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Lists and writes the municipalities of Philippine provinces or regions into JSON files using PAGASA 10-Day weather forecast Excel files as data source


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The ph-municipalities NPM package provides NPM scripts that allow interactive querying of Philippine municipalities included in one or more provinces or from a whole region, with an option of writing them to JSON files from the command line through a CLI-like application and classes for parsing Excel file data sources.

It uses a PAGASA 10-day weather forecast Excel file in /app/data/day1.xlsx (downloaded and stored as of this 20220808) from PAGASA's 10-Day Climate Forecast web page as the default data source.

Since the PAGASA 10-day weather forecast Excel files do not have region names, the parser scripts sync it with the PAGASA Seasonal weather forecast regions and province names defined in the manually-encoded /app/config/regions.json file to determine the region names. The classes also provide an option to specify a new region name configuration file on initialization.

It also asks users to key in the file download URL of a remote PAGASA 10-Day weather forecast Excel file should they want to use another Excel file for a new and updated data source.

INFO: When installing the package using npm i ph-municipalities, the default data source is inside /data/day1.xlsx. All source codes and files are also inside the ph-municipalities root directory.

Architecture Diagram


Dataset Output

Extracted municipalities are written in JSON files following the format:

  "metadata": {
    "source": "",
    "title": "List of PH Municipalities By Province and Region",
    "description": "This dataset generated with reference to the excel file contents from the source URL on 20220808.",
    "date_created": "Mon Aug 08 2022"
  "data": {
    "Albay": ["Bacacay", "Camalig", ... ],
    "Camarines Norte": ["Basud", "Capalonga", ... ],
    "Camarines Sur": ["Baao", "Balatan", ... ],

Pre-compiled windows binaries are available for download in the latest Releases download page.

Class Documentation


The following dependencies are used for this project. Feel free to use other dependency versions as needed.

Requirements list
  1. Windows 10 OS
  2. nvm for Windows v1.1.9
  3. NodeJS, installed using nvm
    • node v16.14.2
    • npm v8.5.0
  4. Excel file
    • ph-municipalities uses Excel files in the /app/data directory as data source.
    • At minimum, the Excel file should have a column that contains municipality and province names following the pattern "municipalityName (provinceName)"
    • (Optional) The Excel file should have a row on the same column as above containing the text "Project Areas" plus two (2) blank rows before rows containing municipality and province names to enable strict testing and validation of the number of parsed data rows
    • Checkout the excel file format on the /app/data/day1.xlsx sample file for more information
  5. (Optional) Download URL for a remote excel file.
    • See the EXCEL_FILE_URL variable on the Installation section.
  6. (Optional) Docker
    • Use Docker for localhost development
    • See the Docker Dependencies section for more information.


What is the purpose or goal of ph-municipalities?

ph-municipalities aims to provide a simple, organized, and flexible interface for viewing, querying, and listing Philippine provinces and municipalities using the PAGASA 10-day weather forecast Excel files as the data source.

Its early stages were written as procedural functions within a private backend project for extracting 10-day weather forecast data from the PAGASA 10-day weather forecast Excel files. When the private project started gaining complexity, a need to separate the logic and management for listing the Philippine province and municipalities per region rose. Creating an independent, public OpenSource version listing the provinces and municipalities per region was decided after experiencing drawbacks and difficulties testing using similar OpenSource libraries (some of which are listed below) for that project.

ph-municipalities aim to contribute to the OpenSource community by listing ONLY Philippine provinces and municipalities' names, using PAGASA's 10-day weather forecast Excel files, which are publicly accessible to everyone.

Can ph-municipalities parse and extract PAGASA 10-day weather forecast data?

While ph-municipalities use a PAGASA 10-day weather forecast Excel file as a data source for its provinces and municipalities list, NO, it cannot parse and extract PAGASA 10-day weather forecast data.

ph-municipalities only have class methods for parsing, extracting, listing and querying provinces and municipalities names data from a PAGASA 10-day weather forecast Excel file. Refer to the ExcelFile class documentation for more information about its available methods.

Are there alternative libraries to ph-municipalities for listing Philippine provinces and municipalities?

Yes, several OpenSource libraries and projects similar to ph-municipalities exist, which you can use in its place to list Philippine provinces and municipalities.

Here is a list of several of these libraries and code repositories. Note, however, that these items use old and new data sources. These may not be for you if you require using provinces and municipalities' names data from the PAGASA 10-day weather forecast Excel files.

