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OpenWRT Installation

Laurent Deru edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 3 revisions

This procedure assumes that you already have a working OpenWRT build environment configured for your target and that you are familiar with it. 6LBR can be included into the OpenWRT building process and either .ipk packages or full images can be created.

6LBR feed installation

To include 6LBR in the OpenWRT building process, a feed providing the 6LBR package must be added into the OpenWRT feed configuration.

If you don't have a feeds.conf file, copy the default one :

cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf

Then append the following line :

src-git sixlbr

If you do not specify a version, you will have the latest stable 6LBR, currently 1.4.1. You can specify @develop or @1.4.x to have the latest development version.

Once done, you need to synchronise the feed and update the package list :

./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a

6LBR Compilation

Once the feed is properly confugured, 6LBR build can be enabled using, for example, the following command :

make menuconfig

6LBR itself must be enabled in the Network section, you can select 'M' to crate 6LBR as a package or 'Y' to include it into the generated firmware.

To compile the package, one can use the following command to build 6LBR and its dependencies :

make package/6lbr/install

If the compilation is successful, the package is available in the following directory :


6LBR Installation

Of the compilation is successful, you can transfer the generated .ipk file to your platform and install it with its dependencies.

opkg update # Synchronise official packages
opkg install 6lbr_1.4.1-0_....ipk

If needed, you can also install logrotate to manage 6LBR log files, or disable 6LBR logs.

6LBR Configuration

A proper /etc/6lbr/6lbr.conf file must be created in order to start up 6LBR. You can use /etc/6blr/6lbr.conf.openwrt as basis and update parameters related to your platform.

Once started, you can open the LuCI interface and create a new virtual interface mapped to tap0 and make it join the bridge.

Another possibility is to tell 6LBR to join the bridge on its own :

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