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Baidu Yun Pan,
Google Driver,
Market-1203 dataset
Market-1203 dataset: This dataset contains 1203 individuals captured from two disjoint camera views. To each person, one to twelve images are captured from one to six different orientations under one camera view and are normalized to 128x64 pixels. This dataset is constructed based on the Market-1501 benchmark data and we annotate the orientation label for each image manually. We randomly select 601 individuals for training and the rest for testing.
The image name is in the form "personId_cameraId_orientationId_Id.jpg".
If you use this dataset please cite: @inproceedings{OBoA, author = {Liqian Ma, Hong Liu, Liang Hu, Can Wang, Qianru Sun}, title = {Orientation Driven Bag of Appearances for Person Re-identification}, booktitle = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, year = , month = , pages = {}, address = {}, organization={IEEE} }
Besides, this Market-1203 dataset is constructed based on Market-1501 dataset (, please also cite: @inproceedings{zheng2015scalable, title={Scalable Person Re-identification: A Benchmark}, author={Zheng, Liang and Shen, Liyue and Tian, Lu and Wang, Shengjin and Wang, Jingdong and Tian, Qi}, booktitle={Computer Vision, IEEE International Conference on}, year={2015} }