Is it possible to make ph-municipalities parse and extract PAGASA 10-day weather forecast data?

While ph-municipalites do not support parsing and extracting PAGASA 10-day weather forecast data, you can extend the ExcelFile or ExcelFactory classes with custom logic and codes to enable parsing and extracting PAGASA 10-day weather forecast data.

Since the ExcelFile or ExcelFactory are JavaScript Classes (Functions in disguise, not true OOP, but inheritance still works), you can extend them with class inheritance, overriding or creating new class methods to accommodate processing the PAGASA 10-day weather forecast data. Refer to the ph-municipalities class documentation to know more about the available classes, member variables, and methods.

An example of extending the classes to parse PAGASA 10-day weather forecast data may go along the lines of:

const { ExcelFile } = require('ph-municipalities')

class PAGASATendayParser extends ExcelFile {
  /* Override constructor if neccessary
  constructor (params) {

    // Custom class initialization logic here

  getWeatherData () {
    // Note: this.#data contains the "raw" original Excel rows data as JSON with weather data

    const weatherData = this.#data.reduce((list, row, index) => {
      // Write logic to parse and extract weather data here
    }, [])

    return weatherData

const parser = new PAGASATendayParser()
weatherForecast = parser.getWeatherData()

How does ph-municipalities determine which provinces belong to a region?

The PAGASA 10-day Excel files only contain province and municipality names linked with weather data - it has no region information. Therefore, ph-municipalities link the province names in the 10-day Excel files to region/province names defined in the /app/config/regions.json file to determine which region they belong to.

The /app/config/regions.json file

This file contains region/province names mapping encoded manually with reference from the region and province names listed in the PAGASA Seasonal Forecast website's Forecast Analysis Rainfall table.

The region/province mapping defined in this file may become outdated as time passes. ph-municipalities users are encouraged to Use a Custom Configuration File, defining new region/province name mappings following the file's current format if they will notice region to province inconsistencies in the generated municipality lists.

Are the provinces and municipality lists generated by ph-municipalities updated?

NO. By default, ph-municipalities use an outdated PAGASA 10-day Excel file for its local data source, downloaded on August 8, 2022. However, it also provides several ways for using updated PAGASA 10-day Excel files as data sources:

Overall, the provinces and municipality list rely on the latest contents of a PAGASA 10-day Excel file and manual configuration of region/province names mapping in the /app/config/regions.json file (See Class Usage - Using a Custom Configuration File). It is not yet known and tested if these are in sync with the latest regions, provinces, and municipalities in the more standard and canon Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) data.

Table of Contents

Click to expand the table of contents


  1. Clone this repository.
    git clone

  2. Install dependencies.

    cd app
    npm install
  3. Create a .env file from the .env.example file inside the /app directory. Use the default values for the following environment variables.

    List of .env variables and their description.

    INFO: If installed as an NPM package with npm i ph-municipalities, create the .env file inside the NPM project's root directory.

    Variable Name Description
    EXCEL_FILE_URL (Optional) Remote excel file's download URL.
    If provided, the excel file will be downloaded and saved on the specified pathToFile local filesystem location during the ExcelFile class initialization.
    Read on Usage for more information.
    SHEETJS_COLUMN Column name read by sheetjs in an excel file.
    This column contains the municipality and province names following the string pattern
    "municipalityName (provinceName)"
    Default value is __EMPTY
    SORT_ALPHABETICAL Arranges the municipality names in alphabetical order.
    Default value is 1. Set to 0 to use the ordering as read from the Excel file.
    SPECIAL_CHARACTERS Key-value pairs of special characters or garbled text and their normalized text conversions, delimited by the ":" character.
    Multiple key-value pairs are delimited by the "," character.
    If a special character key's value is a an empty string, write it as i.e.,: "some-garbled-text:"
    IMAGE_URL Raw URL of the README image file from this GitHub repository.
    NOTE: Only add this variable in the GitHub Secrets for publishing to the NPM registry since NPM does not allow displaying images by relative path.

Installation Using Docker

We can use Docker to run dockerized Node app for local development mode. The following methods require Docker and Docker compose correctly installed and set up on your development machine.

Docker Dependencies

The following dependencies are used to build and run the image. Please feel feel free to use other OS and versions as needed.
  1. Ubuntu 22.04.1
    • Docker version 23.0.1, build a5eeb1
    • Docker Compose v2.16.0
  2. Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    • version 22H2 Build 19045.4651
    • Docker Desktop
      • Docker Compose version v2.27.1-desktop.1
      • Docker Engine version 26.1.4, build 5650f9b

Docker for Localhost Development

Steps for using Docker with local development
  1. Set up the environment variables for the /app directory. Visit the Installation section, step #3 for more information.

