Manipulate the DOM and handle events of the browser from Haskell.
- Some simple buttons
- Missing dollars question
- A chat app
- Use words (Apologies for the male-centric story)
- (WIP)
HJScript is a library that generates JavaScript, which runs on the client, with JavaScript semantics.
So, e.g. if you want to write expressions you write:
x <- varWith (int 10)
alert (mathMax (val 10 * x) 45)
ajax (string "get-user") (10,"admin") $ \user -> do
udiv <- j "<div></div>"
setText (toString user)
append body udiv
Ji is a set of Haskell functions that manipulate a remote DOM, which runs on the server and sends code to the client, with Haskell semantics.
So for the above in Ji you might write:
let x = 10
alert (max (10 * x) 45)
user <- getUser 10 Admin
udiv <- new
setText (show user) udiv
append body udiv
Although the HJScript can be abstracted somewhat to look more like the below, by using Haskell like a macro language for JavaScript, it's still JavaScript.
Ji transparently runs on the server or the client depending on what needs to be done, but most time is spent on the server. In this sense one could write code like this:
body <- getBody
ul <- new ## addTo body
forM_ [1..10] $ \i -> do
new ## addTo ul ## setText (show i)
threadDelay (1000*1000)
Which would add a new line with each number to the browser's body at least every second, network latency allowing.
The above example has a latency. If this is a problem, e.g. then using Ji for this task is wrong. The solution is to produce some JavaScript that will run on the client. Consider this approach similar to a shading language.
Some means of producing JavaScript from Haskell might be:
- HJScript
It might be desirable in the future to write something like this:
module Main where
import Client.RenderLis
main = runJiServer $ do
body <- getBody
ul <- new ## addTo body
runJS renderLis
module Client.RenderLis where
renderLis = JS "render-lis" $ do -- This name could be generated by a TH macro.
forM_ [1..10] $ \i -> do
new ## addTo ul ## setText (show i)
threadDelay (1000*1000)
runJS :: (MonadJi,MonadJS m) => js () -> m ()
runJS js = do
id <- getId (toJiRepresentation js)
callRemoteJS id
and then
ghc --make Main.hs
uhc -tjs Client.RenderLis.hs
Or you could just use HJScript with JavaScript semantics. It depends how much you don't like JavaScript.
Either way, I think it strikes a good balance. In either case the server remains in control. If you need user interaction with the model and the business logic, use Ji. If you need some special rendering or latency hotspots, optimize it with some custom JS. But use it conservatively. Some examples where you might want to compile to JS are:
- canvas rendering
- switching tabs/hover information
- timers that should be accurate
Every DOM element referenced from the server needs a number generated for it per session in a map, and once the session timesout it's deleted. It would be good to optimize this to an IntMap, for space reasons. It we can attach finalizers to Element values then we can automatically free up "reference" numbers to be used again.
This is all assuming that this approach is a good approach, which has yet to be confirmed, although the outlook is positive. Some public applications which could seemingly be written in Ji:
- How much of GMail requires client-side code, not much, huh?
- How much of Google+?
- How much of YouTube?
- Hoogle?
- Hackage?
Switch to HTML rendering mode — it might be nice in the case of search engines to merely generate a DOM and render it, so that search engines can read the pages.
Inspiration can be taken from the following Obviously Decent UI paradigms:
- The Common Lisp Interface Manager
- The Windows Presentation Foundation
- Functional Reactive Programming
I will write more about why these are Obviously Decent and not crap like typical UI application approaches.
- qooxdoo — provides a feature-complete widget set. One could wrap this in a type-safe API from Ji and get a complete, stable UI framework for free. Most of the "immediate feedback" like dragging things here, switching tabs there, are taken care of by the framework. All that would be left would be to provide the domain configuration and business/presentation logic.
There are plenty more like this, but this is the first that springs to mind that is good.