Unmodded UI files for Civ6. Based on repo from https://github.com/Azurency/Civ6-UIFiles but reorganized to match the game's file structure.
- Clone repo to a local location
- Delete the Base/Assets/UI folder
- Copy folder from <CIV6_Install_Location>/Base/Assets/UI into Base/Assets
- Delete DLC/Expansion1/UI folder
- Copy folder from <CIV6_Install_Location>/DLC/Expansion1/UI into DLC/Expansion1
- Copy files Expansion1.dep and Expansion1.modinfo from <CIV6_Install_Location>/DLC/Expansion1 into DLC/Expansion1
- Delete DLC/Expansion2/UI folder
- Copy folder from <CIV6_Install_Location>/DLC/Expansion2/UI into DLC/Expansion2
- Copy files Expansion2.dep and Expansion2.modinfo from <CIV6_Install_Location>/DLC/Expansion2 into DLC/Expansion2
- Use GitHub Desktop application to commit all files (modified, added, removed) or use
git add -A
followed by commit
- Check to see if files are added to ExpansionX folder, if no new files then use simple process
- Check if file exists in earlier expansions or base game, if file did not exist then use simple process
- Create a branch for preparation work
git checkout -b ExpansionXPrep
- Move files from old location (earlier expansion or base game) into new location
- Stage all moved files
git add -A
- Commit files
git commit -m "Prep for ExpansionX update"
- Restore moved files to old location
git checkout HEAD~ Base
,git checkout HEAD~ DLC\Expansion1
, ... - Commit files
git commit -m "Restore common files"
- Switch back to master
git checkout -
- Merge the branch into master
git merge --no-ff ExpansionXPrep
- Follow simple process to do the remaining updates
Based on instructions from https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20190919-00/?p=102904