This Python Package is for getting information from the EPA's Envirofacts api.
portions of the api implemented:
- SDWIS (Safe Drinking Water Information System)
- Water Systems
- Violations
The included script gets all water safety violations for a state and outputs them into a file in csv format
the script can take the following parameters:
- -q, --quite - disables console output
- -s, -state - state to get violations for (2 letter abbreviation. ie . de, pa, ca, tx, etc.) Default: DE
- -m, --max - maximum rows to return
pip install requests
From Source
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd epa-envirofacts-api
# Run the script to verify functionality (only gets all rows for the state of Delaware [Delaware is set as the default state])
# You should see the following output
====== Water safety violations for the state: Delaware ======
---Getting water system count (step 1/8): [done] [00:00:02.51]
---Getting 1289 water systems (step 2/8): [done] [00:00:21.68]
---Getting violation count (step 3/8): [done] [00:00:05.78]
---Getting 2367 violations (step 4/8): |####################| 100.0% (1289/1289) [done] [01:15:40.93]
---Parsing water system results (step 5/8): |####################| 100.0% (1289/1289) [done] [00:00:00.50]
---Parsing violation results (step 6/8): |####################| 100.0% (3598/3598) [done] [00:00:01.25]
---Saving water system results to watersystems.csv(step 7/8): [done] [00:00:00.25]
---Saving violation results to violations.csv (step 7/8): [done] [00:00:00.54]
Script completed in: 01:16:13.45
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- Bryan Longacre - Initial work - Chaosnhatred
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.