- Getting Your Code Into Jenkins
- Local Development
- Debugging A Container (Running On OpenShift)
- Watch The Logs
- Zipkin Instrumentation
To get the most of the Openshift client (oc-client
) you need some tools available for Linux, if you are stuck with Windows you have two options:
One is to use the Linux virtualization via Windows WSL which is basically Linux user-space emulated by Windows System calls.
Your second option is to use Cmder which brings the Linux feeling to your Windows day-to-day and include tools such Cygwin (Gnu/Unix popular tools ported to Windows), Git, tar, etc.
Cmder UI
Once you have your Unix-like setup you need to get the oc-client
, this will allow you to control Openshift from your command-line. You can get the binary for (Windows here or Linux) decompress and add it to your PATH:
# Linux
export PATH=$PATH:<your-decompressed-oc-client-folder-location>\
# Windows
set "PATH=%PATH%;<your-decompressed-oc-client-folder-location>\"
This Java Spring Boot Project includes a pipeline installation script that will setup a quick and simple Jenkins Pipeline using Openshift in build pipeline strategy, before using it make sure you are logged in and inside your project:
#Login into Openshift
oc login
# Authentication required for ...
# Create a project
oc new-project <your-project>
# Go to your project
oc project <your-project>
Now you can create the pipeline like this:
sh jenkins\install.sh <micro-service-name> <git-HTTP-url-to-your-code>
sh jenkins\install.sh service-b https://github.com/cesarvr/Spring-Boot.git
This will create a Openshift pipeline build which automatically do this:
- Creates (if there is none) an instance of Jenkins in your namespace/project.
- Creates a Job in this instance using the
included in the root directory of this project.
If there is a Jenkins already deployed in your in the namespace, it will reuse that one.
Once the pipeline is created it will create the Openshift components (BuildConfig, Deployment Configuration, Service and Router) to deploy your Spring Boot application. The code to create this components is stored in the root folder Jenkins folder/build.sh and is invoked by the Jenkinsfile as part of the build process:
steps {
echo "Creating Openshift Objects"
sh "echo creating objects for ${appName} && chmod +x ./jenkins/build.sh && ./jenkins/build.sh ${appName}"
The Jenkinsfile is the place that you should start customizing to fit your particular case.
One of the best ways to get a feeling of how your services behave in Openshift is to deploy your applications there, here I provide a script
to create a prototypical infrastructure to deploy a micro-service, to create this you should do:
sh jenkins\build.sh my-java-app
This creates the Openshift components to deploy Spring Boot applications.
Now we just need to send our self-bootable-server-jar there, we can do this by running the following command:
First generate the JAR:
mvn package
Before pushing JAR binaries to Openshift just keep in mind that the supported OpenJDK version is
Then push the JAR to the Build Configuration by doing:
oc start-build bc/my-java-app --from-file=target\spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --follow
If this command finish successfully, it means that there is an image in the cluster with your application.
Next step is to deploy this image you can do this by doing:
oc rollout latest dc/my-java-app
This take the container with your application and creates an instance in one of the
To access the application you need to retrieve the URL:
oc get routes my-java-app -o=jsonpath='{.spec.host}'
# my-java-service-url
Past the URL in your browser and you should be able to see your application.
The creation process with the build.sh
should be done once, to re-deploy new changes you can do this:
mvn package
oc start-build bc/my-java-app --from-file=target\spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --follow
Your changes should be now deployed.
Sometimes pushing a binary can be problematic because:
- You have a different Java version than the container.
- You don't have Maven installed.
In those cases you can send your Spring Boot source code (only Maven supported) to the Build Configuration by doing this:
oc start-build bc/my-java-app --from-file=. --follow
Everything from here is the same as the binary version:
oc rollout latest dc/my-java-app
- If something wrong happens while deploying (like
oc rollout latest
) you can check the logs of the container by doing:
oc get pod | grep my-java-app
# my-java-app-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 15m
# my-java-app-2-d6zs4 1/1 Running 0 8m
We see here two container the one with suffix build
means that this container was in charge of the building process (putting your JAR in place, configuration, etc.). The one with suffix d6zs4
(this is random) is the one holding your application, so if something is wrong at runtime you should look for the logs there, for example:
oc log my-java-app-2-d6zs4
log is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use logs instead.
