A starter-kit to get you started with creating services using node.js!
Utilize Clean Architecture: Using this setup, separate your concerns and develop software in an extensible way.
- Clone this repository
- remove the .git folder
- ???
- Profit!
npm start // runs index.js using es-modules (node -r esm index.js)
npm test // runs tests using jest (anything -test.js)
npm run gen:adapter // prompts for adapter generation
npm run gen:controller // prompts for controller generation
npm run gen:use-case // prompts for use-case generation
express: Express for routing and HTTP Server. Middleware included when used; cors, body-parser (json), compression, and status-moniotor. Extensible statuses through HTTP-Status.
knex: Query-generation library. Chosen over an ORM to provide more capabilities and faster queries.
jest: Testing library. Babel added to repo to support es-modules while testing. Unification with the rest of testing JS code for Orbee.
hygen: templating library, used for generating scaffolds for code (adapters, controllers, use-cases, etc.).
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