Sample CICS Java program to use a J2C generated data binding to map a COMMAREA for linking to the CICS COBOL EDUPGM sample
- CICS TS V5.4 or later
- Java SE 1.8 or later on the workstation
- J2C tools provided with Rational Applicaton Developer or IBM Developer for z/OS
- Eclipse with the IBM CICS SDK for Java, or any IDE that supports usage of the Maven Central artifact
The sample class J2Cprog can be added to a OSGi plug-in project and deployed into a CICS OSGi JVM server along with the J2CCommareaWrapper class
More information about this sample can be found in the accompanying IBM developer tutorial Generate Java records from COBOL with IBM Developer J2C tools
To download the COBOL EDUPGM sample see this CICSDev Git repository