  2. Stop and delete all docker instances for a fresh start.

    • NOTE: Running this script will delete all docker images, containers, volumes, and networks. Run this script if you feel like everything is piling but do not proceed if you have important work on other running Docker containers.

    •  sudo chmod u+x scripts/
       # Answer all proceeding prompts
  3. Build and run the app using Docker.

    • Build
      docker compose -f build
    • Run
      docker compose -f up
    • Stop
      docker compose -f down
  4. Edit and execute scripts within the running docker container from step #3.

    • For running NPM scripts (see the Available Scripts section for more information):
      docker exec -it ph-municipalities <NPM_SCRIPT>
    • For new scripts (example only):
      docker exec -it ph-municipalities node ./src/new.js

Available Scripts

Note: These NPM scripts run relative within the /app directory, when working on a git-cloned repository of the app. To run using only NodeJS, navigate first to the /app directory and execute a target script, for example:

cd app
npm run list:region
Interactive CLI Scripts

npm start / npm run list:region

  • Asks users to enter the download URL of a remote excel file or use the default local excel file
    • Loads and parses the local excel file in /app/data/day1.xlsx by default.
    • Loads and parses the downloaded excel file to /app/data/datasource.xlsx if download URL in the class constructor is provided.
  • Displays a list of available PH region names.
  • Lists all provinces and municipalities of a specified region via commandline input.
  • Asks for an option to write results to a JSON file.
  • Run the script as follows if installed using npm i ph-municipalities:
    • node .\node_modules\ph-municipalities\src\scripts\by_region.js

npm run list:province

  • Asks users to enter the download URL of a remote excel file or use the default local excel file
    • Loads and parses the local excel file in /app/data/day1.xlsx by default.
    • Loads and parses the downloaded excel file to /app/data/datasource.xlsx if download URL in the class constructor is provided.
  • Lists all municipalities under specified province(s) via commandline input.
  • Asks for an option to write results to a JSON file.
  • Run the script as follows if installed using npm i ph-municipalities:
    • node .\node_modules\ph-municipalities\src\scripts\by_province.js

NPM Scripts for Building Windows Executable Files of the Interactive CLI Scripts

npm run build:win:region

  • Package the Node.js project's npm start script into a stand-alone windows node16-win-x64 executable.
  • The windows executable file will be stored in /dist/ph-regions-win.exe. Click the executable file to run.

npm run build:win:province

  • Package the Node.js project's npm list:province script into a stand-alone windows node16-win-x64 executable.
  • The windows executable file will be stored in /dist/ph-provinces-win.exe. Click the executable file to run.

npm run build:win:all

  • Package the Node.js project's npm start and npm list:province script into a stand-alone windows node16-win-x64 executables in one go.
  • Each window executable file will be stored in the /dist directory.

NPM Scripts for Compiling the Interactive CLI Scripts into Stand-Alone Scripts

npm run minify:region

  • Compiles the Node.js project's npm list:region script and dependencies into a single script using ncc.
  • The compiled/minified file will be stored in /dist/region. Run the command to use the compiled script:
    node dist/region

npm run minify:province

  • Compiles the Node.js project's npm list:province script and dependencies into a single script using ncc.
  • The compiled/minified file will be stored in /dist/province. Run the command to use the compiled script:
    node dist/province

npm run minify:all

  • Run the npm list:region and npm list:province scripts in one go.
  • Each compiled/minified files will be stored in the /dist directory.

NPM Scripts for Building Documentation

npm run generate-docs

Builds the class documentation into the /docs directory.

This script requires manual installation of the [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] packages as devDependencies inside the /app directory. These libraries, only used for building the class documentation, were excluded from the final package.json to have fewer external dependencies.

Installing these libraries will update the package.json and package-lock.json files. Take care not to push changes caused by installation.

npm run docs:install

Runs the Bash script that installs the JSDoc and theme dependencies for building the class documentation only within the development Docker environment.

This script requires running from a Bash terminal - it won't work from a Windows command line terminal. It is reserved for building the documentation with Docker.

This script is used for building the class documentation from a local Docker environment along with the npm run docs:build NPM script.

docker exec -u root -it ph-municipalities npm run docs:install
docker exec -u root -it ph-municipalities npm run docs:build

npm run docs:build

Runs the Bash script that builds the class documentation using JSDoc only within the development Docker environment.

