIL':
'ctermbg=Red guibg=Red'}
See :h highlight-args
for a full description of the syntax.
You can create your own shortcut for tagging. To define your own shortcut, write settings in ~/.vim/ftplugin/taskpaper.vim or ~/.vimrc. If you use the .vimrc file, define settings like:
function! s:taskpaper_setup()
" Your settings
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tn
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#toggle_tag('next', '')<CR>
augroup vimrc-taskpaper
autocmd FileType taskpaper call s:taskpaper_setup()
augroup END
To add a tag without argument:
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tn
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#add_tag('next', '')<CR>
To delete a tag:
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tN
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#delete_tag('next', '')<CR>
To toggle a tag:
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tn
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#toggle_tag('next', '')<CR>
To add a tag with an argument:
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tq
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#add_tag('priority')<CR>
You can specify the priority value on prompt.
To delete the priority tag with any argument:
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tQ
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#delete_tag('priority', '')<CR>
To delete only the level 1 of priority tag:
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tQ
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#delete_tag('priority', '1')<CR>
To toggle a tag with an argument:
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tq
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#toggle_tag('priority')<CR>
To update a tag (not delete if the tag exists):
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>tq
\ :<C-u>call taskpaper#update_tag('priority')<CR>
- The original plugin was written by David O'Callaghan [email protected]
- This fork has been improved by contributions from many forks of the original repository