This super-simple application is a demo that accompanies my Introduction to HTML5 Web Sockets talk. This is intended to serve as a launching point for you to play around with Web sockets powered by Pusher (
I’m working with the understanding that you have your favorite flavor of Ruby installed and working. Assuming that’s true…
Clone this repository:
$ git clone git:// $ cd web_sockets_demo
Make sure Rubygems is up to date and you have Bundler installed:
$ gem update --system $ gem install bundler
Install dependencies with Bundler:
$ bundle install
Start the server:
$ ruby server.rb
Check out the demo at localhost:4567
Start playing! This is obviously quite bare bones, but it should give you a starting point. Either try adding a new feature or two to your chat client, or blow away the chat client code entirely and create your own socket powered mini-app!
By default, the app is pushing and receiving messages on the shared Pusher channel ‘demo_chat’. If you want to use your own ‘private’ channel instead, rename the channel to your own unique string. You will need to change this line in server.rb
CHANNEL = 'demo_chat'
… and this line in public/javascripts/chat.js
var PUSHER_CHANNEL_NAME = 'demo_chat'
For simplicity sake I decided to run this demo using Sinatra/HAML/jQuery, but you could certainly implement this in Rails/ERB/Prototype if you were so inclined.
Just in case you’re not familiar with one of these libraries, here are some docs: