MetalLB offers a software network load balancing implementation that allows for LoadBalancing services in Kubernetes. Upstream documentation for MetalLB can be found at
The charm currently supports MetalLB Layer 2 mode.
The official documentation for this charm and how to use it with Kubernetes can be found at
The namespace
config option allows users to specify a namespace that the MetalLB resources will be deployed into when
first installed. This namespace will be created by the charm and should not exist before deployment.
It defaults to metallb-system
, as this is the upstream default.
The image-registry
config option sets the image registry used for any MetalLB pods. It defaults to
. Note that this charm is workload-less, so there are no OCI-image resources associated with
it, as the charm simply applies a manifest via the Kubernetes API. You will need to use a registry that contains
the speaker and controller images required by the upstream manifest.
The metallb-release
config option controls what version of the manifest to deploy. Currently, this charm only supports
deploying 1 manifest version, v0.13.10, but more are expected to be added in the future as the Metallb project
The iprange
config option specifies IP ranges and CIDRs that load-balancer services will consume.
This should be a comma-separated list of hyphenated IP address ranges or CIDRs.
With the old pod-spec charms, you would typically create a model named metallb-system and deploy the charms into that.
To begin using the new charm, you can create a new model (called whatever you prefer, just not metallb-system) and deploy the new charm. You will
need to supply a namespace
config option with something other than metallb-system
(as that namespace already contains
a MetalLB installation) so that the new Metallb resources can be created in that. Once the charm comes up, the new
MetalLB installation will take over managing existing LoadBalancer services, and the model containing the old charms
can be deleted.
Please file bugs at
The charms can be built locally using charmcraft:
charmcraft pack
The easiest way to test MetalLB locally is with MicroK8s. Note that MicroK8s and Juju are not strictly build dependencies, so you may need to install them yourself:
snap install juju --classic
snap install microk8s --classic
sudo usermod -aG microk8s $USER
newgrp microk8s
microk8s.enable dns storage
Once that is done, you can bootstrap a Juju controller into MicroK8s and deploy a locally-packed charm
juju bootstrap microk8s
juju add-model metallb
charmcraft pack
juju deploy <charm-file-name>