Starting the Java application using /opt/run-java/run-java.sh ...
exec java -javaagent:/opt/jolokia/jolokia.jar=config=/opt/jolokia/etc/jolokia.pro...
No access restrictor found, access to any MBean is allowed
Jolokia: Agent started with URL
. ____ _ __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.2.2.RELEASE)
If the pod is crashing continuously you won't have time to see the logs
of the pod, in that case you can use the oc-debug
command to revive crashed containers.
oc get pod | grep my-java-app
# my-java-app-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 15m
# my-java-app-2-x664 1/1 Crash 0 8m
oc debug my-java-app-2-x664
# /bin/sh
This will give you a temporary shell inside the container there you can try to execute manually the JAR and see reproduce the crashing behavior.
A typical problem with highly distributed systems is that they can be a pain to debug when something goes wrong. To help with this, I included in this project Spring Boot Sleuth which implement distributed tracing capabilities in a transparent way to the user.
In addition to Sleuth this project also includes Zipkin (Sleuth Adapter) which basically sends these traces to the Zipkin server. This server also includes a dashboard where you can monitor not only the activity of the services but also their dependencies.
Watching dependencies between services
You can do some basic customization by editing the application.properties
in your resource folder:
spring.zipkin.baseUrl = https://my-zipkin-server/
spring.sleuth.sampler.probability = 1
spring.sleuth.enabled = true
spring.application.name = hello-ping-1
- Is the URL for the Zipkin server, if you want to spin up your own you can read this guide.
- Here you can choose a value between 0 and 1, where
tells sleuth to always send the traces and0
will just logs the results to the console. For example0.5
means that 50% percent of the time send the traces to the server.
- Here you can choose a value between 0 and 1, where
- This the name that identify your service.
To see how this works you can deploy two services using the provided install.sh
sh jenkins\install.sh service-a https://github.com/cesarvr/Spring-Boot.git
sh jenkins\install.sh service-b https://github.com/cesarvr/Spring-Boot.git
This will deploy two Spring Boot services
To test the instrumentation I have added to this project two additional endpoints:
Which make a call to another microservicepong
endpoint (specified by the variablePONG_ENDPOINT
) and append the response obtaining (hopefully)Ping! Pong!
Which just returnsPong!
The idea is to create the
Ping! Pong!
string by bouncing the calls between them.
Let's identify first the URL for each service using oc get route
oc get route
# service-a service-a.route.com service-a 8080 None
# service-b service-b.route.com service-b 8080 None
We setup the environment variable PONG_ENDPOINT
to point to the /pong
endpoint of the adjacent service:
oc set env dc/service-b PONG_ENDPOINT=http://service-b.route.com/pong
oc set env dc/service-a PONG_ENDPOINT=http://service-a.route.com/pong
Now we have the most resource intensive string concatenation in the world...
One thing that is not right yet is that both services share the same application.name
meaning that they will look the same. To fix this (assuming that you are running this project locally) you just need to change this value in the properties
application.name = service-b # from service-a
oc get bc
# service-a Source Binary 2
# service-b Source Binary 2
oc start-build bc/service-b --from-file=. --follow
oc rollout latest dc/service-b
In this case we changed the name to
and we rebuild the image again.
Generate some traffic:
curl http://service-b.route.com/ping
#Ping! Pong!
curl http://service-a.route.com/ping
#Ping! Pong!
curl http://service-b.route.com/ping
#Ping! Pong!
And now you can see your traces in the Zipkin dashboard:
Global view
Debugging a trace
That instance is a test one I have (ephemeral) at the moment if you want to deploy one yourself you can use this template
In reality Openshift uses an abstraction called pod whose purpose is to facilitate the deployment of one or many containers and made them behave as a single entity (or a single container). For more information about pods