Bodyless is cli (command line user interface for BodylessCMS). we can create, build, and deploy BodylessCMS project with this cli. This is writen in go.
To install this package do the following.
$ git clone $GOPATH/src/bodyless-cli
$ cd $GOPATH/src/bodyless-cli/
$ go build -o bodyless
$ chmod +x bodyless
$ cp bodyless /usr/local/bin/
Now test installation as bellow.
$ bodyless
usage: bodyless <command> [<args>]
-w, --CodeBucketName string
Name of the bucket where website code is deployed.
-P, --Path string
Project Location. (default ".")
-N, --ProjectName string
Name of the project.
-p, --profile string
Name of the aws profile configured. (default "default")
-r, --region string
Name of the aws region. (default "us-west-2")
-p, --path string
Project Location. (default ".")
-p, --path string
Project Location. (default ".")
-p, --path string
Project Location. (default ".")
bodyless create -w bodyless -P /tmp/ -N shadow -p default
bodyless remove -p /tmp/shadow/
If you want to do any customisation to bodylesscms, go to the given path in create command and do necessary changes and to build or deploy follow these steps.
To build bodylesscms project (after any customisations)
bodyless build -p /tmp/shadow/
To deploy bodylesscms project (after any customisations)
bodyless deploy -p /tmp/shadow/