This script requires running from a Bash terminal - it won't work from a Windows command line terminal. It is reserved for building the documentation with Docker.

This script is used for building the class documentation from a local Docker environment along with the npm run docs:install NPM script.

docker exec -u root -it ph-municipalities npm run docs:install
docker exec -u root -it ph-municipalities npm run docs:build

NPM Scripts for Linting Files and Unit Testing

npm run lint

Lint JavaScript source codes.

npm run lint:fix

Fix JavaScript lint errors.

npm test

Run tests defined in the /app/__tests__ directory.

npm run example

  • Downloads and parses a remote excel file.
  • Demonstrates sample usage with await

Class Usage

Below are example usages of the ExcelFile class, run from the /app/src/examples directory. Check out the /app/src/examples/sample_usage.js file for more examples.

Load and Parse a Local Excel File

This is a simple usage example of the ExcelFile class.

Simple Usage
const path = require('path')
const ExcelFile = require('../classes/excel')

// Use the the following if installed via npm
// const { ExcelFile } = require('ph-municipalities')

// Reads an existing excel file on /app/data/day1.xlsx
file = new ExcelFile({
   pathToFile: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'data', 'day1.xlsx'),
   // fastload: false

// Call init() if fastload=false
// file.init()

// listMunicipalities() lists all municipalities
// for each province
const provinces = ['Albay','Masbate','Sorsogon']
const municipalitiesFromProvince = file.listMunicipalities({ provinces })

// writeMunicipalities() writes municipalities data to a JSON file
// and returns the JSON object
const json = file.writeMunicipalities({
   fileName: path.join(__dirname, 'municipalities.json'),
   prettify: true

// shapeJsonData() returns the output of writeMunicipalities()
// without writing to a JSON file
const json2 = file.shapeJsonData(provinces)

// JSON data of the parsed excel file will is accessible on
// file.datalist

// Set the contents of file.datalist
file.datalist = [
   { municipality: 'Tayum', province: 'Abra' },
   { municipality: 'Bucay', province: 'Abra' }]
Reading regions, provinces and municipalities
const path = require('path')
const ExcelFile = require('../classes/excel')

// Use the the following if installed via npm
// const { ExcelFile } = require('ph-municipalities')

// Reads an existing excel file on /app/data/day1.xlsx
const file = new ExcelFile({
  pathToFile: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'data', 'day1.xlsx'),
  fastload: true

// listRegions() lists all regions from the regions settings file
const regions = file.listRegions()
console.log('---regions', regions)

// List region data from query
const regionQuery = file.listRegions('region_name')
console.log(`---region full name`, regionQuery)

// listProvinces() lists all provinces of a region
// for each given province
const provinces = file.listProvinces('Region IX')
console.log(`---provinces of ${regions[0]}`, provinces)

const municipalitiesFromProvince = file.listMunicipalities({ provinces })
console.log(`---municipalities`, municipalitiesFromProvince)

Download and Parse a Remote Excel File

Adding a url field in the constructor parameter prepares the class to download a remote Excel file for the data source.

Remote Excel file download example

INFO: Run the .init() method after initializing a class with a url parameter to start the async file download.

const path = require('path')
const ExcelFile = require('../classes/excel')

// Use the the following if installed via npm
// const { ExcelFile } = require('ph-municipalities')

const main = async () => {
  // Excel file will be downloaded to /app/src/examples/excelfile.xlsx
  const file = new ExcelFile({
    pathToFile: path.join(__dirname, 'excelfile.xlsx'),
    url: process.env.EXCEL_FILE_URL

  try {
    // Download file
    await file.init()
  } catch (err) {


Alternate Usage - Events

Initialize an ExcelFile class instance
const path = require('path')

const ExcelFile = require('../classes/excel')

// Use the the following if installed via npm
// const { ExcelFile } = require('ph-municipalities')

const main = () => {
  try {
    // Initialize an ExcelFile class instance.
    const PHExcel = new ExcelFile({
      pathToFile: path.join(__dirname, 'excelfile.xlsx'),
      url: process.env.EXCEL_FILE_URL

    // Download file

    // Listen to the instance's EVENTS.LOADED event., () => {
      console.log('--Excel data loaded!', PHExcel.datalist)
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(`[ERROR]: ${err.message}`)


Using a Custom Configuration File

The ph-municipalities ExcelFile and ExcelFactory classes use a default configuration file to define their regions and provinces in the /app/config/regions.json file. The regions and provinces data in this file syncs with the PAGASA Seasonal and 10-Day Weather Forecast Excel files provinces and municipalities naming convention, encoded by hand as of August 24, 2024.

Follow the codes to define a custom regions config file, following the format of the /app/config/regions.json file to customize region definitions.

Note: The custom config file's province/municipality names should match those in the 10-day Excel file.

  "metadata": {
    "sources": [
    "title": "List of Random Provinces by Regions",
    "description": "Sample regions config file",
    "date_created": "20240824"
  "data": [
      "name": "Mondstat",
      "abbrev": "MON",
      "region_num": "1",
      "region_name": "The City of Freedom",
      "provinces": ["Brightcrown Mountains","Galesong Hill","Starfell Valley","Windwail Highland","Dragonspine"]
      "name": "Inazuma",
      "abbrev": "INZ",
      "region_num": "3",
      "region_name": "The Realm of Eternity",
      "provinces": ["Narukami","Kannazuka","Yashiori","Watatsumi","Seirai","Tsurumi","Enkanomiya"]
Custom config usage
const path = require('path')

const ExcelFile = require('../classes/excel')

// Use the the following if installed via npm
// const { ExcelFile } = require('ph-municipalities')

const config = require('./config.json')

// Load the local Excel file
const file = new ExcelFile({
  pathToFile: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'data', 'day1.xlsx'),
  fastload: true,
  // Use a custom settings file to define region info
  settings: config

// Load provinces from the custom config file
const provinces = file.listProvinces('Inazuma')

// List the municipalities of defined provinces in the config file
// Note: Province/municipality names should match with those in the 10-day Excel file
const municipalities = file.listMunicipalities({ provinces })

console.log('---provinces', provinces)

console.log('\nProvince/municipality names should match with those in the 10-day Excel file')
console.log('---municipalities', municipalities)

Building Standalone Windows Executables

The main npm scripts can be packaged into standalone windows executables. Pre-compiled windows binaries are available for download in the latest Releases download page.
  1. Run any of the following scripts to build the programs.
    npm run build:win:region
    npm run build:win:province
    # npm run build:win:all
  2. Click the resulting executable files in the /dist directory to execute.

Compiling into Single, Minified Files

The main npm scripts can be compiled into standalone JavaScript files together with all its dependencies.
  1. Run any of the following scripts to compile the source codes.
    npm run minify:region
    npm run minify:province
    # npm run minify:all
  2. Run the compiled source codes in the /dist directory to execute.
    node dist/region
    node dist/province

Building the Class Documentation

The class documentation uses JSDoc annotations where applicable in the JavaScript source codes inside the /src directory. There are two (2) options for building the class documentation.

Using Docker
  1. Run docker for localhost development. Refer to the Docker for Localhost Development section for more information.

  2. Install the dependencies for JSDoc. Suceeding builds will not need to install dependencies after an initial installation. Refer to the npm run docs:install script usage for more information.

    docker exec -u root -it ph-municipalities npm run docs:install
  3. Build the documentation. Refer to the npm run docs:build script usage for more information.

    docker exec -u root -it ph-municipalities npm run docs:build

Using NodeJS
  1. Install the dependencies for JSDoc. Refer to the npm run generate-docs Script usage for more information.

  2. Copy Bash scripts to the /app directory.

    • Create a /scripts directory inside the /app directory.
    • Copy the /scripts/ and /scripts/ Bash scripts to the /scripts directory created from the previous step.
  3. Copy static assets to the /app directory.

    • Copy the /docs/diagrams directory inside the /app directory.
    • Copy the file to the /app directory.
  4. Add appropriate user permission to the files.

    chmod u+x scripts/
    chmod u+x scripts/
  5. Run the commands for building the documentation.

    INFO: Use a GitBash terminal if you are working on a Windows OS machine.



This section describes several common errors and related fixes.

EACCESS: permission denied


  • This error usually happens when writing to files inside Docker-mounted volumes on an Ubuntu host during run time.
  • A full sample error log is:

    EACCESS: permission denied, open '/opt/app/region1.json'


  1. Find the host UID of the ph-municipalities Docker user. Its name is "app," defined in the Dockerfile.
    docker run --rm -it ciatph/ph-municipalities:dev sh -c "id -u app"
  2. Change the ownership of the ./app directory using the ph-municipalities user host UID from step #1.
    sudo chown -R <APP_UID>:<APP_UID> ./app
  3. Re-run the NPM script.
